Prayer In The Making Lent Bookclub



Why not join us on a Lent journey through my book "Prayer in the Making"? I'll be talking about each section of the book, and sharing a few extra thoughts on how prayer works in our lives. I'd love to have your company.


  • You need to want (Chapter 6 Part 2)

    30/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    Chapter 6: Intercession; Part 2: Heart Prayers. This is a bit about the importance of expressing our own desires in prayer ... telling God what we want. We're often afraid to do that in case we're wrong or we're being selfish, but we need to learn to pour out our own hearts if we're going to have that heart-to-Heart relationship with God.

  • Splendidly specific (Chapter 6 Part 1)

    29/03/2019 Duration: 11min

    Chapter 6: Intercessian; Part 1: Shoulder Prayers. These are the confessions of a non-specific pray-er. When it comes to intercession, I am far better at big, vague, conceptual prayers, but I want to get better about being specific in what I pray for, so these are my tips on how to sharpen up your intercession.

  • Don't feel bad for getting bored (Chapter 5 Part 2)

    27/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    Chapter 5: Action; Part 2: Doing and Making. If you're the type who finds stillness difficult, then take heart. This is me talking about how God doesn't just show up when we sit still.

  • Prayer action stories (Chapter 5 Part 1

    25/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    Chapter 5: Action; Part 1: Prayer beyond Words. Sometimes words fail us in prayer. They're not enough, or we just can't find the right ones. But fortunately God isn't limited to words. This is me telling a few stories about times when I've used actions as prayers.

  • Healing balm (Chapter 4 Part 2)

    23/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    Chapter 4: Stillness; Part 2: Feeling and Filling. Some reflections on stillness, healing and the Balm of Gilead.

  • Soul-parenting (Chapter 4 Part 1)

    21/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    Chapter 4: Stillness; Part 1: Making Space for God. Learning to still your body is one thing, but learning to still your soul is quite a different thing. Here are a few tips which might help.

  • The wonder of stories (Chapter 3 Part 2)

    19/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    Chapter 3: Listening; Part 2: Listening with the Senses. This is all about stories ... why they mean so much to us when we're little, why they still matter today, even when we're grown up, and how God uses them to speak to us.

  • God and sat navs (Chapter 3 Part 1)

    18/03/2019 Duration: 14min

    Chapter 3: Listening; Part 1: Recognising God's Voice

  • Grief is worship (Chapter 2 Part 2)

    16/03/2019 Duration: 11min

    Chapter 2: Worship; Part 2: Grief and Gratitude. This is me talking about grief: how it doesn't stop us worshipping or get in the way of worship. Grief really is worship.

  • Mini Explosions (Chapter 2 Part 1

    13/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    Chapter 2: Worship; Part 1: Presence and Praise. This is me sharing a few of my favourite tips for bringing praise and worship to life in me, especially when I've become too familiar with God's goodness ... when I'm in danger of losing my wonder.

  • Deep calls to deep (Chapter 1 Part 2)

    12/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    We're on to the second half of the Encounter chapter, called Heart to Heart, and this is me talking a bit about the importance of telling God how we feel when we pray, even if he already knows.

  • God is real (Chapter 1 Part 1)

    11/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    Today we're reading Chapter 1 Part 1: Face to face, and this is me talking about knowing God is real and present when we pray.

  • God wants to be with you (Introduction and Foreword)

    08/03/2019 Duration: 13min

    A little delve into what may be the most important thing you'll ever learn about prayer

  • Episode 1: The best and worst of Prayer (Foreword and Introduction)

    06/03/2019 Duration: 11min

    In this episode we're talking about our favourite prayer times ... and our least favourite prayer times. Go on ... join the conversation! We'd love to hear about your best and worst prayer moments ... and we promise we won't judge :)

  • Lent Bookclub info and instructions

    01/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    This is me telling you how the bookclub will work once we get started on Wednesday 6th.

  • About the Prayer in the Making Lent Bookclub

    15/02/2019 Duration: 04min

    Find out how the Bookclub will work and where you can get the book, "Prayer in the Making", by Lyndall Bywater

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