Currently, there are over 500,000 active podcast shows containing over 18.5 million episodes, and published in over 100 languages. Every day attracts more people to this still-growing form of communication. In response, The Descant Music & Media Group has created a new show that will feature an array fascinating individuals having conversations on a wide range of topics. These series will run between one and four episodes.
Lord, These Hands are Yours (w/Becky Oliver)
21/08/2019 Duration: 27minFor our very first guest episode of this show, we wanted to bring you someone with a unique journey to a happy, healthy life. Becky Oliver has been a dear friend to Celia for almost 50 years, and to me since the day I met her.We want to thank her for her generosity of spirit as she shares the laughter and tears of a truly talented individual. We hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as we enjoyed recording it, and we look forward to hearing much more from Becky in the future. Take gentle care.
I Wish I Were... (Celia's Declaration)
17/07/2019 Duration: 24minIn this premiere episode of "Songs From the Journey", co-host Celia Boone takes us behind the curtain share with us the impact a famous commercial jingle had on her life. Although thousands have enjoyed her piano playing for decades, few know of the personal and family challenges she's faced in her life. The "nerves of steel" she displayed while on stage masked feelings of fear, anger, and rebellion. Both funny and poignant, this episode presents, in a new light, a well-known song that served as a declaration of independence for a remarkable musician and person!You can listen to the featured music contained in this episode, as performed by Celia and Ken Boone, by visiting the Home Page of our website. Just scroll down to the "Music & More" section and click on the Soundcloud icon. We're at: