Holding It(,) Together



Mennonite Church USAs Women in Leadership Project has teamed up with The Mennonite, Inc., to produce Holding it(,) Together, a podcast that will delve into lives and experiences of people across Mennonite Church USA. Well connect with folks from all over the country: people living into the fullness of who God created them to be, people stepping out in faith and standing in their conviction, individuals who are doing their best, one day at a time, to love God and neighbor, midwifing new systems and new ways of being in the world.Our stories and interviews are with people like you and me, those of us who daily encounter mundane responsibility, joy and struggle, imperfection in the midst high aspirations, accomplishment and disappointment. Too often in the context of faith and lived experience, the stories we tell are stories of overcoming, of success, of all that is waiting on the other side. On this podcast, we want to notice the beauty of the process, to paint pictures of authentic and whole people. Here, we recognize that to live out our convictions and co-create new ways of being in the world, we need one another. We need each other to hold together with us all that we carry in our journey of becoming. We need each other to bear witness to the process, because yes, some days we do shine, we are successful beyond our wildest imaginings. But most days, were just holding it together.


  • Episode 10: Breaking Silences: Infertility, Miscarriage and Infant Loss

    21/12/2018 Duration: 39min

    In the last episode of 2018 (and the series), Rachel Epp Miller and Sarah Bixler break silences and talk frankly about infertility, miscarriage and infant loss. They tenderly share their individual journeys with one another and open space for honest questions as they struggle to find hope, support, healing and God through it all. Theme music by Addie Liechty (https://www.facebook.com/addieandthesubtrax/) Other music by: www.bensound.com Special Guests: Rachel Epp Miller and Sarah Bixler.

  • Yvette Blair

    11/10/2018 Duration: 18min

    In three Women Doing Theology shorts, we're introducing our main-stage presenters at the upcoming #WDT18 conference in November. Our theme is Talkin' Bout a Revolution: Dialogue Practice and the work of Liberation. At the conference we'll get to know our presenters' thoughts and ideas, but we wanted to offer an opportunity to get to know them on a human level. In this episode, we meet Yvette. Find out more info about #WDT18 at www.MennoniteUSA.org/wdt18 . Theme music by Addie Liechty (https://www.facebook.com/addieandthesubtrax/) Other music by Maria Pien (https://freemusicarchive.org/search/?quicksearch=Maria+Pien) Special Guest: Yvette Blair.

  • Malinda Elizabeth Berry

    01/10/2018 Duration: 16min

    In three Women Doing Theology shorts, we're introducing our main-stage presenters at the upcoming #WDT18 conference in November. Our theme is Talkin' Bout a Revolution: Dialogue Practice and the work of Liberation. At the conference we'll get to know our presenters' thoughts and ideas, but we wanted to offer an opportunity to get to know them on a human level. In this episode, we meet Malinda. Find out more info about #WDT18 at www.MennoniteUSA.org/wdt18 . Theme music by Addie Liechty (https://www.facebook.com/addieandthesubtrax/) Other music by Maria Pien (https://freemusicarchive.org/search/?quicksearch=Maria+Pien) Special Guest: Malinda Elizabeth Berry.

  • Episode 9: Breaking Silences: Mental Illness

    17/09/2018 Duration: 24min

    If you live with mental illness, it can be too easy to believe you are all alone. We believe we must pretend that "everything's fine," because sharing our reality with others is just too terrifying. Jill Stemple helps us to break silence around mental illness as she reads, "Learning to be known and loved: The movement from hiding mental illness to sharing it with the church," an article she wrote for The Mennonite magazine in July of 2016. Theme music by Addie Liechty (https://www.facebook.com/addieandthesubtrax/) Other music by: www.bensound.com Special Guest: Jill Stemple.

  • Episode 8: Breaking Silences: Wholeness

    27/08/2018 Duration: 34min

    As we seek to make meaning of the darkness in our life's story, how do we take back power from the events that we've allowed to define us and embrace wholeness? In this episode, we break silences with Claire DeBerg, as she reads her essay, "Choosing Love: Adultery, Adoption, Abundance." Theme music by Addie Liechty (https://www.facebook.com/addieandthesubtrax/) Other music by: www.bensound.com Special Guest: Claire DeBerg.

  • Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros

    13/08/2018 Duration: 18min

    In three Women Doing Theology shorts, we're introducing our main-stage presenters at the upcoming #WDT18 conference in November. Our theme is Talkin' Bout a Revolution: Dialogue Practice and the work of Liberation. At the conference we'll get to know our presenters' thoughts and ideas, but we wanted to offer an opportunity to get to know them on a human level. First we'll meet Carolina. Find out more info about #WDT18 at www.MennoniteUSA.org/wdt18 . Theme music by Addie Liechty (https://www.facebook.com/addieandthesubtrax/) Other music by Maria Pien (https://freemusicarchive.org/search/?quicksearch=Maria+Pien) Special Guest: Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros.

  • Episode 7: Breaking Silences: Failure

    16/07/2018 Duration: 40min

    Why is it so difficult to talk about our failure? In the second episode of our “Breaking Silences” series, Jenny talks with three women: Elizabeth Soto Albrecht, Linda Gehman Peachey and Marathana Prothro, to explore failure — how it shapes who we are and who we become, and all it has to teach us when we face it. Theme music by Addie Liechty (https://www.facebook.com/addieandthesubtrax/) Other music by: www.bensound.com Special Guests: Elizabeth Soto Albrecht , Linda Gehman Peachey, and Marathana Prothro.

  • Episode 6: Breaking Silences: Singleness

    25/06/2018 Duration: 27min

    This summer we’re focusing on “Breaking Silences” and talking about things we’ve typically avoided. We’re choosing to release shame, fear and discomfort as we courageously face conversations that have been put off for too long. In this episode, Erica Littlewolf reads her essay “On Singleness and the Church” published on the Menno Snapshots blog in August 2016. In the conversation that follows, Jenny and Erica explore the pressure single women face in the church, touching on sexism, purity culture and belonging. Theme music by Addie Liechty (https://www.facebook.com/addieandthesubtrax/) Other music by: www.bensound.com Special Guest: Erica Littlewolf.

  • Episode 5: Women in Leadership: Nancy, Sue, Janet, Emily and Shirley

    04/06/2018 Duration: 24min

    We conclude our series “Women in Leadership” with a talkback episode. We’ve invited five women from across the country to consider one event, experience or interaction that significantly shaped their leadership. Their stories are as unique as the women themselves and get to the heart of challenges and triumphs we’ve attempted to capture throughout this series. At the same time, their stories are universal, touching themes that continue to bubble up when we talk about women in leadership. Special Guests: Emily Kauffman, Janet Stauffer, Nancy Kauffmann, Shirley Hershey Showalter, and Sue Park Hur.

  • Episode 4: Women in Leadership: Melissa

    07/05/2018 Duration: 31min

    How do we as women in leadership navigate through expectations about our bodies imposed upon us by the white patriarchy that is embedded within our faith communities? What do we have to strip away? What do we have to let go of? We continue our series “Women in Leadership” with Melissa Florer-Bixler, pastor of Raleigh (North Carolina) Mennonite Church. Special Guest: Melissa Florer-Bixler.

  • Episode 3: Women in Leadership: Gayle, Malinda and Alison

    16/04/2018 Duration: 25min

    What is imagination’s role in resistance? How does personal transformation influence systemic change? How do we hold the tension of all that we’re working for together with finding joy in our journey? Jenny talks with three women – connected through Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Indiana – whose life and work has spanned three generations. They gather together for the first time to explore their overlapping yet distinct stories. Special Guests: Alison Brookins , Gayle Gerber Koontz, and Malinda Berry.

  • Episode 2: Women in Leadership: Chris

    26/03/2018 Duration: 23min

    In October of 2016, Chris Hoover Seidel wrote, For the Body Tells Me So, an article exploring the disconnection and trauma inside her physical body as metaphor for the church, and our collective trauma and disconnection. What could it look like to stand in solidarity with ourselves, to be present our collective pain, to become faith communities that embrace God's divine presence embodied through us all? Special Guest: Chris Hoover Seidel.

  • Episode 1: Women in Leadership: Iris and Michelle

    09/03/2018 Duration: 40min

    Privilege and opportunity, growth into leadership, spiritual journey, culture, encountering joy. Iris de León-Hartshorn and Michelle Armster have been friends for over 30 years. In this first ever episode of Holding it(,) Together, find stories, wisdom and inspiration as we listen in to an honest conversation between friends. Special Guests: Iris de Leon-Hartshorn and Michelle Armster.