Project: "we Thrive"



So many married couples secretly struggle financially in life. Hey, we've personally been there. I believe that every marriage has untapped ability to create an abundant life & it has a lot more to do with how you think and act than how much money you have.Project "We Thrive" is my attempt to help couples take their first steps to crafting their version of the good life.


  • Episode 9: Thrive Mindset #7: Watch What You Say...Literally

    26/07/2018 Duration: 16min

    In this episode we are going to talk about your talking. What you say and how it impacts your ability to thrive as a couple and in life. Words have so much power.

  • Episode 8: Thrive Mindset #6: Lifestyle Over Money

    05/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    Lifestyle will always be more important than the money that funds it. Money is only a partner which helps you achieve your lifestyle and giveback goals. In this episode we dive into why you guys should always keep lifestyle over money and how it impacts your abundance building.

  • Episode 7: Thrive Mindset #5 Givers Get Greater

    28/06/2018 Duration: 06min

    We always want to get the best results in life and there is a surefire way to make sure that we do. Ready for it... GIVE! Yep, that's it, give. If we want to have greater success, happiness, health, abundance or any good thing in life we have to place our attention on giving.

  • Episode 6: Thrive Mindset Aha #4: "Abundance is Your Norm"

    24/05/2018 Duration: 21min

    Today we’re hitting Thrive Mindset #4 which is "Abundance is Your Norm". Now I talk a lot about abundance, but what do we really mean when we say "abundance"? Are we just talking about a lot of money or just good warm and fuzzy feeling of happiness. Well the dictionary defines abundance’s as an extremely plentiful or over-sufficient quantity or supply of anything. It means overflowing fullness. So when we wrap that up in the context of the abundant life, it means a life that is extremely plentiful and an overflowing fullness of everything that enriches and enhances our life and lifestyle. Listen in for the full scoop.

  • Episode 5: Thrive Mindset Aha #3: Elevate Over Mistakes

    18/05/2018 Duration: 10min

    Listen, we all have made money mistakes that we wish that we could take back. In this podcast episode I will share with you how every thrive couple deals with past mistakes and failures with money and in life and what you can do to let go of the past so it doesn’t limit your progress to abundance. Take a listen and don't forget to join or start the conversation over at

  • Episode 4: Thrive Mindset Aha #2: Believe - Act - Receive

    10/05/2018 Duration: 17min

    This is the process that you use every single day to get the results you get. It is the process you will use to get the results you want. It is controlled by your habit-center or your subconscious mind, so you do it without even thinking about it or even knowing it.. When you think of everything that you want to have in life. This is the process that will help you get it. With intentional use of this process you will produce an abundant life that you love

  • Thrive Mindset Aha #1: Every Couple Creates

    03/05/2018 Duration: 12min

    Over the next few weeks I will be giving you guys 8 Thrive Mindset Aha's. This week we download mindset #1 explaining the power of lifestyle creation that you possess. Just knowing that you have control of what you experience changes the game forever.

  • Our Story + The 4 Points of Thrive Clarity Every Cuple Must Have

    28/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    In this episode we go back in time to hear all about our story and journey and what exactly happened to bring Thrive Couple about, but that’s not all. I will also give you the 4 points of thrive clarity that every couple must have in order to properly launch into their abundant life building.

  • Why Millennials? Why Marriage? Why Money?

    18/04/2018 Duration: 11min

    In this kickoff episode, I explain why I focus on millennials, marriages, & money. I also get down to what ThriveCouple and the PWT podcast is all about.