Soul Ceo



Soul CEO is a podcast for women who know they are meant for MORE; more freedom, more love, more relationships, more money, more LIFE! Life and business coach Lindsey Mango shares her mindset tools to help you create and attract EVERYTHING you have ever wanted. Become the woman you DESIRE by becoming the CEO of your soul, life, and business. If you want to go even deeper with this work, go check out my free training on how I created a multiple six-figure business, attracted the man of my dreams and created a life with complete time freedom


  • Social Media Marketing: "It's not working"

    22/05/2024 Duration: 18min

    S1 Ep40: If you’re anything like this week’s caller, Lindsey, you probably think there’s some secret, perfect way to get people to want to work with you. Maybe you believe deep down that your people don’t actually want to schedule a call with you, and that's why your social media marketing isn't working. In this episode, I coach Lindsey on her thought that her content isn’t creating consults, and her fear that people don’t actually want or need coaching. We’re investigating how she shows up from this energy, and the mindset shift that will help her make offers with confidence and ease.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to

  • Starting a business: "What if no one joins?"

    15/05/2024 Duration: 28min

    S1 Ep39: Kelsey recently pivoted in her business and is moving towards establishing herself in a new niche. She has big plans for a membership program, but she also has some unhelpful thoughts standing in her way, so she called The Life Coach Hotline. Tune in to hear Kelsey get coached on the energy she's bringing to her business, and the changes she's thinking about making. I'm helping her see the bigger picture as she shifts her niche and figures out what she wants her business to look like.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to

  • "My job is keeping me from starting my dream business"

    08/05/2024 Duration: 15min

    S1 Ep38: Courtney has been a nurse practitioner for seven years, but two years ago she decided to follow her calling and become a life coach alongside her career. It’s been a journey, and Courtney called The Life Coach Hotline because she’s experiencing some fear that’s blocking her from going all in on her life coaching dream. Tune in this week and get an insight into the shifts in thought required to truly believe you can build a coaching business while still giving attention to your career outside of coaching.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to  

  • "I don't have enough time to do the things I want"

    01/05/2024 Duration: 17min

    S1 Ep37: How often do you find yourself saying you don’t have enough time to do the things you want or have committed to? Kaumundi called in to The Life Coach Hotline this week feeling depleted, resentful, and unable to stand up for the commitments and plans she wants to pursue. We explore what might be bubbling under the surface that’s causing her to believe she doesn’t have enough time, and I show her how giving herself the gift of time, joy, and pleasure is also a gift to the people in her life.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to

  • “Help! I’m scared of increasing my prices”

    24/04/2024 Duration: 17min

    S1 Ep36: When you have a business, you want to charge what you know your services are worth. However, there may be a part of you that’s worried about whether your potential clients can afford it, like this week's caller. Jessica wants to charge more for her services, but she’s hung up on the belief that there’s no way people can afford to pay $5k for coaching. Tune in this week as I help Jessica see how she’s limiting what’s possible for herself as an entrepreneur and how she can move forward and keep offering value from a more empowered place.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to

  • “I want to get paid to help people, but I’m scared I have nothing to offer”

    17/04/2024 Duration: 18min

    S1 Ep35: Lana called The Life Coach Hotline feeling stuck. She had been dreaming of becoming a life coach for the past three years and she wants to help people and sign clients, but she’s afraid that she doesn’t have anything to offer. Listen in as I share how believing you need paying clients to have the confidence to sign more clients is holding you back, and Lana gets some clarity around the lack of belief that’s stopping her from being the best coach she can possibly be.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to

  • "I am half in and half out on my dream"

    10/04/2024 Duration: 16min

    S1 Ep34: Debbie thinks stalling her growth and staying unattached will prevent her from feeling terrible if her business were to potentially fail. Tune in this week as I coach Debbie on her fear of being 100% committed to her coaching business and the reasons she’s giving herself an out. She’s sharing what she imagines being all-in on her business will be like, and I’m inviting her to redefine what success and failure mean so she can give her business her all.    Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • "How do I know if this relationship is 'the one'?"

    03/04/2024 Duration: 20min

    S1 Ep33: Do you believe your romantic relationships should be easy? This week's caller loves her partner but is also unsure if this relationship is right for her. Listen in to hear why she is struggling in her romantic relationship and the doubts she’s experiencing. She’s sharing her current beliefs about romantic relationships, and I’m coaching her through the hidden story underneath it all so she can navigate her relationship feeling empowered.    Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • "My potential clients keep ghosting me"

    27/03/2024 Duration: 13min

    S1 Ep32: Georgie is in the midst of trying to fill her coaching practice, but her potential clients keep ghosting her. She called in to The Life Coach Hotline for help, and I’m offering her my thoughts. I’m showing her why potential clients ghosting her is not a problem, how it’s actually a sign that the consult process is working, and the new thoughts she has to practice to show up differently in her business.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • "I'm afraid of both succeeding and failing"

    20/03/2024 Duration: 18min

    S1 Ep31: The fear of both failure and success sounds contradictory, but it’s more common than you might think. Rhonda called in to The Life Coach Hotline with the same fear, and she’s requesting coaching so she can finally take action on the dreams she has for her life and career. Hear how her fear of failure and success are manifesting in her life, which unhelpful thoughts are keeping her paralyzed, and I’m coaching her through her perceived obstacles so she can take action toward her goals right now.    Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • Dating with 5 kids AND a business: How to do it all (EASILY)

    13/03/2024 Duration: 10min

    S1 Ep30: Do you feel like you’re too busy to make your dreams happen? Bethany called in to The Life Coach Hotline because she’s currently seeking more balance in her life. At this moment, she’s raising five kids, working part-time, dating, and trying to start her coaching practice, and finding balance just seems impossible. You’ll hear me coach her through the resistance she’s feeling around starting her business, and the mindset shift she experienced during our call.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • "I am confused about my niche"

    06/03/2024 Duration: 15min

    S1 Ep29: Camille recently made the decision to launch her coaching business. She felt called to step into her gifts as a coach, but is having trouble making her niche concrete and wants help identifying her perfect audience. Join us on this episode to hear the dilemma Camille is experiencing around her niche and the coaching I’m offering her so she can move forward confidently. We’re also exploring her fears around coaching people older than her, and the business know-how she believes is missing to make her practice a success.    Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • "Is my purpose EVER going to come to fruition?"

    28/02/2024 Duration: 16min

    S1 Ep28: Monica called in to The Life Coach Hotline with concerns about living out her purpose. She wants help figuring out how to really nail down her purpose when it feels like everything she’s done or is doing leads to a dead end, and it’s leaving her feeling exhausted and defeated every day. You’ll hear what it means to be connected to your purpose, and the shift Monica experienced on this call about the opportunities she has right now to feel at ease and confident about her desired results.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • "Who do I have to become to make a million dollars?"

    21/02/2024 Duration: 17min

    S1 Ep27: Saren called The Life Coach Hotline because she’s currently elevating her self-concept to become a million-dollar earner in one year with her life coaching business. She can see it happening and she knows how she’s going to get there, but she’s trying to figure out who she’s becoming on her way there. We’re exploring the traps of up-leveling our self-concept, and I’m offering Saren the mindset shift she needs to see her million-dollar business journey in a new light.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • Marriage: Making it better than it's ever been

    14/02/2024 Duration: 17min

    S1 Ep26: Amy, who, after four years of being divorced, has decided to get back with her ex-husband. Despite the growth and healing that took place on both sides for this to happen, she’s uncovered some fears about her decision, and she’s asking for some coaching. While Amy has never felt more sure about getting back with her ex-husband, she’s also questioning if things really can be different this time.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • Money: "Wanting to make more feels selfish"

    07/02/2024 Duration: 14min

    S1 Ep25: Do you find yourself wanting to make more money but feeling uncomfortable about admitting it? After living in survival mode, Chanel called The Life Coach Hotline to discuss the discomfort she feels now that she makes more money. Tune in this week to discover how to get rid of the feeling of selfishness when you earn well-deserved money. I’m discussing with Chanel how to separate herself from money and we work on different ways to be generous while also taking care of ourselves.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • "I keep settling even though I want more"

    31/01/2024 Duration: 12min

    S1 Ep24: What does your no-turning-back moment look like? How do you want to feel when you’re on your deathbed taking your last breath? And what does it mean to live a beautiful, full life? In this episode, I coach Maria on what it means to go all-in on her potential, and how to trust in her dreams. She’s sharing the reasons why she thinks she can’t fulfill her potential, and the profound shift she experienced during our call.    Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • Coach the Experts: I Get Coached

    24/01/2024 Duration: 31min

    S1 Ep23: You’ve been a fly on the wall for me coaching the mentors and leaders that you admire, hearing what their minds offer them, the drama they have, and where they want to improve. But this week, I’ve got something a little different: I’m getting coached on the final episode of my Coach the Experts Series!   Tune in this week for a look inside my brain. My husband Chris is back on the podcast to coach me, this time about how I’m showing up in my life and business. You’ll learn how to show up as if millions of people are hanging on your every word, and what this looks like when you’re sharing yourself with full authenticity.   Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • Coach the Experts: Chris Harder

    17/01/2024 Duration: 33min

    S1 Ep22: Do you find yourself violating the boundaries you’ve set in your life? Have you set a standard that you no longer want to keep? What are some of the fears that have you acting out of alignment with your values? And how could it be the best thing for the people you care for to set and uphold your boundaries?   On this week’s Coach the Experts episode, I’m speaking to entrepreneur, philanthropist, and business strategist, Chris Harder. Chris runs an extremely successful mastermind that requires a sizeable investment, and he’s on the show today to get some coaching on the way he’s violated his own boundaries and his desire to uphold them once again. You’ll hear me coach him through his fears, and the shift he’s landed on that supports the sustainability of his time, his program, and his people.    Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango

  • Coach the Experts: Ashley Gordon

    10/01/2024 Duration: 26min

    S1 Ep21: What would it be like to be a fly on the wall of the coaches, mentors, and leaders that you admire to hear what their minds offer them, the drama they have, and the things they need coaching on? My Coach the Experts series gives you that glimpse.   Ashley Gordon is the creator of the Quantum Coaching Academy where she trains the next generation of world-class coaches and leaders. She’s currently in the middle of a quantum leap in her business, and she’s experiencing some drama about her upcoming million-dollar launch. Hear how I’m helping her reframe her fears and the gems that you too can take away and apply to whatever goal or vision you have for your life or business.    Click here for full show notes, transcript, and more information:   If you want to call in to The Life Coach Hotline, go to lindseymango  

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