Cloud Streaks



Chats between James and Duncan on anything we find interesting... hopefully you find it interesting as well :)Please note all statements are the individuals own and do not represent the organisations they work for.


  • 83. Do humans need meaning? Are wokeness and Trumpism new age religions? Mentioning Yuval Harari...

    24/05/2024 Duration: 01h58s “Religion is an attempt to find meaning in events, not a theory that tries to explain the universe.” It exists because we humans are the only species, so far as we can know, who have evolved to know explicitly that, one day in the future, we will die. And this existential fact requires some way of reconciling us to it while we are alive. No meaning = Hopelessness. What is wokeness? If you want to contact us please do so at

  • 82. Is Free Speech Right? Mentioning Sam Harris, Ben Thompson, Yuval Harai & More.

    04/02/2024 Duration: 56min

    "Free speech is the master value as it's the value that updates all othe values." “I’m worried that as technology gets more powerful that it’ll be easier for the minorities who want to screw things up, to screw things up.” “Today it’s possible for one person to derange the lives of million, even billions of people.” Sam Harris. Who is worse for free speech? The hard left or the hard right? IMO the hard left. Woke people. “Woke mind virus is the biggest threat to the civilization” IMO extremists on the left or the right are the problem. Extremists in general. The more annoyed they get about each other the worse. IMO wokeism is much more accepted in main stream than trumpism. Woke: a state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough to find injustice in everythign exepct their own behaviour. It's interesting. This is causing the loss of free speech. And that is hard core problematic because handing power to governments who normally don't give it back. Power corrupts, and ultimate power corrupts ultim

  • 81. What Is Good Parenting? Eastern Vs Western Parenting. Mentioning Amy Chua, Dr Becky Kennedy.

    05/01/2024 Duration: 01h30s

    What is good parenting = 1. Like school + 2. Have good friends + 3. Good parent / child relationship + 4. Good academic outcomes (top 10%) + 5. Good extra curricula. Eastern and Western parenting. It's important to remember that parenting styles within any culture. 1. *Education Focus*: - Eastern: There's often a strong emphasis on academic achievement, discipline, and respect for authority. - Western: Education may be more balanced with extracurricular activities, encouraging creativity and individual interests. 2. *Discipline*: - Eastern: Discipline is generally more strict, with a greater emphasis on obedience and conformity to family and societal expectations. - Western: Discipline may be more flexible, focusing on reasoning with the child and understanding their perspective. 3. *Independence*: - Eastern: Independence is encouraged later, often after foundational values and behaviors are instilled. - Western: There's a strong emphasis on fostering independence from an early age,

  • 80. Is A Colour Blind Society The Answer? Mentioning Jon Haidt, Yascha Mounk, Coleman Hughes & More

    18/11/2023 Duration: 55min

    - The Insidious Lie That We Can’t Understand Each Other: - A Case for Color Blindness | Coleman Hughes | TED: - Compelling case for our colourblind Constitution If you want to contact us please do so at

  • 79. What Makes An Enrepreneur? Mentioning Marc Andreessen, Jay Z, Andrew HUberman & More.

    08/10/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Podcast: - Marc Andreessen: How Risk Taking, Innovation & Artificial Intelligence Transform Human Experience - Big 5 personality traits: - - conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless) - agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/rational) - neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident) - openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious) - extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved) Andreessen summary on traits of an innovator: - **Trait Openness:** A crucial attribute which means they are receptive to new ideas across various domains. This openness isn’t confined to just their field of expertise but spans across different aspects of life. - **Conscientiousness:** Merely being open to ideas isn’t enough. Innovators must be committed, hardworking, and must be able to defer gratification to see their vision come to life. It’s about consiste

  • 78. Vision Vs Delusion. Mentioning Paul Graham, Sam Altman, David Deutsch, Tim Urban & More.

    16/09/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Trust = Consistency * Time. Ray Dalio. Bad news early is good news as you have time to do something about it. Anything that isn’t against the laws of physics can be invented. David Deutsch The job of a founder is to find solutions to impossible problems. Sam Altman. People like to talk about the importance of "vision," but ultimately running a startup is like doing science: you have to follow the truth wherever it leads. Vision is only valuable insofar as it predicts where you'll find truth. Paul Graham Cult leader vs Scientist. Zealot vs Scientist. Tim Urban. Facts vs opinions. - Facts you can be objective. - For opinions better to be use scientific language which is more 'probability based'. If you want to contact us please do so at

  • 77. Inteligence: Built Or Born? Mentioning Lex Fridman, Richard Haier, Sam Harris, Charles Murray.

    20/08/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Relevant links: - Mental abilities = 1. Quantity * 2. Quality - Link to what the most popular IQ test consists of. - Intelligence continuum: inherited (born) built - Lex Fridman Podcast: Richard Haier: IQ Tests, Human Intelligence, and Group Differences | #302 | - Sam Harris Podcast: Forbidden Knowledge: A Conversation with Charles Murray. - There are material quantity differences in the time students spend upgradings. If you want to contact us please do so at

  • 76. Designed Vs Default Expectations. Mentioning Tim Urban, John Gottman, Esther Perel & more

    16/07/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    - Esther Perel: People used to leave relationships because they were unhappy, now people level them to because they want to be more happy. - Tim Urban: Happiness = Reality - Expectations - John Gottman relationship stages: Phase 1: Falling in Love – Limerence · Phase 2: Building Trust · Phase 3: Building Commitment and Loyalty. - Elon Musk: 'Who wrote the code running in your head?' Or are the values you have 'written by you', or by someone else. We think that it's better to understand what the values are, where they came from, and then to try and see what values you think make the most sense for you. That the world should 'pluralistic' in certain areas (ie many different types of values can be good) and uniform in others (eg no stealing). But that also you can and should update your values over time when you think it makes sense! A couple of blogs from Duncan that we feel are relevant: - -

  • 75. What Are The Most Enjoyable Things In Your Life? Mentioning Maslow, Buddism, Hedonism & more

    01/07/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Relevant links and ideas: - Purpose Vs Play Vs Peace: Plentiful Ingredients For A Pleasant Life. - Satisfaction vs Happiness. - Maslow's heirarchy of needs. If you want to contact us please do so at

  • 74. Intellectual Fragility. Mentioning Jonathan Haidt, Naval Ravikant, Mark Fisher & more

    04/06/2023 Duration: 57min

    Relevant articles. - Intellectual fragility: - Exiting the Vampire Castle: - Naval: the the foundation morality is the creation of an environment that allows for error correction. - Good intentions don't necessarily lead to good outcomes. - Tim urban: Victim culture vs Dignity culture vs Honour culture. If you want to contact us please do so at

  • 73. AMA 3 - Discussing cognitive biases, Daniel Kahneman, people management, Charlie Munger,

    27/04/2023 Duration: 01h32min

    If you want to contact us:

  • 72. Is Cancel Culture Helpful Or Harmful? Mentioning Tim Urban, Jonathan Haidt & More

    07/04/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Outcome = 1. The issue you care about * 2. The strategy you have to improve things for the issue * 3. The way you interact with others to try and update their views to align more with your... or that you update your views based on interactions with othes. - The last part I think is where Cancel Culture is concerned. - You can agree with the issue being important, agree with the strategy someone has to make a difference about the issue, but disagree with how they interact with others. Often these three things are joined together. Contact us:

  • 71. Wokeness Vs Trumpism Vs Religion. Mentioning Tim Urban, Jonathan Haidt, Ben Thompson & more

    13/03/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    System of justice or system of revenge. Rule of law or rule of power. "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire. "I disapprove of what you say, and I will find to the death to get you cancelled." Woke culture. They came to believe that they were fragile and would be harmed by books, speakers, and words, which they learned were forms of violence (Great Untruth #1). They came to believe that their emotions—especially their anxieties—were reliable guides to reality (Great Untruth #2). Feelings matter more than objective reality. They came to see society as comprised of victims and oppressors—good people and bad people (Great Untruth #3). “Those who cannot change their mind cannot change anything.” Churchill. Contact us:

  • 70. AMA 2 - Discussing managing your energy, postive sum conversations, not always being mindful

    06/03/2023 Duration: 01h50min

    If you want to contact us:

  • 69.Discussing ChatGPT & Sydney. Mentioning Kevin Roose, Nick Bostrom, Ray Kurzweil & Elon Musk

    24/02/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    AGI = Intelligence (can upgrade itself) * Sentience (is self aware) - Bing’s A.I. Chat: ‘I Want to Be Alive.

  • 67. Mindsets matter: Helpful vs harmful mindsets. Mentioning Martin Seligman, Ben Shapiro, Jo Boaler

    29/01/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Jo Boaler - Mindset are the biggest thing to help improve maths outcomes. Martin Seligman - You can build resiliance: Don't be bitter, be better. Post traumtic stress vs Post traumatic growth. Fixed mindset vs Growth mindset. Fictim mindset vs Innovator mindset Learned helplessness vs Learned help yourselfness I was either right, or I learned something. I'm not trying to raise a child, I'm trying to raise a future adult. Life outcome = Starting point + Effort Low expectations = Bad High expectations = Good. You rise to the level of your expectations. Unrealisticly high expectations = Bad. Instrinsic motivation vs Extrinsic motivation. Contact us at:

  • 67. AMA - Ask Duncan Anything from Jess. Mentioning Trump, Alabnese, Jo Boaler, Nietzsche & more

    16/01/2023 Duration: 01h52min

    If you want to contact us:

  • 66. The strongest understanding of reality is th foundation upon which everything is built.

    12/12/2022 Duration: 53min

    A core strategy for having a strong understanding of reality is having an objective measure for what progress is. We believe it's possible to have objective measures cover 80% or more of a subjective space. Some ideas discussed: - Diagnose before you prescribe: - Don’t get high on your supply: - Known, ego distortion, blind spot: - Success as intoxicant - Scott Galloway. - Humble mindset vs hubris mindset vs harmful mindset: Possible subjective measures for a personal life: - Saving money each year - ~10 close friends where the depth of your relationship improves each year - Helping your work mov

  • 65. Twitter, A Digital Townsquare & Free Speech Laws. Mentioning Elon, Ben Thompson & more

    14/11/2022 Duration: 01h03min

    Levels of the political system: 1. Politicians. 2. The laws of democracy. 3. The media. 4. Voters. - I consider it easiest to make a difference in the short term through the media and specifically through Twitter. Freedom of speech is not freedom or reach. Free speech doesn't mean one can say anything one wants. - Ben Thompson, Stratechery and the 5th estate: - - First three estates = three branches of government: the executive, legislative, and judicial. If you want to contact us please do so at - Fourth Estate = The press - Fifth Estate = Social media

  • 64. How Do People Go From Average To Great? Mentioning Jo Boaler, Carol Dweck, Warren Buffett & more

    23/10/2022 Duration: 56min

    Levelling up = Quantity * Quality - Quality is normally a function of past quantity. Over time the quality should improves. Places with ceiling vs ceilingless places. - In ceilingless mental places we believe one can level up indefinitely. Discipline = freedom. Jocko Willink. Discipline = More discipline. - Routine is cruicial to being able to do what you want. - First you make your habits, then your habits make you. Average IQ goes up. - Dunning Kruger: - The more I know the less i know. -*6ss9wuGIVSnPKOKmCeS3tA.jpeg Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation. - Buffett and internal vs external score card. Passions can be built. -

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