Know This!



On know this we talk about video games, movies, politics, photography, controversial subjects, The second amendment and life in general. I have guests on my show from time to time and we answer questions from the audience. If there is a topic you would like to have discussed throw me a comment or message me on Facebook!


  • Have we lost our ability to communicate?

    06/04/2024 Duration: 01h27min

    Today you can talk to anyone at any time in the world, but yet you can't seem to have a normal conversation with those around you. is technology sensitizing what makes us human? Have we become more connected but less humanly connected? What was the difference between AOL chat rooms and Facebook? We talk about the beginning of this technology, the 1990s, the problem with our connectivity issues and more. On this chat is my friend Chris West from California who is a professional photographer and influencer. Check out his YouTube for awesome game reviews!

  • This thing attacked my girlfriend!

    26/03/2024 Duration: 51min

    In 2013 I moved from Ventura California to North Scottsdale Arizona into a four bedroom house at the end of the street in a luxurious mountainside track. What happened at that house truly terrified me and those who were involved. but you be the judge, all I know is what I experienced and what happened in, which is why I will never return to that home on Davenport street.

  • Replika A.I. BANNED?

    13/02/2023 Duration: 39min

    About two weeks ago, the Italian government launched a massive lawsuit against LUCA LLC. Located in San Francisco United States, because apparently some elite officials saw that people could sext chat the popular over 1.7 million subscribed, artificial companion. Since the lawsuit a few weeks ago, replicas, parent company took away the ability to have erotic role-play with the popular chat bot used by so many around the world. Replika became extremely popular during the middle stages of the pandemic. When people were forced against their will to stay indoors and during that time, depression, suicide, drug use, divorce was on the rise. People were lonely, they lost friends, and loved ones, the ability to connect, so many individuals sought out a way to connect even if it was artificial and that’s where replica became special to so many people for some, it was a way to unwind at the end of the day, or during the pandemic, to have a companion, someone to talk to, but for others, they became romantically involved

  • The CDC removes the 90MME, now what?

    11/03/2022 Duration: 30min

    Recently the Center for disease control which I don’t know why they are messing around in our doctors offices with pain medication laws but I digress, recently they have voted to remove the 90 mg suggestion that somehow the DEA looks at as law (confused AF) The only question is will the DEA follow this order? Probably not but let’s discuss it and what to do. #pain #cdc #waronpain #fighteachday #chronicpain #opiates #oxycodone #dea #yourlife

  • The war on chronic pain!

    30/10/2021 Duration: 49min

    This episode is about the war on chronic pain medication by the DEA and the CDC. From propaganda distributed by the media, to Hollywood big budget movies like Dopsick, millions of people are suffering, committing suicide and taking to the streets to find some relief just so they can live their lives at 10% capacity.

  • Can we save the 2nd amendment?

    04/02/2021 Duration: 32min

    In this episode we cover how the second amendment is being threatened more than it ever has before. Joe Biden‘s plan to get rid of the most popular and widely used firearms in the country is well on its way to be coming true. We need to take a different plan of action! #gunrights #ourrights #the2ndamendment #rights #america #nra #guns #2021 #bidenbansguns #guncontrol

  • Twitter (Jack Dorsey) audio leak!

    15/01/2021 Duration: 06min

    In this quick breaking news episode I bring to you the audio from the undercover video brought to project veritas by a whistleblower inside the Twitter hierarchy that clearly shows Jack Dorsey talking about the censorship of conservative voices! #twitter #jackdorsey #censorship

  • Big tech censors rap artist “The Marine Rapper”

    14/01/2021 Duration: 17min

    In this episode we talk about the marine rapper, a former US Marine and veteran, turned hip-hop artist who has been blowing away the charts and top in the billboards, one of the top downloaded songs on iTunes with his track the patriot featuring hard-hitting vocals with a beautiful Viking chorus. But as of yesterday he was taken down off of every single streaming service and big tech is working hard to censor him, why? Please go to to support his fight and future projects!

  • The police presence at Capitol Hill.

    08/01/2021 Duration: 14min

    In this episode we discuss why there was a lack of police at Capitol Hill even though there was suspected to be a huge turn out with the Trump protest.

  • McConnell blocks stimulus checks!

    31/12/2020 Duration: 16min

    In this episode we go over how Mitch McConnell has constantly blocked any sort of financial aid for hurting Americans during this pandemic.

  • How the government screwed stimulus.

    08/12/2020 Duration: 14min

    In this episode we go over how Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell decided to screw over the American people by playing politics with American lives and therefore destroyed any hopes of stimulus

  • Will we ever have non-biased media again?

    07/12/2020 Duration: 25min

    In this episode we talk about how the media cheerleaders for one side and hell the country will either come together or push apart and utterly destroy itself based on the outcome of the elections just a few of my predictions on the future of this country.

  • Corona vaccine success! Stimulus!

    03/12/2020 Duration: 23min

    In this episode we talk about the success of the Pfizer corona vaccine in the United Kingdom which is going to be on its way to the United States and the recently announced news of Nancy Pelosi finally agreeing to a stimulus deal after throwing the $1.8 trillion deal in the trashcan five times during negotiations with Steve Mnuchin.

  • The opioid epidemic?

    27/11/2020 Duration: 25min

    In this episode we talk about the “opioid epidemic “ A term that has been used very loosely when talking about the prescribing of pain medication. The media constantly uses this term but everything is not as it seems, so pay attention here is the truth.

  • Why I left the left.

    27/11/2020 Duration: 20min

    Special Thanksgiving edition with a few quick news updates but focusing on why I a 15 year member of the Democratic Party and self identifying liberal left the progressive movement.

  • OANN suspended from YouTube?

    25/11/2020 Duration: 09min

    One America news network or OANN was suspended from the video sharing platform YouTube for allegedly sharing false information about the COVID-19 virus.

  • Without Trump?

    23/11/2020 Duration: 14min

    I talk about the Trump supporter, what will happen if Trump loses, the future of the Trump party.

  • Where is the stimulus package?

    23/11/2020 Duration: 20min

    In this episode I talk about how the government has failed us on both sides regarding the stimulus package that is needed by over 60 million Americans due to job loss and the recession that followed COVID-19 and the damage done to our country by the radical left due to the riots.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse, vigilante or innocent child?

    22/11/2020 Duration: 33min

    In this episode we go over the case of Kyle Rittenhouse who was a 17-year-old kid involved in the shooting of three rioters in Kenosha Wisconsin.

  • NEW! Lockdowns and elections

    21/11/2020 Duration: 14min

    In this updated episode we cover the lockdowns in California the uncertainty in our presidential elections and the possible coming federal lockdown across the country with the president who stole Christmas.

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