With Erik and Adam
282: Temu Helicopters
09/03/2025 Duration: 01h15minWe're finally recovered from an night spent on the side of the Beargrease trail and ready to talk all about it. #foreveryoung Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
281: Pronto Puppie5
02/03/2025 Duration: 01h41minOur bodies are ready for the start of the 40th running of the John Beargrease sled dog marathon. Join us as we preview one of our favorite events of the northland. Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
280: You can't predict what you'll encounter, but if you keep going out you'll encounter great things
23/02/2025 Duration: 01h24minWe're finishing up the question of the year and collecting all of our favorite aphorisms along the way. If you're not 100% sure you're not sure.
279: Gravy Knives Out
16/02/2025 Duration: 01h19minIt's still February and we're still recounting your magic open water moments from 2024. Now with more hoof and red #5! Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
278: Chimp Biscuits
09/02/2025 Duration: 01h22minWe're back and finally getting to your 2024 open water experiences! Emails, cancelled food products, and taking it one day at a time. Something great happened here but its over with, and thats the way February is. Brought to you by: Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
277: Albums of the Year!
22/12/2024 Duration: 01h59minIt's a winter solstice miracle this week! We're celebrating the darkness by sharing with you some of the albums that brought us light from 2024. Happy Holidays and Happy Paddling! Adams List Eriks List Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
276: The Golden Butter Ratio
15/12/2024 Duration: 01h23minAs Feast Chat 2024 moves into its second and final phase we ponder the question what can you make believe is actually perfect? Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
275: Impromptu Breading
08/12/2024 Duration: 01h20minWith the departure of the loon and hardening of waters we attempt to fill the emptiness inside with memories of good times had bellied up to the BW camp table with troughs in hand. Feast chat 2024 is upon us! Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
274: Morrell 2: I Was Looking into the Gaping Mouth of a Monster
01/12/2024 Duration: 01h26minThis week we finish up the astonishing tale of survival and frozen tragedy. Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
273: Morrell 1: I Could Hear Tearing Metal
24/11/2024 Duration: 01h28minAnother astonishing tale from the sea this week as wreck fall marches on. Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
272: A Bigger Better Boat Show: Now with Adaptogens!
17/11/2024 Duration: 01h53minIt's the shoal-der season and we’re getting augered and wedged this week! Skegs will be available for lease and barge wakes will finally be put in their places. Don't worry Jensen gets in under the wire. Happy Paddling! Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
271: A Total Boat Show
10/11/2024 Duration: 01h27minWe couldn't do it without the boats. We couldn't do it without you. We are talking all about your favorite BWCA and beyond boats this week. What gets you there? Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
270: Criminally Insane
03/11/2024 Duration: 01h22minJoin us as we paddle with french ghouls on this weeks multi-faceted spook fest. Tis the season! Never So Terrified Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
269: Canoeing with the Cree: The Father of Troubles
27/10/2024 Duration: 01h22minThe adventure rolls on this week both in the shed and on the water as the high schoolers/fully aged men keep pressing north through unchartered waters. Beware lonely lighthouse keepers! Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
268: Canoeing with the Cree: One Small Ham
20/10/2024 Duration: 01h09minJoin us as and a couple of high schoolers as we take a trip back to the 1930's and down multiple rivers this week. Grab your heavy wool underwear and a ham of any size with or without the bone! Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
267: An Absolute Disaster
13/10/2024 Duration: 01h34minAs the podcast takeover begins let us all bend the knee and welcome our new hosting overlords. We couldn't be happier that they allowed us to add our thoughts on the spookiest vindlys, local fires, the finest of sportsmen creeping in white F-150's and the friendly comet that will bring us all together as a people. Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
266: Phenomenal Seas
06/10/2024 Duration: 01h18minGet your cozy basement davenports prepared for more facts from the briny shallows this week! Plus! Where do all the sunflower seeds come from? Food VORP ratings and is it wreck fall yet? Source Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
265: Sticky Crocodile Tears
29/09/2024 Duration: 01h20minWe are back in the shed this week and crying the stickiest tears of joy because of it. Hand made gravies and light book report vibes abound. Source Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
TCC: The Night of the Hunter
22/09/2024 Duration: 01h02minWe will be back in the shed soon enough! In the meantime enjoy this classic Mitchum discussion from the mezzanine. Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud
264: A Collared Moose Swimming in Circles
15/09/2024 Duration: 01h19sWe finish our discussion on the current and future status of the big, beautiful and bold moose of NE Minnesota. Everything is going to be fine, we promise. Source Notes 1 Source Notes 2 Source Notes 3 Source Notes 4 Subscribe: Patreon Spotify iTunes YouTube Stitcher Google Play Soundcloud