Kristen's Daily Live Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 6:10:00
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Learn to become successful with better daily habits, time management and setting the right activity goals


  • Changing your mindset during this 2020 Pandemic

    27/05/2020 Duration: 07min

    How you get out of this pandemic all factors as to where your mindset is. Where is your mindset at right now.

  • Where you prepared for this Pandemic?

    08/05/2020 Duration: 08min

    In today's podcast I give you some tips on how to prepare should anything happen in the world again. I know a lot of people were not prepared and it caught them off guard with losing jobs and not having money put away in the bank. I wanted to share some tips on how to secure your future and families. More people are looking at the Network Marketing Industry closer. The tips I share can help save you time and money because they are mistakes I made that I wish I had learned from someone else before making them. You can always reach out to me by email at for more tips on how to work from home and how to get started.

  • The Step parent from HELL.

    09/05/2019 Duration: 14min

    Having a step parent can be rough and scary. In this podcast I share my personal story of the abuse I was given from my step dad. No on has to live this way along with a step parent bringing your self worth down to nothing. I hope I inspire or help someone who is going through what I went through with my step dad. I give you some helpful tips if your ever caught in this kind of sisuation.

  • Abusive Relationships dont have to last for ever. A personal Story on how I was able to leave an abusive relationship with 2 kids.

    04/05/2019 Duration: 25min

    Today's pod cast is to help anyone who is in a abusive relationship. I'm going share some deep, very personal info on this podcast to hopefully help some people out their. We never know what others are going through behind close doors. So many people are in abusive relationships right now and I wanted to share first hand how I was able to get out safely with my 2 kids. Life is much more than living unhappy and feeling unsafe. There is Hope!

  • How to write your story

    05/03/2019 Duration: 09min

    Why does your personal story Matter? Your personal story matters because you can truly inspire someone. But what happens when we have had a awful past and our story is rocky? Well what you share matters changing that mindset and burying events that you dont't want to repeat. It's your story you pick what you want to share. But when you Rewrite your story and share that story as you go along that's when you really Insire other people because your sharing how you changed and what you did and been through. You can really Insprie others to change their story. In this pod cast I share Ideas on how to rewrite your story and share it with others. 

  • Setting yourself and your Team up for success In your Home Based Business.

    07/01/2019 Duration: 03h12min

    Happy New Year! How do you plan to set yourself and your team up for success. In this Episode I share some do's & Dont's with you. Make this year your year to shine!

  • When you get the question when will I start making money.

    18/09/2018 Duration: 05min

    People walking to the network marketing industry wanting to make money they walk in thinking that they're going to make millions the first month even thousands. This isn't how it works.  So many people get in a Home Businesss and when they don't make money they start to wonder why. So how do you the question "Will I make money or how much money do you make?" The key is to hold posture to these people be real and be forward. I break it down in his podcast on what to say and how to handle this objection with people.

  • Coaches and Mentoring Do you really need them?

    13/06/2018 Duration: 02min

    Coaches and Mentors Do you really need them? In today's podcast Im going to share with you why having a coach or mentor is Key when Building your Home base Business. Knowing where you need to go and having someone you can count on is so important.  Never just hire anyone bacause they say their a coach or mentor. So many people are getting ripped off. If someone really cares about your suceess and not their pocket you know, you found a good person to learn from. 

  • Words that can put up the resistance wall

    11/06/2018 Duration: 03min

    Learning the right way and copy writing will help you base the convercation around your prospect.

  • Changing the mindset of how you look at rich people

    05/06/2018 Duration: 01min

    Changing the mindset of how you look at rich people will also set you up for sucess. When people think of Rich people most look at them as snoty kind of people. When we carry a mindset like this it can change how we look at money and it tends to put the fear of chaning our own life and wellbeing. 99% of rich people are just like the average person. They have a story to share on how they live the life they have now and how they got there.  Changing the mindset of how you look at rich people is very Important. Money is not evil and neither are rich people. The snoty Rich people tend to be the one's who were fed with a sliver spoon their whole life and have no idea what it's like to be broke. In todays pod cast I break this down. 

  • Taking a mini break from your business? What should you do in order to get back into

    05/06/2018 Duration: 01min

    Sometimes we have to take a break from our business depending on what's going on in our life. But the key thing is to make sure that you jump right back into your visit as soon as you're well or a situation is over. Creating that action plan for that day when you go back in creating an action plan and setting the date to come back into your business and start rolling because you need to think of your business as your job because if you're not you're not going to create the life that you want.

  • What can you do when you feel like quiting your business.

    26/05/2018 Duration: 02min

    I want to quit! We are all human and we have times when we feel like we want to quit or business. In this podcast I share with you some personal tips that will help you get through the line of wanting to quit that will make you so much stronger in the long run.

  • How to handle the question "what do you do?"

    20/05/2018 Duration: 05min

    You want to handle this question and be in full control of the conversation also you want to hold your posture. In this podcast I help you learn how you can take control of the conversation and still tell people what you do without losing your lead.

  • Why won't my life change the way that I want it to

    19/05/2018 Duration: 07min

    In today's podcast I explain why prayers don't get answered as fast as you want them to and how you can get your prayers answered and change and transform your life upon your eyes. This is from my own experience from about 20 years ago that actually work and I figured out what needs to be done. I hope I inspire some people along the way. 

  • Is there a benefit to hanging around successful people?

    15/05/2018 Duration: 08min

    Always remember you are who you attract. In this pod cast I explain why it's so important to be around successful people. 

  • The Kristen Daily Show

    31/12/2017 Duration: 01h12min

    Welcome to the Kristen Daily Show I'm so excited to be on here to give you my best info that I learn along the way and ways to help you grow in your Network Marketing Business or what ever you do in life. I will be sharing alot of Personal Development and Inspiring podcast along with personal live lessions and experiences.  About Me! I'm from a small town in NH. I loved to FL when I was 15 and became a teen mom at the age of 17. At the age of 43 now I look back on my life and see a big story, A story that needs to be shared with the world. So many of us go through the samethings in life and alot of times we feel alone. Always remember your not alone if you carry the lord in your front pocket. My life story has taught me so much. At the age of 40 I decided it was time to transform my life into something great. I want to share all of this with you so you can watch me grow with my new life that Im starting. It is never to late to start over and make the next chapter brighter than the last.  Why I decid