RadIsh is a show and tell podcast where we bring you Just The Good Stuff. Each week, Sean Barry, Tyler Menk, Meys Quintana, and Will Farr bring you something worth sharing to get you through the week.
93: Disney+ & the Manchurian Weeb!
20/11/2019 Duration: 01h11minWe got that new new for ya. This week, your favorite consumerist pig podcasters take a deep dive into the latest time sink- Disney+! Also we’ve got video games, ranch dressing, a new round of Huge if True, and Tyler reinvents Easter. Topics include: The Mandalorian, Imagineering Story, Sunset Overdrive, Dreams, Recess, John Green
92: Death Stranding & Tragic Gender Reveals!
14/11/2019 Duration: 01h34sEpisode 92 is here and we carried it across a disconnected dystopian future just for you! In all seriousness, thank you for chosing to listen to us instead of watch Disney+. We hear the Mandalorian is great, but we are contractually obligated by NoiseSpace to say Episode 92 of RadIsh is better. TOPICS: Frasier 2.0, Dolemite is my Name, Final Fantasy XIV, Death Stranding, Historical Gender Reveals
91: Feet Chicken & Najimy November!
06/11/2019 Duration: 53minGreat news! They've finally found a use for the bathwater - we've unfortunately got all the deets on this week's episode of RadIsh. We've also been put in charge of replacing Hot Girl Summer with a new vague seasonal descriptor! Popeyes please don't listen. This week: The Outer Worlds, The King, Dr Stone, and Najimy November.
90: The Film Boys & Jams of the Month!
30/10/2019 Duration: 01h08minThe film boys are out tonight, and they’re holding hands! This week we’re talking scary movies streaming or in theaters now! We also brought our favorite albums of last month (only Jesus is King). Topics include: Nikki Blonsky, Parasite, The Lighthouse, The Laundromat, Hausu, Juice B Crypts, Sonic Citadel, True False, uknowhatimsayin¿
89: Muder Kroger & Alternate California!
23/10/2019 Duration: 01h11minOur second week doing this show live and we sweated a whole lot less! Listen as we discuss the portal to hell that opened in Iowa, pour one out for the homies at Kroger, and make peace with our rivals on the Sega Forums TOPICS: Iowa Blood Basement, Alan Resnick, Mr. Robot, Living with Yourself, … Continue reading 89: Muder Kroger & Alternate California!
88: Hypebeast Bible & Our First Twitch Stream!
16/10/2019 Duration: 01h04minLook at us now Ma, we’re streamers! For our very first Twitch stream we covered the gamut of autumn with a quaint fall activity, a dark movie, and a brutal television show. We’re also covering new video games coming out this fall and holiday season! We’re ProJared now. Topics Include: Nike Jesus Shoes, Apple Picking, … Continue reading 88: Hypebeast Bible & Our First Twitch Stream!
87: Plagiarism & The Fall of Television!
09/10/2019 Duration: 01h14minFall is here. The leaves are crunching. The cinnamon brooms are in full bloom. The big game is on. Stay inside with us, eat a whiskey seaweed pod, and watch all of the TV. Also, Sean cried at Joker. TOPICS: Whiskey pods, Promare, Lake Mungo, Kiwami Japan, Joker, Fall Television
86: The Masked Singer & the Burning of Big Tex!
03/10/2019 Duration: 53minThe RadIsh boys reveal some insider info on the identities of the cast of this year’s Masked Singer. Hint: they’re all the goose from Untitled Goose Game. Also, Sean cried during Ad Astra. Topics: Untitled Goose Game, Ad Astra, The Masked Singer, Dan Deacon, Sound & Fury
85: Apple Guy from Apple Jacks & Cancelled Snacks!
24/09/2019 Duration: 01h06minThe main takeaway from this episode is that Sean cried during the movie Hustlers. We’re also discussing streaming services, from HBO Max to Disney+, and snacks from our childhood discontinued in their prime. Also, prime cereal mascot discussion per usual. TOPICS: Danny Brown, Hustlers, One Punch Man, Negativland, The Cave, Tom Delonge
84: Vidya Games & The Youtubes We Love!
16/09/2019 Duration: 58minTyler is in Podcast Jail. Meys is out of Control. Seans watching video game essays. Will is playing a job simulator. Can the boys overcome these odds?? Find out on this exciting installment of the #1 podcast on Latvian iTunes, RadIsh! Topics: Beach cocaine, Control, Jacob Geller, Papers Please, and Youtubers we think are Rad
RadIsh Special: LIVE From Dragon*Con!
09/09/2019 Duration: 01h58sOkay. First of all. The song was “Home Sweet Home” by Motley Crue…. Here’s our live show from Dragon*Con 2019 featuring Scottye Moore & Kevin Bachelder as honorary RadIsh Boys. I’m sorry Tyler dropped the mic.
83: Sully & The Year 2009!
26/08/2019 Duration: 01h02minWe really should have made episode 88 the time travel episode…. WELL hindsight is 20/20! Get ready to revisit show and tells from days of yore (2009) as we look back on what our show and tells WOULD be if we were podcasting 10 years ago. Also we pick a Dragon*Con costume for Tyler, listen … Continue reading 83: Sully & The Year 2009!
82: TV Head & McConaughey’s Boat!
21/08/2019 Duration: 01h54sRadIsh is the ONLY podcast equipped to discuss the mysterious TV-headed cryptid haunting suburban Virginia so strap in for spooky good times. Also Sean has completely repressed the memory of Rick Moranis. Will he recover him from the recesses of his brain? Will anything else surface?? Find out on this week’s amazing adventures of RadIsh! … Continue reading 82: TV Head & McConaughey’s Boat!
81: John Madden & Viral History!
12/08/2019 Duration: 01h06minThis week the RadIsh boys are sharing their viral histories… Internet viral histories that is. Rest assured, to be a host on this podcast we scour each host’s medical history for any sort of funny business. Also, is Danny Brown enough to redeem Viceland? How many anime recommendations are too many? Is the Fast and the Furious … Continue reading 81: John Madden & Viral History!
80: Tidal Waves & The Mids!
05/08/2019 Duration: 01h11minWoah! We’re halfway there! We have made it, against all odds, halfway through 2019 and now it’s time to take inventory on The Best Stuff so far! What is getting your one (1) mid-year raddie? Also this week, our first ever tag-team show and tell, the best worst thing that can happen in a wave … Continue reading 80: Tidal Waves & The Mids!
79: Big Vanilla & The Cavity Goons!
30/07/2019 Duration: 01h05minThe RadIsh boys are back, and this time they’re on a new network – Noise Space! How long until we screw this up? This week, the boys are unpacking everything Comic Con. Also, new music, blockbuster movies, under-the-radar video games, and and Nikki Blonsky of course!
78: Cameo & Alien Raids!
23/07/2019 Duration: 01h11minThey can’t stop all of us!! RadIsh is back with a shiny new intro and hot new takes. Tyler receives a message from a childhood hero, Sean watches commoner TV, Meys plays a game you can’t find anywhere and Will is a big ole software nerd. TOPICS THIS WEEK: DQ Weed Cake, Cameo, Love Island, … Continue reading 78: Cameo & Alien Raids!
77: Plunderphonics & Gamer Girl Bath Water!
15/07/2019 Duration: 59minLooks like Gamer Girl Bath Water is back on the menu, boys! The RadIsh boys explore the new business practice of bath water being sold on the internet. Also, we’re talking Midsommar, Spider-Man, bizarre new music, Wayne Knight, and alien conspiracies! Topics Include: Midsommar, Spider-Man: Far from Home, Blarf’s Cease & Desist, Bob Lazar: Area 51 … Continue reading 77: Plunderphonics & Gamer Girl Bath Water!
76: Holey Moley & L.A. Pronunciations!
08/07/2019 Duration: 01h11minPardon our dust folks! Radish Season 3 is under construction! While we work on our new intro, listen to another exciting installment of the internet’s finest show and tell showcase! This week we got old people yelling at video games and all of us yelling at Sean! Also, if anybody knows what Toad is or … Continue reading 76: Holey Moley & L.A. Pronunciations!
75: RadIsh Initiation & Sad Robot Show!
01/07/2019 Duration: 01h08minHey folks! We are back with another tantalizing edition of your favorite podcast and guess what? JORDAN PEELE LOVES THIS EPISODE! We also have a very special announcement regarding the RadIsh roster that you won’t want to miss. Also listen for THE discussion on the sad robot property you are probably sick of hearing us … Continue reading 75: RadIsh Initiation & Sad Robot Show!