Cactus Drive Church Of Christ Sermons

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 2:36:17
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Podcast by Cactus Drive Sermons


  • 3.18.2020 The Rich Ruler

    16/03/2020 Duration: 22min

    3.15.2020 The Rich Ruler Luke 18:18-30 Examine and lookin the mirror. What do we value more than God? Is it safety, security, financial well-being, etc? Maybe family ? Jesus read us, knows us. We need to be able and willing to make commitments to more than what is right in front of us. What keeps you from fully trusting God? We all have idols because we all have sin. Jesus points out that we need to realize who God is and what He is willing to do bring us to His kingdom.

  • 3.8.2020 The God Who Sees

    09/03/2020 Duration: 21min

    3.8.2020 The God Who Sees. Luke 18:1-8 We normally think of righteousness as what we do, but it is more like Justice to God. When yo have no one else on your side you don't have to beg God to see and hear your struggles and help. He sees our needs and troubles, and He enters in to help us . Take time to see and be a part of the injustices around us. God works through us to send His justice on earth. Prayer helps us to know we are not alone.

  • 3.1.2020 The Found Sons

    02/03/2020 Duration: 38min

    3.1.2020 The Found Sons. Luke 15 God didn't send Jesus to appease His anger against us, but to show us that sin is defeated and He has made u the gap that divided us. God will provide, protect and bring back His Sheep. there are 2 types of sins, 1 is the sin of the lawbreaker and the other is the sin of the law keeper. You can do everything right and still be in sin. We must choose to accept the Father , the Great Shepherd, coming to find us and bringing us back to Him.

  • 2.23.2020 Woah! Really!

    24/02/2020 Duration: 34min

    2.23.2020 Woah! Really! Luke 14: 15-35 Things that we need most.. God, family, minds. Life can fell empowering nd at the same time overwhelming. How busy are we really? Worldwide, people feel compelled to lie about their levels of busyness. we tend to equivalate busy with significance. We don't allow ourselves to be available. The goal of human life is not just to get to Heaven but to be more like Jesus. What are we willing to do or no do to follow Jesus?

  • 2.16.20 Who's In

    18/02/2020 Duration: 38min

    2.16.20 Who's In? Luke 13:18-30 Who is in on the family relationship of Jesus? Without a relationship that happens by intentionally working towards being with Him and a part of His family, you are not part of grace. Grace does not happen without judgment or a faithful following of Jesus. It is opposed to merit, or thinking you have done something to deserve it.