Anna Geller is an Intuitive Healer and Abundance Facilitator. Shes helping clients all over the world create the life they always wanted through unleashing their passions, releasing negative self-talks and saying yes! to their true desires. Stay tuned, Stay loved with her DIVA Radio series, soulful newsletters and daily inspirations.
Stephanie Roth
17/12/2016 Duration: 23minGreet Stephanie, a certified fertility and holistic health coach, founder of Your Fertile Self. She shares her own story and tips on how to not just copy - but thrive - on the fertility roller coaster.
Emily Cassel
19/10/2016 Duration: 36minEmily is a Leadership Coach and Soulful Branding Expert for passionate women on a mission. She’s a founder of Freedom Is Sexy, The Embodied Goddess Sisterhood, and the Podcast Sexy Soulful Success.
Susan Ball
04/09/2016 Duration: 21minSusan is a Women's Freedom Coach, Self-Love Activist and creator of the Rebel Thriver Method for Healing after Abuse. Together we're talking about how to recover after abusing relationships and get your self-esteem back.
Haley Lynn Gray
04/09/2016 Duration: 21minHaley is a founder and an owner of Leadership Girl, a graduate of Duke’s Fuqua School of Business, and a serial entrepreneur. She speaks about the challenges that are specific to female entrepreneurs - specifically trying to balance family with a company, and the time constraints that means.
Faye Waterman
05/07/2016 Duration: 43minFaye educates women who suffer in abusive or painful relationships to step out, to speak up and ask for help.
Lisa J. Butler
03/05/2016 Duration: 23minLisa shares the statements of her book "The Constitution of the United Staes of Being" and says that it's amazing who you are!
Медитация о Будущем
17/04/2016 Duration: 08minВ этой медитации ты совершишь небольшое приключение и встретишь себя в будущем, такую, какой мечтаешь стать.