Nerd Nuptial



Checkout two married nerds and their slant on all things geek.Join The Girl and her husband, Tristan Riddell, as they delve deep into TV, Film, Nerd Culture, and everything in-between.


  • Episode 134 - Mindhunter S2

    20/08/2019 Duration: 46min

    Mindhunter Season 2 ReviewAs most of you know, we are huge David Fincher fans and could not wait for season one to drop last year. It was a huge creative success, so we were waiting with bated breath as to how season two would shake out. Season two focused heavily on the Atlanta child murders in the late 70s early 80s and moved away from being interview focused. Was that the right move or should it have been more of the same?Listen to hear our take.

  • Episode 133 - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

    29/07/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    Once Upon a Tim in Hollywood ReviewWe are big Tarantino fans here at Nerd Nuptial but that doesn't mean we're fans of everything he's ever done. "Classic" Tarantino is a mainstay in our household. So when we were walking into the theater for this one, we were hoping for a return to form. Thankfully, we got that and a whole lot more.We start the episode with Fleabag and Stranger Things 3. What did you think of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood?

  • Episode 132 - Spider-Man: Far From Home

    08/07/2019 Duration: 57min

    Spider-Man: Far From Home ReviewIn the latest MCU Spider-Man adventure, we travel beyond New York to several different European locations. Parker is still mourning the death of his mentor and struggling with the passing of the torch. The movie asks the question of whether or not Parker can handle it and Parker has no problem reminding the audience that he's only 16.In this episode, we review the strengths and weaknesses of this second solo Spidey outing for the MCU. Does it deliver the joy of Homecoming or does it stretch itself too thin in order to grow the character?

  • Episode 131 - Black Mirror S5

    10/06/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    Black Mirror Season 5, Fight Club, and Wonder Woman 5KWe pack a lot of episode in this week trying to make up for lost time. We start the show with how The Girl ran a Wonder Woman themed 5k. Then we move onto how we got to see Fight Club in 35mm at The Music Box downtown (and how it might not ever happen again for anyone due to the Disney buyout).Finally, we review the latest season of Black Mirror. Tekken sex, Polar Bears, Topher Grace, mouthy Alexa. Season 5 has it all.

  • Episode 130 - Disney+ and Star Wars

    20/05/2019 Duration: 48min

    Live-action Star Wars shows coming to a streaming box near you!"The Mandalorian" and Rogue One Prequel are coming to Disney+ in the near future. The first of their kind and we at Nerd Nuptial are very excited. A rumored third live-action show is coming as well ... but what could it be?In this episode, we discuss what we'd like to see and what we hope they stay away from. Knights of the Old Republic? Rebels prequel? Some completely original? Listen to find out.

  • Episode 129 - Avengers: Endgame Review

    06/05/2019 Duration: 01h17min

    Avengers: Endgame ReviewWe're a week late with the rest of the world but hopefully,​ that just gives more people to not get spoiled by our review. We give our spoiler-free​ impressions first and then, of course,​ give a warning before we get into spoiler territory. We loved Infinity War, got tingles when the movie ended, so Endgame had big Thanos sized shoes to fill. Did it live up to the hype or did it fizzle out like Doctor Strange's charisma? Listen to hear our review.

  • Episode 128 - Star Trek: Discovery Season 2

    22/04/2019 Duration: 59min

    Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 OverviewDiscovery's second season has now finished and it's time to talk about it! We've been watching with the beginning and there have been some definite improvements since season one. However, this does not mean it's been all roses and sunshine. Kicking off with a bang, "Brother" knocked our socks off. But did it get any better after that? Listen to hear us talk about what worked and what didn't. What was fascinating and what was a waste of time.

  • Episode 127 - Joker and Batman

    08/04/2019 Duration: 57min

    The New Joker Film and Batman Celebrates 80 YearsBatman recently turned 80 years old and he is still saving Gotham and putting bad guys behind bars. DC has pulled out all the stops in their celebrations but none so satisfying as releasing the first teaser trailer for Todd Phillips and Joaquin Phoenix's "Joker" movie.Separate​ from the DCEU, this standalone film will explore the origins of this iteration of the Joker as well as the depths of his inevitable madness. Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push. We discuss the trailer, Joker, and the Batman mythos as a whole.

  • Episode 126 - Love, Death + Robots

    18/03/2019 Duration: 43min

    Love, Death + Robots, Arrested Development, and Triple FrontierThis was a great weekend for Netflix releases. It felt like it was almost geared specifically for us. David Fincher produced an anthology series based mostly on animation all centered around love, death, and you guessed it, robots. Arrested Development limps to a finish with season 5 part 2 and Triple Frontier was an extremely surprising breath of fresh air.Listen to hear our thoughts on all three and we absolutely want to hear yours!

  • Episode 125 - Captain Marvel

    11/03/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    Captain Marvel ReviewIn spite of the fanboy neckbeards trying to "review bomb" a film for having an outspoken female lead, Captain Marvel seems to be connecting and finding its audience. We had our reservations on seeing it in the theater because the trailers seemed uninteresting. However, we got to see it opening night and had a great theatrical experience. Listen to our spoiler-free review and more importantly, listen to The Girl talk about how representation matters for her and our little girl.

  • Episode 124 - Spielberg vs Netflix

    04/03/2019 Duration: 42min

    Oscar Reactions and the Spielberg/Netflix FightLast week we weren't able to record and discuss our Oscar reactions so we're making up for it this week. We also discuss Steven Spielberg's decision to try and implement rules that would disqualify streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, from competing for Academy Awards in their current forms. Is this a symptom of an old man yelling at clouds or does he have a point in trying to protect the theater-going experience?

  • Episode 123 - The Oscars Pre-Show

    18/02/2019 Duration: 52min

    The Oscars are a week away and we have something to say about itSo many people have given up on the Oscars, let me rephrase, so many people have said they have given up on the Oscars but you know they still check. Even if you don't watch, you check the next day or keep track on Twitter.​ So that's what we're talking about this week. When did we get into the Oscars, when did we stop watching, and what do we think of this year's Best Picture nominees.

  • Episode 122 - Spider-Man on Film

    04/02/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    The many different cinematic versions of Spider-ManA lot of people have complained that we have just too many versions of Spider-Man on film. Too many dead Uncle Bens and too many "great power" speeches. But we keep going back to the theater for more. So what is the appeal of a cinematic Spidey? Has it only gotten better or worse?In this week's episode, we discuss every iteration of Spider-Man on film and its merits. What's your favorite version?

  • Episode 121 - Star Trek: Discover Season 2

    28/01/2019 Duration: 46min

    Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 episodes "Brother" and "New Eden"This season of Star Trek: Discovery opened with a bang and it did not disappoint. There was a lot to love about season one but sadly there was a lot to bring you down. They needed that time to find their footing and if these first to episodes are any indication then they have.Listen to hear a Trek fan's perspective as well as a non-Trek fan's perspective. What did you guys think?

  • Episode 120 - Revisiting Black Mirror

    14/01/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    Watching the Top Ten episodes of Black Mirror on NetflixIf you search "Top Ten episodes of Black Mirror" on Google, you get tons and tons of opinions but just from one person. On IMDb, they have an aggregated list of the top-rated episodes. This week Tristan and The Girl tried to watch all of them and this episode is them giving you their opinions on each one. Some were story based, others were concept based. They only get spoilery towards the very very end. Listen and let us know which one is your favorite!

  • Episode 119 - Upcoming in 2019

    08/01/2019 Duration: 47min

    What we're looking forward to in 20192019 looks like it could be an amazing year in entertainment. So many fun, interesting, dark, and/or twisted things are being released. Avengers, MIB, Tarantino's new film, the Scorsese epic, and so so much more. Listen to hear what we can't wait to watch.What are you looking forward to?​

  • Episode 118 - Best Films of 2018

    31/12/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    Tristan and The Girl pick their top-ten lists for 2018This has been a great year for cinema as well as a great year for genre films. Tristan and The Girl crammed as many 2018 films in as possible in the homestretch. Last year they watched a total of 21 2017 films and this year they upped that number up to 39. They tried to balance enjoyment with technical achievement but which ones won the top spots? Listen and find out.After you listen, check out their complete lists.Tristan's List: Girl's List:

  • Episode 117 - Listener Questions 03

    17/12/2018 Duration: 44min

    We answer your questions on the air for the third time!We've done this type of episode two times before and it gets more and more fun whenever we do it. Listeners sent in questions via Twitter, email, and Facebook. We didn't have time to answer all of them but we tried to get a wide array.In this episode, we discuss the best of 2018, Ripley's first movie, and what movie watching habits get on each other's​ nerves.

  • Episode 116 - Missing Frames: Boogie Nights

    03/12/2018 Duration: 41min

    Missing Frames: Nerd Nuptial Edition - Boogie NightsWe're stealing the Missing Frames format made famous by THE Shawn Eastridge. The Girl has never seen the modern classic Boogie Nights. So in the episode, we discuss what she knows of the movie, what she expects to see and then we pause the show, watch the film, and the talk about our thoughts. Boogie Nights deals with the world of pornography in the 70s so adult themes are discussed.Make sure to head on over to and give Shawn a listen.

  • Episode 115 - Outside Your Comfort Zone

    26/11/2018 Duration: 44min

    Can you watch too much of a good thing?We started the show thinking that we were going to talk about how you can fall into a rut watching the same old Christmas movies over and over but we ended up in a different place. We reviewed what we've been watching lately and ended on First Reformed staring Ethan Hawked. As we looked at our film diary of 2018 we realized that not a lot of new material was there and that a lot of rewatches happened. What are we missing out on? What stories are not being heard? Could we be missing our new favorite movie because we're too scared or disinterested in going outside our comfort zone?Listen to hear our thoughts on the matter and to challenge your own entertainment rut.

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