Ckcd Presents The Bella Theory



1.)BE THE VOICE THAT SPARKS A BRAIN!2.)BECOME THE CHANGE THAT YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD!3.)NOW GRAB A BEVERAGE, SIT BAK, AND WATCH YOUR WORLD YOU INVESTED IN BEGIN TO ILLUMINATE AROUND YOU RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES."An individuals OWN perception of life and the world around them, is indeed an individuals true reality". But what if somehow, some way, an individual was able to see 'reality' through the perceptions of other souls without destroying the base foundations in their life, morals, or beliefs? And what if it actually wasn't as complicated as the description up there seems?Only TOGETHER can we even begin to acquire the "bella'ful" world that humanity so desperately yearns for....the only way we can attempt to work on the concept of togetherness is by first erasing the Imaginary lines drawn in the dirt by society that has for years and continue to, keep us divided. How do we go about flipping the pencil around to commence eradicating the parasite that has plagued humanity for far too long? COMMUNICATION! But not just any type of communication, because most anybody can formulate some type of word(regardless of language), but PROPER communication.....the type of proper communication that listens to UNDERSTAND rather than just listening to respond/get our point across.....the type of proper communication that can just simply empathize with the soul we're having a communication with, regardless of both internal and external differences. The type of communication that The Bella Theory is keen on, one that understands(there goes that word again..hmm) that we are all our own people, and have our own mind and with that being said..its OK to disagree. But don't just disagree, get mad that somebody doesn't think like you, and storm away from the situation altogether. If two of us disagree about a topic, then let us come to a common ground of understanding of why all parties feel as the way they feel and move on. if no common ground can be met then its time to 'agree to disagree' and still, move on. Just because one doesn't look, talk, walk, eat, or iron their drawls the way you do never means theyre lesser than you. it simply means their different...and in our society, after weve tried the SAME methods over and over and expected different results on numerous occasions, 'different' basically sounds like "only way to go is up" in the times were living in. When you enter The Bella Theory, you step into a platform where Bella and various members of The Cool Kids will use our voices to enlighten, entertain, and encourage our subscribers to obtain a voice of their own and furthermore share and voice your opinions and your viewpoints. The more we talk/listen to eachother, the more we learn eachother. The more we learn eachother, the more we understand eachother. The more we understand eachother, the more we can empathize with eachother and the world. Just through the baby steps of PROPER communication(listen, understand, empathize, speak)we can all start to work towards and enjoy the feeling of humanity in a world so populous of humans."Beautiful people....the world is listening. Be heard."-Isabella & The Cool Kids


  • Random Late Nights w Dj Boo

    06/09/2018 Duration: 01h51min

    Sometimes i just be in the mood to jam late at i just hop on the station and spin some new shit mixed with a few older tunes to produce the perfect vibe that lingers in the air long after the music stops. Tune in to 'The Moe Betta Hip Hop/R&B' powered by OllyWop Radio 24 hours a day and take a break from the mainstream. STREAM: