Go Hunt Life

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 67:10:16
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Inspiring stories of people that pulled the ripcord on their 9-to-5 lives to reinvent as an entrepreneur, digital nomad and adventurer. From employees turned industry influencers or just people stuck in a life that wasnt what they had dreamed of and made the seemingly impossible decision to reinvent their life. From epic life changers like Roz Savage, Helene Godin and that guy that sold his entire life on eBay to normal people making extraordinary life reinventions.


  • Ep103 Started Her Digital Nomad Life With $12K. This Expert Shares Her Secrets to a Life of Freedom – Amy Scott

    15/10/2018 Duration: 38min

    Digital Nomad Amy Scott figured out 14 years ago that her normal 9-to-5 job and normal life wasn’t for her. She was an Editor in San Francisco for a travel guide publishing company commuting into the city and squeezing out her own travel experiences around her vacation time. That wasn’t good enough for her so she started the process of planning her escape but it took her longer than expected to save up what she needed. 2 ½ years actually of planning, saving and most importantly keeping her dream secret from her employer until she was ready launch. The day finally came, she left her job and started traveling but her nest-egg that she felt was enough to get her going was just $12,000.

  • Ep102 Bumfuzzle Family of 4 Adventures the World by Land and by Sea - Pat Schulte ⛵️

    08/09/2018 Duration: 35min

    Pat Schulte, his wife Ali and 2 kids are officially the Bumfuzzle family adventuring the world for the last 15 years by land and by sea. They pulled the ripcord on their normal life 15 years ago. Back then, Pat was a stocks and commodities trader in Chicago working the trading pits and living the normal urban life in downtown Chicago but things started to change. Their friends started to move in the direction of buying a house in the suburbs and having kids but they weren't ready for that. So instead this Midwest couple came up with the idea to buy a sail boat and sail around the world. The problem was that neither one of them had ever step foot on a sail boat.

  • Ep101 TV News Reporter Quits and Buys an Airstream to Chase Down the Greatest of US - Caleb James

    20/08/2018 Duration: 45min

    Caleb James was a TV news reporter in Albuquerque NM chasing down stories in front of the camera, had a very public career and it was the job that he had always dreamed of. But the reality of the job was that the stories he found himself exploring were really just him chasing down bad people demanding that they tell him why they were so bad. One day it occurred to him reliant on horrible things happening in his community for his own job security. So he decided to chase the good stories as a Documentary Film Maker but to do that everything in his life had to change. He had to quit his job, leave what was safe and the life that he had built behind and embark on a completely different path. He is now pulling an airstream trailer across the US in search of the good stories under his brand, The Greatest of US.

  • Ep100 Hunting Down the Laptop Lifestyle Road Tripping Through Mexico – Todd and Allison Nevins

    06/08/2018 Duration: 32min

    Todd and Allison Nevins with their bulldog Deuce left Texas to hunt down their ultimate laptop lifestyle of working from the road driving through Mexico. These Digital Nomads have everything they own in their SUV and 30 minutes after driving across the border they make a rookie mistake. After negotiating their way through the border town of Nueva Laredo, they continue on their quest to live in a new city every 6 weeks. So far they've hit San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato and Mexico City. "Everyday, living in Guanajuato felt like we were living in a movie." In this episode we discuss the most commonly asked questions... Are you looking for a place to settle? Is it really safe to drive through Mexico? How do people in Mexico treat you now that Trump is President? What is the healthcare like in Mexico? What is the co-working scene like? How do you make money living a laptop lifestyle? Do you need to speak Spanish?

  • Ep99 Gave Up the 9-to-5 Grind to Take a Shot at Being a Kayak Fishing YouTube Star – Robert Field

    22/06/2018 Duration: 35min

    3 years ago Robert Field was doing everything that society had told him would bring him happiness. He had earned a masters degree that enabled him to get a great job in finance making plenty of money and everything on paper was just fine when all of the sudden he had a really tragic 4 days. He was fired from the fishing rod startup where he was working in finance, he ended a serious relationship with his girlfriend which left him with nowhere to live and his uncle walked to a city park and committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Everything in his life, his beliefs around happiness and his direction changed in those 4 days but he was left with the question, “What do I do now?” These experiences catapulted him into following his passion with a vengeance and that passion is kayak fishing and making YouTube videos about his adventures. His pursuit of following his dream and being a YouTube Star along the way had begun.

  • Ep98 Breaks Out of Silicon Valley to be an Award Winning Voice Actor - Cissy Jones

    04/06/2018 Duration: 31min

    10 years ago Cissy Jones was living the Silicon Valley startup life of 100 hour work weeks, sleeping at the office and was smothered by the ‘what have you done for me lately’ mentality of that world when one day her aunt asked her, what would be your dream job. Her answer, "I want to be a voice on the Simpsons."

  • Ep97 From Working Hourly Jobs to Living the RV Entrepreneur Life on the Road - Heath Padgett

    12/05/2018 Duration: 41min

    Heath Padgett convinced his fiancé Alyssa to quit their jobs after their wedding, buy an RV and set out on the road for an extended 1 year honeymoon to live the RV life. His idea was to travel to all 50 States in their first year of marriage and along the way, find and work an hourly job in each state. Heath's goal wasn’t to document the plight of hourly workers but to explore how people find meaning in their work. "It really set the stage for us to live a whole year in a constant state of discomfort." - Heath Padgett on working an hourly job in all 50 states in 1 year. Alyssa, without any videography experience grabbed a camera and began filming their adventures and it blew up and turned into the documentary, Hourly America. They were featured on CNN, Forbes, CBS and all of the others. But what they also discovered was that executing on their idea was more difficult than they anticipated and half way through their mission, they almost quit. We talk about what happened and what drove them to continue.

  • Ep96 When Your Fear of Doing Nothing Surpasses Your Fear of Screwing Up – Derek and Anna Morris

    21/04/2018 Duration: 33min

    A few years ago, Anna and Derek Morris had everything that they ever wanted in Houston TX. Derek had a corporate job in the oil and gas industry and Anna was self-employed building a startup. They had a perfect house with a pool, a big yard and a mortgage so on paper they had the perfect, normal life. But their ripcord decision began to build and it peaked when they realized that their fear of doing nothing was greater than their fear of potentially screwing up their lives by quitting everything safe to travel the world. They made the daunting decision to live their motto, We Play Everywhere, and launched out into the unknown and chaotic world of constant travel. Their story includes.... The safe lives that they built in Houston. When they reached the point of their fear of doing nothing became greater than their fear of screwing up their lives. The process of getting rid of their stuff. What it was really like to travel and hit 30 countries with nothing but backpacks and carry-ons. What it was like coming ba

  • Ep95 Pulling the Ripcord was a Living Hell but a Family of 4 Finds Their Way Wandering the World - Will and Jessica Sueiro ✈️

    12/04/2018 Duration: 42min

    Will and Jessica Sueiro left their 9-to-5 jobs in Boston behind, pulled their kids from school and set out on an adventure wandering the world but the first 6 months of their new lives turned into a living hell. Their first stop was Costa Rica and what they quickly learned is that there was no amount of planning that could have prepared them for the transition from normal life in the States to their new lives full of unstructured chaos wandering the world. They kept pursuing their dream and didn't let the minor setbacks force them to go back on their decision to live a bolder and fuller life. Fast-Forward a few years and they've just relived that first 6 months of chaos and frustration after their kids convinced them to buy an RV and for them to wander across Morocco. "We do not learn from our mistakes but that has made all the difference in our journey." Jessica Sueiro In this episode the Sueiro's share... Pulling the kids from school without ever home-schooling them before. Telling their friends but decidin

  • Ep94 - The Solution to Traveling the World for 1 Year and Keeping Your Real Job - Greg Caplan

    03/04/2018 Duration: 35min

    Greg Caplan is the founder of Remote Year and their tag line is Keep your job. See the World. Leave the planning to us. He’s created a company that allows you to pull the ripcord and start traveling the world for 1 year but keep your real job and money coming in. What he's also built is a 1,500 person community of like-minded individuals from all over the world. This is how you can chase your dream life and if you have one, still keep your dream job.

  • Ep93 The Digital Nomad Entrepreneurs Moving to Mexico - Todd and Allison Nevins

    20/03/2018 Duration: 32min

    The Digital Nomad Entrepreneurs, Todd and Allison Nevins are moving from Austin TX to Mexico to build their online businesses and explore the vibrant culture and entrepreneurial ecosystem of the land south of the US border. Todd is the Founder and Chief Marketer of CLICKPlacement, an AdWords marketing agency that he started over 10 years ago. Allison is the Founder of TexMex Fun Stuff, an e-commerce business she started in 2016 selling authentic handmade Mexican goods throughout the US. She has grown her business into an Amazon FBA store and the move to Mexico will allow her to explore the country, find new products and build relationships with more artists that wish to tap into the US market with their handmade goods made in Mexico. This move also sets the groundwork for global expansion into Europe and Australia.

  • Ep92 Getting Run Over by an 18-Wheeler [twice] Transformed Her Way of Living Life – Katie McKenna

    13/03/2018 Duration: 36min

    Katie McKenna didn’t pull the ripcord to follow the life that she had always dreamed of living, she had the ripcord yanked on her and it transformed her way of living life. 10 years ago she was working in finance because her Dad and her brother told her it would be a very good job for her. She was living someone else’s expectation.  She planned to work for 5 years, save a bunch of money and finally do what she was really meant to do when one morning she went out on a bike ride and at a stop light she signaled to a semi-truck driver that she was turning right. The driver didn’t see her. The light turned green, Katie started peddling turning right and unfortunately so did the truck. Like the Show? Leave a Review for Go Hunt Life on Apple Podcasts Katie was hit, knocked to the pavement run over by the front 4 wheels of the semi-truck’s trailer right across her midsection. She laid there in shock only to turn and look at the back set of wheels coming straight for her.  All she could do was scream "noooooo" as th

  • Ep91 Set Out to Break 2 World Records, Now a Global Voice for LGBT Inclusion in the Outdoor Community - Mikah Meyer

    06/03/2018 Duration: 41min

    Mikah Meyer is 2 years into a 3 year journey to travel to all of the 417 US National Park Units, and if he completes this in the timeframe that he’s set he will break two world records. He will be the first person to visit all 417 parks in one continuous trip and the youngest to visit them all but this is only half of the story. Mikah is also a Christian and openly gay. His journey of visiting all of the US parks started as a way to honor his late father that loved the outdoors and passed away at 58. Over time, it’s transformed him into being a vocal ambassador for LGBT inclusion in the Outdoor community. [caption id="attachment_3053" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Photo credit The Huffington Post[/caption] But the publicity that he is garnering is coming at a price, literally.  One of his sponsors recently dropped him because they felt like his voice had become too loud and that he was doing too much outreach to the LGBT community. In this episode we discuss... The original 'why' for his trip to honor his

  • Ep90 Pursuing a Passion From the Mountains of Costa Rica to Vineyards in Oregon - Ryan Huett

    27/02/2018 Duration: 31min

    Ryan Huett is all about pursuing his passion and owning his own time.  His story takes us from a small town in Texas to the mountains of Costa Rica, to him going back to school in his 40s and him taking an unpaid internship in his 40s and him founding and running his own winery, Huett Cellars.  Ryan is also a husband of 23 years and a Dad to 2 boys. I’m always amazed at the guests that I have on the show that are parents and the reason they pulled the ripcord for a different life was because of their kids. They weren’t held back from making a massive life change for fear of messing up the kids lives. They pulled the ripcord to show their kids a bigger, better and bolder life and Ryan’s story is just that. Their decisions never revolved around money but on pursuing a passion and owning their time. In this episode we discuss... Ryan wanting to show his kids a better life. Leaving that small Texas town for good. Building his first real estate business in Costa Rica. Battling through the 2009 recession by going s

  • Ep89 Raised Her Restraining Device, Broke a World Record and Cracked Open Her Life - Steph Jagger ⛷

    20/02/2018 Duration: 40min

    Steph Jagger had her ripcord moment at the top of a ski lift. She was living in Vancouver where she had built a great life for herself. She was a management consultant for a PR firm and had always chased success in every aspect of her life when one day she went skiing with some friends and at the top of the chairlift she saw a sign that read, ‘raise restraining device.’ Raise Restraining Device That line turned into a mantra that would catapult her into her mission of chasing snow for 1 full year skiing around the world. She took out a second mortgage on her house, sold everything she owned except for her ski equipment and set out to crack open her life, and along the way she set a world record for skiing 4 million vertical feet in under 12 months. In this episode we discuss... The financial, physical and emotional planning Steph took to prepare for her trip. Taking out a second mortgage on her home and selling everything she owned. Buying a bundle of plane tickets and leaving with her ski equipment and lapto

  • Ep88 Dodging Goats and Selling it All For a Life Working in and from Mexico – Gary and Elizabeth Sherman

    13/02/2018 Duration: 35min

    Elizabeth and Gary Sherman from Austin TX just 1 year ago had a 5 bedroom house, 3 cars and a big life in Austin TX but reached the breaking point where they felt like their lives were running them as opposed to them running their lives. Gary was a Chief Technology Officer for a Software company and Elizabeth was a Director of Fitness at a Country Club. They now live full-time in a beach town in Mexico but Gary is still the CTO for that software company and Elizabeth has built her own business as a Health Coach. "We felt like our lives were running us instead of us running our lives." - Elizabeth Sherman - They spent over a year redesigning their lives that enabled them to sell the house, the cars and everything they owned down to a Jeep Wrangler and a trailer. They road tripped through Mexico and have lived in and worked from Puerto Morelos Mexico for a year. In this episode we discuss... Their lives in Austin TX owning a 5 bedroom home with 3 cars. Selling and giving away their stuff down to 1 mattress the

  • Ep87 This $60M Co-CEO Started With 2 Duffel Bags, $3,000 and a Box of Lightbulbs - Cole Zucker

    06/02/2018 Duration: 39min

    Cole Zucker started his entrepreneurial journey buying a one-way plane ticket to Shanghai China just after he was fired from a job that he hated in New York. Everything he owned was shoved into 2 duffel bags, he had $3,000 to his name and he knew no one in the city and didn't speak the language. After landing a job at a lightbulb manufacturing company, he recognized a market that was primed for disruption. That market was the LED lightbulb market. This conversation takes us through the early development days and of Cole being homeless in San Francisco chasing down lighting trucks for leads with nothing but a box of lightbulbs and a big idea. 7 years after hitting the streets of San Francisco, Cole is the C0-CEO of Green Creative that he founded with his partner Guillaume Vidal, a $60 million LED lightbulb manufacturing company with 80 employees across the U.S. and China. [caption id="attachment_2937" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Guillaume Vidal and Cole Zucker, photo credit Timothy Archibald for Forbes.[/

  • Ep86 A Life-Changing Journey Around the World Reshaped by a Yellow Envelope - Kim Dinan

    30/01/2018 Duration: 41min

    Kim Dinan and her husband Brian had a great life in Portland Oregon with good jobs, a cool house and everything was going just fine when one day she thought, "there’s got to be more to life than paychecks and mortgages." That thought propelled them to quit their jobs and sell everything they owned to travel around the world and at their going away party, one of their friends handed them a gift. A yellow envelope. And in it was $1,000 dollars and instructions to give the money away to those that they encounter on their journey. “Fear is not an indication that we should stop.” Kim Dinan Now 6 years later, Kim has just published a book that details the peaks and valleys of their life changing journey. And the title of her book is, The Yellow Envelope. In this episode we discuss... Day dreaming in her cubicle about quitting her job to travel around the world. How she had to convince her husband to go along with her plan. The unexpected gift of a Yellow Envelope containing $1,000 with simple instructions. The diff

  • Ep85 These 10 Minutes Each Day Can Change Your Life - Sebastian Marshall

    23/01/2018 Duration: 45min

    Sebastian Marshall is an entrepreneur, world traveler and founder of ultraworking, a company that he's headquartered in Kuala Lumpur Malysia. Sebastian lived and traveled all over the world and he’s an author that writes 6000 words a week. To reach this level of output he has completely dissected his daily life to get unbelievably efficient. His company now works with entrepreneurs, executives and military officers to increase their efficiency by focusing on what he calls impact areas. I asked him to be on the show and I challenged him with a very real scenario of how he would help someone that wants to make a massive life-changing and life altering decision and he breaks it down simply to 10 minutes a day. If you are someone that wants to start a company, write a book, run a marathon or just get started on something that you’ve been putting off for too long, this is your episode. In this episode we discuss... What 3 questions he asks himself everyday. Eliminating the RUNI work from your day. - Recurring. Urg

  • Ep84 Austin Startup Guy Quits Tech Job to Rescue Farm Animals - Dan McKernan

    16/01/2018 Duration: 36min

    Dan McKernan left the startup world and tech job in Austin Texas to rescue farm animals by founding the Barn Sanctuary on his family's farm in Chelsea Michigan. It all started with a phone call from his Dad. They discussed what they should do with their farm that had been in the family for 140 years. That conversation completely changed Dan’s path and mission in life and he is now the founder of Barn Sanctuary. A non-profit animal sanctuary that rescues farm animals that have been abused, abandoned or have been victims of natural disasters. “Don’t be afraid, just be fully committed.” Dan’s job title and responsibilities have completely changed but he’s still an awesome marketing guy and is lighting up social media with videos of his furry little farm animals to educate the public and raise awareness and money for his mission. In this episode... Dan's life as a Web Developer and marketing expert in the startup world in Austin, TX. The phone call with his Dad that would change his life. Starting his non-profi

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