Liberty Drive



Take a right turn onto Liberty Drive for in-depth discussion and commentary on current events from a conservative point of view.


  • PC Madness Has Taken Over Higher Education

    14/11/2015 Duration: 30min

    Protests at the University of Missouri, Yale and Ithaca College have exposed just how radicalized college campuses have become over the years. Missouri students used the threat of a football player boycott to get the school president fired for alleged racial incidents that may not have actually happened. Today's college students, fully indocrinated by their professors, see racism around every corner and advocate an extreme form of "social justice." They claim to seek diversity and tolerance, yet are brutally intolerant of anyone with views contrary to their own. What can be done about the cultural rot in our universities? The great Michael Lane, host of the Like It or Not with Michael Lane podcast, calls in to discuss.     

  • Kareem Says Ben Carson is Terrible for Black Americans

    07/11/2015 Duration: 30min

    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has generally been regarded as a serious-thinking man when it comes to social issues. Then TIME magazine gave him an op ed column, and he proved to be just another clueless liberal. HIs latest column has the unmitigated gall to say that Dr. Ben Carson would be "terrible for black Americans." Really? Seems that no one could be worse for black Americans than Barack Obama and his devastating leftist policies. Kareem also claims that Carson's reluctance to accept the climate change orthodoxy is proof that he would be a bad president. This is too juicy. We will discuss from all angles.  

  • Media Corruption on Display at GOP Debate

    31/10/2015 Duration: 30min

    Those who tuned into the GOP debate this week hoping for a substantive discussion of the issues instead got a sickening display of media corruption and liberal hackery. The CNBC moderators took every opportunity to create arguments, portray candidates as unqualified, and pretend that Democrats have not been driving the country off a cliff for the last eight years. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio stood out when they challenged the moderators and exposed their shameless partisanship. Why is the GOP still allowing their enemies to moderate their debates? We discuss why this may be the end of GOP debates as they have previously been conducted.   

  • The Radical Left Now Owns the Democratic Party

    17/10/2015 Duration: 32min

    The media has spun the recent Democrat presidential debate as a huge success for Hillary Clinton, but the real news is how the party has become openly socialist and extreme. Free markets, second amendment rights and American exceptionalism are anethema to this group. Central planning, open borders, class warfare and "leading from behind" are what their base wants. And all the media wants to talk about is how the Tea Party movement has radicalized the GOP. How should the eventual Republican nominee respond? We will discuss.  

  • Bon Voyage, John Boehner

    26/09/2015 Duration: 31min

    John Boehner's sudden departure from Congress caught many by surprise and had Tea Party followers celebrating. Why the celebration? Maybe because Boehner came to Congress as a firebrand conservative and left as the poster boy for the capitulating, ineffective establishment Republican that has so many voters in revolt of the GOP. With Boehner out of the picture, the jockeying to replace him has begun with Kevin McCarthy of California as the favorite. Will he be any better or will it be more of the same? Will the GOP majority in Congress have a better response to the Obama agenda with new leadership? Also, Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign continues to die by a thousand cuts as the lies surrounding her email scandal continue to pile up. We will examine the current state of the presidential race.