Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Meet award-winning doctor, naturopath and best-selling author of Death by Modern Medicine and The Magnesium Miracle Carolyn Dean MD ND. Hear a wealth of information designed to empower listeners and callers to pierce the veil of traditional (allopathic) medicine and discover how to improve health, vitality, and emotional well-being through natures perfect nutrients and picometer mineral supplementation. Enjoy weekly featured segments including: a review of news from around the health world, Dr. Deans Mail Bag, and a variety of guests and call-in listeners who share experiences of their quest for optimal physical, mental, and emotional health. Co-hosted by life coach Ginney Gunther, Dr. Carolyn Dean Live fills your prescription for inspiration, information and success in achieving the next level of health, vitality and wellness!


  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    TONIGHT - we\'ll talk with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient, widely recognized for its antioxidant properties. These properties arise from its potent redox potential due to its capacity to donate electrons to oxidized molecules. Even in small quantities vitamin C can protect critical molecules in the body such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from damage by reactive oxygen species, which are generated during normal metabolism, by active immune cells, and through exposure to toxins and pollutants (e.g., certain chemotherapy drugs and cigarette smoke). The vitamin also plays a critical role as a cofactor – a molecule that assists enzymes in chemical reactions. This dual nature of vitamin C means that it is instrumental in multiple physiological processes, including those involved in the biosynthesis of collagen, carnitine, and catecholamines. As such, vitamin C participates in immune function, wound healing, fatty acid met

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient, widely recognized for its antioxidant properties. These properties arise from its potent redox potential due to its capacity to donate electrons to oxidized molecules. Even in small quantities vitamin C can protect critical molecules in the body such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from damage by reactive oxygen species, which are generated during normal metabolism, by active immune cells, and through exposure to toxins and pollutants (e.g., certain chemotherapy drugs and cigarette smoke). The vitamin also plays a critical role as a cofactor – a molecule that assists enzymes in chemical reactions. This dual nature of vitamin C means that it is instrumental in multiple physiological processes, including those involved in the biosynthesis of collagen, carnitine, and catecholamines. As such, vitamin C participates in immune function, wound healing, fatty acid metabolism, neurotransmitter production, and blood ve

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Magnesium and minerals plug us in - literally! Not only do minerals provide the necessary building blocks for the structure and function of the body, they are also required for the electrical conductivity that occurs between all cells. The electrical or energetic message that minerals send is created from very small amounts of minerals, but it results in a huge impact. The nervous system uses electrical energy to transmit messages (nerve impulses) from one cell to another. The muscles are similarly activated to create all movement – large and small.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight, we\'ll talk with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Magnesium, Potassium and Cardiac Arrhythmia\'s - along with a wide range of other health topics and clinically recommended nutritional assets to support your body. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the \'conflict\' in the \'conflict basis\' of disease and much more.

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight Dr. Dean welcomes Dr. Christiane Northrup, is the New York Times bestselling author of Women’s author of Women\'s Bodies, Women\'s Wisdom. When Dr. Northrup’s legendary treatise on women’s health was first released in 1994, it was an immediate national and international bestseller. Dr. Christiane Northrup quickly emerged as a trusted women’s health expert, a visionary pioneer in women’s health, and a leading proponent of medicine that acknowledges the unity of mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Since then, this book has remained the veritable bible of women’s health information. Emphasizing the body’s innate wisdom and ability to heal, Women\'s Bodies, Women\'s Wisdomcovers the entire range of women\'shealth concerns—from nutrition to fertility, sexuality to aging, hormone replacement therapy to gynecological issues. Now, in 2020, Dr. Northrup has diligently revised and updated her book to include the very latest treatment innovations and research data. And, tonight, in the fluid dynamic of the curre

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Some people also have trouble sleeping due to persistent or severe muscle pain and cramps. Again, magnesium deficiency has been proven to cause these conditions. Thankfully, magnesium deficiency is easily identified, and may require additional magnesium in the form of food or supplements to correct. Once you find the appropriate dosage of magnesium for sleep, all that’s left to do is enjoy a restful night of peace. If you haven’t tried magnesium for sleep yet, it might be the solution you were hoping for. Tonight, we\\\'ll talk with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Can Magnesium Help with Sleep - along with a wide range of other health topics and clinically recommended nutritional assets to support your body. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the \\\'conflict\\\\\\\' in the \\\\\\\'conflict basis\\\\\\\' of disease and much more!!

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Some people also have trouble sleeping due to persistent or severe muscle pain and cramps. Again, magnesium deficiency has been proven to cause these conditions. Thankfully, magnesium deficiency is easily identified, and may require additional magnesium in the form of food or supplements to correct. Once you find the appropriate dosage of magnesium for sleep, all that’s left to do is enjoy a restful night of peace. If you haven’t tried magnesium for sleep yet, it might be the solution you were hoping for. Tonight, we\'ll talk with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Can Magnesium Help with Sleep - along with a wide range of other health topics and clinically recommended nutritional assets to support your body. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the \'conflict\\\' in the \\\'conflict basis\\\' of disease and much more!!

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    So what\'s the next step? If you are new to considering a beneficial, natural approach to immune system support, determining your current level of nutritional deficiency may be in order. At-home testing kits for magnesium, vitamin D, and thyroid, essential fatty acids as well as an elements panel that reveals your zinc levels are available through Dr. Dean\'s website. You can also speak to your family physician about getting this testing done through your local lab. Unless you\\\'ve made a specific effort to include daily supplementation in your current health regime you are more than likely to be magnesium or mineral deficient as well as vitamin D deficient. Over 80% of American\\\'s are magnesium deficient and 42% reported to be Vitamin D deficient. Embarking on a daily supplementation plan is exciting and will offer you incremental improvement in every area of your life including immune support. On tonight\'s radio show we\\\'ll talk about balancing all these nutrients and building a protocol that works

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    So what\'s the next step? If you are new to considering a beneficial, natural approach to immune system support, determining your current level of nutritional deficiency may be in order. At-home testing kits for magnesium, vitamin D, and thyroid, essential fatty acids as well as an elements panel that reveals your zinc levels are available through Dr. Dean\\\'s website. You can also speak to your family physician about getting this testing done through your local lab. Unless you\'ve made a specific effort to include daily supplementation in your current health regime you are more than likely to be magnesium or mineral deficient as well as vitamin D deficient. Over 80% of American\'s are magnesium deficient and 42% reported to be Vitamin D deficient. Embarking on a daily supplementation plan is exciting and will offer you incremental improvement in every area of your life including immune support. On tonight\'s radio show we\'ll talk about balancing all these nutrients and building a protocol that works for

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    After decades of crusading about the power of good nutrition and supplementation, I’m now getting daily reports from people who attribute their continuing health - even in the midst of this pandemic - to the empowerment they have gained from my information and formulas.The body maintains itself if you supply it with the key building blocks that it requires. Those building blocks are: magnesium, electrolytes, whole B\'s, C, and D vitamins, essential fatty acids and amino acids. When used daily, in their right ratios, and combined with a reduction in processed foods, sugar, and alcohol - the body can flourish.Due to the dizzying complex of mis-information related to being promoted now, I offered several esteemed colleagues to join me on my recent radio shows to make it very easy for you to get the very best information you can on how to care for yourself and your loved ones during this crisis. Tonight, I will return to my weekly show with an equally compelling presentation from the leading-edge in

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight on Dr. Dean’s weekly radio show she will be joined by Carole Baggerly, GrassRootsHealth. With the world in the grips of a COVID19 pandemic, responsible clinicians, doctors, researchers, and health care practitioners are evaluating a multiplicity of approaches that may reduce the risk of infection and death and support individuals in quarantine. As the founder and director of GrassRoots Health, Carole Baggerly is privy to the inside track on nutrient research with a particular emphasis on vitamin D research and the scientific-basis of the role of vitamin D in reducing risk of respiratory tract infections, knowledge about the epidemiology of influenza and COVID-19, and how vitamin D supplementation might be a useful measure to reduce risk. Tonight, Carole will join Dr. Dean for a thoughtful, leading-edge conversation about the use of multiple nutrients in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and the scientific basis of those trends which are happening 

  • Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE


    Tonight on Dr. Dean’s weekly radio show she will be joined by Dr. Thomas Levy. Dr. Levy is a board certified cardiologist and bar certified attorney and also a member of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service [OMNS], a wire-service style news feed that informs the media and citizenry about the advances in the life-saving practices of vitamin therapy. As member of the editorial board for the OMNS, Dr. Carolyn Dean is privy to the inside track and discussion of emerging trends, research and practices surrounding vitamin therapy and recently, most particularly focused on Vitamin C and its relationship to treatment and infection. Tonight, Dr. Levy will join Dr. Dean for a thoughtful, leading-edge conversation about the developments emerging as a result of medical experience gained as vitamin C is used in the fight against COVID-19. Please tune in to our LIVE call-in radio talk show to learn more. Dr. Levy is a board-certified cardiologist and a bar-certified attorney. After practicing adult cardio

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