Gun rights, current events, animal care, celebrity gossip...if it comes to mind, we'll talk about it.
BB&Guns: Security Theater and Things That Go Boom
28/01/2011 Duration: 59minSpecial guest: Joe Huffman!
14/01/2011 Duration: 59minTonight we have an honest-to-goodness guest! Marko (AKA The Munchkin Wrangler, AKA Major Caudill) has agreed to come and hang out with us for an hour.We'll chat about recent events, Marko's life as a science fiction writer, his awesome kids, what motivated him to move to the land of snow and ice, why he started blogging, and , yeah...why the gun really IS civilization.And more, probably. We'll also be taking calls, so be sure to join us!
Out & proud!
31/12/2010 Duration: 01h14sWhat happens when a gun owner shares their passion for the shooting sports and the 2nd Amendment.
Gear & gadgets
12/11/2010 Duration: 59mindiscussing all the nifty things that make gunnies' lives simpler and more fun.