Dem Black Mamas Podcast



Dem Black Mamas answers all the questions yo mama won't! From sex & dream chasing to adulting & raising free Black children in an unfree world, Crystal Tennille Irby, NeKisha Killings, & Thea Monyee, three #BlackMamaCreatives give you all the #BlackMamaMagic your heart can hold.


  • DBM Ep 57: Meditations By Mamas: Rising Meditation - You Are Enough w/ Jamarah Amani

    16/08/2023 Duration: 05min

    Dear Mama You are worthy to rise each day and dance in your dreams with your children by your side. You are worthy of serenity in birth. You are worthy of joy while holding your children. Join Midwife Jamarah Amani of Southern Birth Justice in partnership with the WNBA for a meditation experience to remind you:  You are complete. You are not alone.  You are magic. Meditations by Mamas are led by Black mamas to help us maintain alignment with healing, creativity, and liberation to manifest joy and abundance. We’re coming to LA on September 3rd!!! Early bird has been EXTENDED TIL SUNDAY, AUGUST 20th. Get on the mothership & ride with us LIVE!  GET YOUR TIX NOW>>> For more about Jamarah visit the shownotes for this episode on our website:

  • DBM Ep 56: Menopause, Black Women & Spiritual Ritual with Omisade Burney-Scott

    26/06/2023 Duration: 01h27min

    Dear Mama, What if I told you understanding menopause was a matter of life and death? In her 2022 book You Got Anything Stronger, Gabrielle Union went into deep detail about how in her words, “the surge and retreat of hormones” during perimenopause and menopause caused her to have passive suicidal ideations and pointed out that science has focused on hiding symptoms or treating the symptoms of menopause that have mattered most to men like vaginal dryness.  The part of Union’s book that made me pause (see what I did there) was when Union stated, “According to a 2020 CDC study, the suicide rate among women is highest for those ages 45-64” and calls out how women’s depression is often linked to men or their children, focusing on the external features of women’s lives and not the internal.  That’s when I knew we had to do an episode about Menopause and I knew just who turn to Omisade Burney Scott s creator of the platform Black Girl’s Guide to Surviving Menopause which includes a podcast of the same name.    Blac

  • DBM Ep 55: Mother's Day Special: Celebrating Black Mamas, Dreaming of Liberation & Creating Your Own Reality

    14/05/2023 Duration: 27min

    Dear Mama, Our hope for you today is: ✨ For you to honor the truth of your motherhood journey ✨ Space to heal from harm, disappointment & trauma ✨ Rest in your being  to release yourself from attaching your worthiness to doing In this special mother’s day episode we celebrate Black Motherhood through poetry, imagination and meditation with a poem by me Crystal Tennille Irby, Image a new world with NeKisha Killings and a Liberation Meditation from Thea Monyee.  Celebrate your whole self.  It all belongs.   Happy Mothers Day Black Mamas & don't forget Black Mama Creative Week kicks off Saturday, June 24th! ✨

  • DBM Ep 54: Birth Justice, Liberation & the Power of Black Midwives w/ Jamarah Amani & K.Sanderson

    14/04/2023 Duration: 01h35min

    Dear Mama, Dream with me.  Can you imagine a world with a Black midwife in every family, in every community, easily accessible, at our fingertips, a world in which birth choices aren’t controlled by capitalism, a world in which the birth practices that Black women used to literally birth this country are honored, a world in which they are revered, a world in which Black midwives could practice the full scope of reproductive health and reproductive choices are respected, a world in which Black mothers don’t fear death in the midst of giving birth, experience it with fully joy and bodily autonomy.  It’s Black Maternal Health Week and we are grateful for the opportunity to sit with two people invested in building that world: Jamarah Amani, founder of National Black Midwives Alliance & cofounder of Southern Birth Justice Network & filmmaker K. Sanderson  In this episode we’re talking: 

  • DBM Episode 53: Black Grief, Ritual & Wakanda Forever

    02/03/2023 Duration: 01h24min

    Dear Mama, There are two things that happen to everyone in this life that we don’t talk about - birth and death -  both can challenge and transform everything we believe in. They can be messy and uncomfortable roads to travel and sometimes art can help us through.  In Black Panther Ryan Coogler proved he is a master at guiding us through uncomfortable conversations & in this episode we are joined by one of our faves Michele Foss of The TV Doctor Podcast to talk about how Coogler guides us through grief in Wakanda Forever.  We can’t think of a better way to kick off Women’s History Month than talking about a film held together by Black women & centers the mother daughter relationship.  May we never forget and ALWAYS celebrate their work. In this episode we’re talking: 

  • DBM Episode 52: Black Women Organizing, Hoes That Ain't Loyal, & Spiritual Political Cycles

    26/01/2023 Duration: 01h20min

    Dear Mama, Hey Mamas!  The election dust has settled, MLK’s birthday is in our rearview mirror & February is on the horizon which means we are rested and hopeful so now is the perfect time to look at the political landscape for Black folx with clear eyes.  Yup! It’s the Black Mama Magic Election Update. Our first episode was in response to the 2016 election and we haven’t missed an election cycle yet. In this episode we talk: about how we feel now vs. 2016, what gives us hope, In this episode we talk:

  • DBM Episode 51: When It All Falls Down, Finding Freedom & Transitioning to Conscious Parenting w/ Domari Dickinson

    06/11/2022 Duration: 01h32min

    Dear Mama, What if I told you conscious parenting wasn’t about your children, it was about your journey to freedom, about you creating the life and relationship you desire about leaving behind a system that you and your children may be highly functioning in but it’s in fact causing harm and it just don’t feel good. These are the beautiful revelations we discovered in our conversation with liberation partner and conscious parenting coach Domari Dickinson. This conversation is about more than conscious parenting, it’s about how Black mothers can free ourselves from the myths and shackles of motherhood. We are diving deep into finding liberation in the Black motherhood experience, for our children and for ourselves over the next three episodes and Domari Dickinson kicks this series off in a powerful way.  In this episode we talk:

  • DBM Episode 50: Our Golden Episode, Fans Only, Honk for Jesus & Looking Back

    18/10/2022 Duration: 01h31min

    Dear Mama, Stop waiting for the big moment.  Celebrate now.  Celebrate the big things, the small things, the major milestones and the minor ones even if they’re only meaningful to you, even if they come much later than you expected.  Instead of judging the journey, rest in gratitude.  Our celebration is a thank you to God, Spirit, the universe, the ancestors, the orishas, the angels and our very own souls  for all they’ve done, for clearing our path, for holding us, standing with us, carrying us. We celebrate this 50th episode.  We are grateful to you and most of all we are grateful for the journey and we trust the expansion that lies ahead.  ✨

  • DBM Episode 49 Leaning Into Love, Reclaiming Yourself & Staying Present

    02/10/2022 Duration: 27min

    In this episode, we share some behind-the-scenes moments/audio of the grounding that helps us connect before we begin and focus on and be fully present before we begin each episode.   Church Announcements:  Responsive Reading: Black Mama Magic Card 28: I Am Supported At All Times Black Mama Magic Card 36: What About the Rest Black Mama Magic Card 41: The Wait Is Over Dem Black Mamas Magic Evermore Box  The intention of this box is for Black Mamas to honor the light within themselves.  The items inside the Magic Evermore box will prepare Black mamas to soak up all the energy of the sun all summer and remind them of the importance of documenting themselves, the power to manifest the life you want, and to soften and pour into yourself when your mothership hits rough waters. Items inside: ☀️Full Black Mama Magic Card Deck ☀️Incense from Smell Good Spa ☀️Mama Magic: Evermore Picture Frame ☀️Postcards ☀️Gratitude Jar ☀️Herbs: Jasmine, Eucalyptus, & Lavender ☀️An investment in yourself and in Dem Black M

  • DBM Episode 48 Black Moms, Breastfeeding & Informal Milk Sharing with Rita Little.

    15/09/2022 Duration: 01h28min

    Church Announcements:  Responsive Reading Black Mama Magic Card 33: I Trust All Of Me Dem Black Mamas The intention of this box is for Black Mamas to honor the light within themselves.  The items inside the Magic Evermore box will prepare Black mamas to soak up all the energy of the sun all summer and remind them of the importance of documenting themselves, the power to manifest the life you want, and to soften and pour into yourself when your mothership hits rough waters. Items inside: ☀️Full Black Mama Magic Card Deck ☀️Incense from Smell Good Spa ☀️Mama Magic: Evermore Picture Frame ☀️Postcards ☀️Gratitude Jar ☀️Herbs: Jasmine, Eucalyptus, & Lavender ☀️An investment in yourself and in Dem Black Mamas Podcast. When you invest in us, you are investing in a platform curated by three women actively creating spaces of healing, creativity & liberation. Order by the 25th of each month to receive the following month.   Theme: Building for Liberation: Centering Black Mamas, Black Families and Black

  • DBM Episode 47: Black Mamas Leaving America, Belonging & Liberation Beyond Borders with Parthenia Luke

    01/08/2022 Duration: 01h49min

    #DearMama, where do we belong? Where can we be safe? Where can we be brave? Where can our children thrive? Where can we be? These are questions that more and more Black mothers are searching beyond the borders of America for answers to. Today, we explore these questions with daughter of the diaspora, Parthenia Luke. A descendant of formerly enslaved Black folks who left America in the late 1800s for Liberia, we have a raw, honest, and real conversation about what it means for Black Americans to leave America, and what it means for our children and us to stay. Mac & Cheese: For today’s mac and cheese, we are speaking to Parthenia Luke. Parthenia is a social worker by passion and profession. She’s passionate about social justice as it pertains to the human right to be and to belong. As an emerging scholar working towards a PhD in social work, she aims to shed light on the long-term implications of gentrification, especially for individual residents and for entire communities. Her passions carry into her wor

  • DBM Episode 46: Reflecting on Things We Manifested, Following Dreams & Being a Black Mama Creative

    01/06/2022 Duration: 01h15min

    #DearMama, we believe that imagination and creativity are tools that helped our ancestors survive and create a culture that continuously evolves. We believe motherhood is not the graveyard of our dreams but fear IS! We believe liberation is the deep belief that you can create the life the you want and friendships that give us grace and call us to our highest selves are essential in motherhood and help us catch our wildest dreams. In this episode we discuss what we've manifested and navigating our friendship, spiritual practices and FEARS while pursuing our dreams. This is why we created Black Mama Creative Week - a series of digital events starting on June 24th to June 30th. Because motherhood is not the graveyard of dreams. Motherhood is an opportunity to expand and dive deeper into your creativity. So celebrate the ingenuity and innovation of black motherhood with us and get ready to inspire and be inspired.  Check our show notes on our website ( for all links mentioned in this epi

  • DBM Episode 45: Black Women, Social Media & Building Community for Liberation

    16/05/2022 Duration: 01h34min

    Dear Mama, From Rosewood, Florida to Tulsa Oklahoma Black folx have always been about the the business of building sustainable thriving communities. What if I told you we are in the midst of the same opportunity now?  What if I told you we could build communities rooted in healing, creativity and liberation? What if I told you the real estate is in the palm of your hands?  Yup I’m talking about the interwebs.  In this episode writer, content creator, sociologist, abolitionist, womanist, and intersectional feminist Nikki Blak gives us the tools to cultivate our virtual real estate and challenges us to think about the internet, in particular social media as an infinite canvas and a rushing river. Imagine That! So if you are trying to find your footing in these internet streets, if you are trying to find your folks, if you are a creative, innovator, if you have a story to tell, a message in your gut burning with the fierce urgency of now, or you have grown weary and frustrated with the interwebs period THIS EPIS

  • Honoring and Navigating Our Friendships as Mothers

    01/05/2022 Duration: 59min

    #DearMama, take time this Mother's Day to honor your friendships. Honor those who have expanded you, stretched you, given to you, trusted you, and elevated you. We come here to be seen and loved, and I'm so grateful to have friends in my life who see me. In this episode, Thea and I share the genesis and evolution of our friendship and the challenges we’ve faced along the way. As always, this podcast has always given me exactly what I need, and today I needed to see love and trust active in my life, holding me. Our intention is that this episode allows you to see yourself and all the women pouring into you as always. Church Announcements/Prayer Requests/Praise Reports: Magic Evermore Box  Link: The intention of this box is for Black Mamas to honor the light within themselves.  The items inside the Magic Evermore box will prepare Black mamas to soak up all the energy of the sun all summer and remind them of the importance of documenting themselves, the power to manifest the life

  • DBM Episode 43: Rewriting the Script on Mental Health for Black Mothers

    15/04/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    #DearMama, We believe in rooting our motherhood and healing because healing is a part of our inheritance and a part of the generational wealth that we pass on to our children. When we heal, we're not just healing for ourselves. We're healing for our ancestors. We’re healing for future generations, making the path clearer and smoother for them as they travel down the road. We believe that our culture should not be rooted in pain. Instead, our culture should be rooted in our healing, our joy, our creativity, and our brilliance. Invest in us! ​​Invest in a platform curated by 3 Black women actively cultivating spaces rooted in healing, creativity, and liberation for Black mamas. Help us continue to be #BlackMamaBuilt. Don’t just listen, subscribe Share with at least one person Follow us on any social media platform @demblackmamaspodcast Engage through social media comments, DM us or email with questions Join our email list Patreon: Merch: https://tee

  • DBM Episode 42: Honoring Your Body, Creativity, and Embracing Motherhood on Your Own Terms featuring Staci Mitchell

    01/04/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    #DearMama, we’re about to embark on a meaningful conversation all about your body, creativity, and motherhood. And Staci Mitchell, a yogi, artist, and professor, helps us navigate this discussion all about the Black body, creativity, and Black motherhood. Staci is someone who embodies full power, joy, and energy, and we’re so excited to have her here today to share all about embracing motherhood on your own terms despite tradition, honoring your creativity and intention, and listening to your divine body. Church Announcements Thea: New Website: Join Thea for Sacred Sundays by texting SACRED to 213 & Choose your own adventure NeKisha: New Website for Nikki & Nikki Lactation Career Consultants: Say Less: A virtual BIPOC silent co-working space  1st Monday 8amET-11amET Link To Join: 3rd Monday 8pmPT-11pmPT Link To Join: Crystal:  Turning 7 year program Writers Well Youth F

  • DBM Episode 41 Surrender, Worthiness & Learning From Our Children featuring Precious Bivings

    15/03/2022 Duration: 01h18min

    Dear Mama, The Mother Ship hit some unchartered territory and It got TIIIIGHT in the up #BlackMamaMagic room but WE AIN’T NEVA scared so we allowed and trusted. We discussed what it means to surrender, reconciling our ancestors spiritual agreements with their human existence, allowing our children to impact our works and how to make yo booty sit high-ya.   Our guest Precious Bivings affectionately known as Coach P helped me discover the tools I needed to transform my life into a powerful transformative creative experience. If you wanna go higher, keep listening.  If you wanna be stretched, keep listening.   If you wanna find your power, we got you this episode. If you want yo booty to sit up HIGH-YA. KEEP LISSENIN! Church Announcements Thea: New Website: Join Thea for Sacred Sundays by texting SACRED to 213 & Choose your own adventure NeKisha: New Website for Nikki & Nikki Lactation Career Consultants: Say Less: A virtual BIPOC silent co-workin

  • DBM Episode 40: We Back! What We Learned in 2021 and What’s Coming Next

    01/03/2022 Duration: 01h20s

    Dear Mama, We all deserve the grace and permission to explore our shadows and cradle ourselves in radical honesty. After losing the desire to continue producing our podcast, I went on an unexpected hiatus where I found the answers I was looking for. WE BACK & Today, Thea and Nekisha are riding shotgun with me as we all share our journey looking back at what 2021 taught us and where we’re headed in 2022. Church Announcements Thea: New Website: Join Thea for Sacred Sundays by texting SACRED to 213 & Choose your own adventure NeKisha: New Website for Nikki & Nikki Lactation Career Consultants: Say Less: A virtual BIPOC silent co-working space  1st Monday 8amET-11amET Link To Join: 3rd Monday 8pmPT-11pmPT Link To Join: Crystal:  Turning 7 year program Writers Well Youth Fellowship into a non-profit Writers Well is a program for Black girls/femmes 14-19 living in

  • DBM Episode 39 Mothering, Art & Black Maternal Health

    04/05/2021 Duration: 01h29min

    Dear Mama, When it comes to Black Maternal Health, our work is not over when Black mothers survive and the child is born alive and we will not let it fade into our peripheral.  In this episode we discuss being invited to do an art installation for Project Row Houses Round 50 entitled Race, Motherhood, and Health.  We also discuss the importance of art in this movement and art’s capacity like nothing else to creep into the crevices of culture and push us forward.  Before we jump into that convo we take a discuss witnessing our children during hard situations inspired by card number 19 from our Black Mama Magic Card Deck which reads I honor my child’s divine path.  We hope this episode reminds you that motherhood is not the graveyard of dreams, that our children are divine beings on their own divine journey, and when your mothership hits rough waters to soften.  SYLLABUS Church Announcements/Prayer Requests/Praise Reports: Black Mama Magic Mini Card Deck & Magic Evermore Summer Solstice Boxes are on SALE N

  • DBM Episode 38 Raising Transgender Children featuring Jamarah Amani & Michelle

    19/03/2021 Duration: 01h24min

    Dear Mama, Come celebrate with us.  Celebrate this beautiful mothering journey.  Celebrate with us the powerful legacy of Black motherhood that always offers healing, is abundant in creativity, and expands liberation. We are celebrating Women’s History Month by elevating the radical work of mothers raising transgender children.  In this episode guests midwife Jamarah Amani & Michelle are Black mothers building a Promise Land rooted in equity and love. We would like to say thank you for your patience during our unexpected hiatus while I was healing from COVID.   SYLLABUS Church Announcements/Prayer Requests/Praise Reports: All who have had COVID and lost love ones to COVID Frontline workers Gratitude Crystal writing workshop coming up on Sunday, March 28th & NeKisha's first conference keynote on Monday, March 29th (check the show notes on our website for registration links:   Mac & Cheese: In this episode we talk with midwife Jamarah Amani & transgender youth advocate Mi

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