Each week Ben & Abhi answer junior and beginning developers' questions about life as a web developer.
#16 What are you losing not having a Computer Science degree?
25/01/2016 Duration: 15minSup #BenAndAbhi Fam! It has been a long break, we know... we know... but we got 8 shows queued up and ready for action in the coming days! So subscribe and stay tuned. Some say you need a Computer Science degree and others say it is better not to have one. Ben and Abhi share their opinions on what you lose by not having a CS degree and answer weather or not it is worth it.
#15 Setting, Measuring & Reviewing Personal and Professional Goals
04/01/2016 Duration: 14minWelcome to 2016 #BenAndAbhi nation! Make sure to start this year off right by subscribing to the show
#14 Performance Enhancing Drugs (Nootropics) for Software Developers
01/01/2016 Duration: 12minHappy holidays #BenAndAbhi nation! We will be bringing you fresh shows all week. Make sure to subscribe-n-save
#13 There Is Nothing to Fear with Change
31/12/2015 Duration: 10minHappy holidays #BenAndAbhi nation! We will be bringing you fresh shows all week. Make sure to subscribe-n-save
#12 PSA - Beware of Your Negative Attitude (The Darkside)
30/12/2015 Duration: 12minHappy holidays #BenAndAbhi nation! We will be bringing you fresh shows all week. Make sure to subscribe-n-save
#11 Your Good Idea Should Not Be A Secret
29/12/2015 Duration: 11minHappy holidays #BenAndAbhi nation! We will be bringing you fresh shows all week. Make sure to subscribe-n-save
#10 2016 Predictions // Wordpress Meteor Angular React Flux GraphQL Sharks
28/12/2015 Duration: 09minHello #BenAndAbhi nation! We break down our predictions for 2016 and I think there will be some shockers! Share your 2016 predictions on twitter #BenAndAbhi
#9 Angular vs React // Which should you learn // Which should you use
25/12/2015 Duration: 13minMerry Christmas Ben & Abhi nation! With all the love and harmony being spread today we figured it would be a good time to debate which framework is better, Angular JS by Google or React by Facebook. I think our outcome will surprise you. Please share and comment on twitter #BenAndAbhi
#8 When to Shave Yaks, Switch Frameworks and Refactor Code
24/12/2015 Duration: 12minWhat up #BenAndAbhi nation! When learning web development it is very tempting switch mid-project do a different framework, whilst in the pursuit of the "best" stack or get stuck in endless refactor cycles of making your code "better". We debunk these myths and give a solid route to help you decide when, why and how to switch code frameworks and/or refactor. Please subscribe and share... #BenAndAbhi
#7 Burnout Sucks // Tips How We Recover and Avoid Burnout / Depression as Software Developers
09/12/2015 Duration: 12minYo #BenAndAbhi peeps, show #7 here and in high gear! Today we are talking about Burnout! Burnout (the "what", recovery and how to avoid it)... Are you yelling at nice old Sunday Drivers? Are you questioning if software dev is right for you, when obviously it is an awesome career? You might be burned out son! Let grandpa's Ben & Abhi give ya some wise advice
#6 Know Your Role // How to Work with Smart People
08/12/2015 Duration: 12minYo B&A nation! Episode #6 his here for your ears. Everyday we work side-by-side with peeps who are smarter than us…. I am talking straight up legit geniuses. Working with them is not always easy but the benefits are enormous. In this show we give you the encouragement and some insight into working with them and not against or below them. Please let us know how you are liking this podcast on twitter at #BenAndAbhi and wether you like the new shortened podcast style or not!
#5 Identify what motivates you as a developer // Hack your motivations for productivity
04/12/2015 Duration: 56minWTF! We have been MIA for too long! Sorry about that Ben&Abhi Nation Episode 5 has arrived. Ben and Abhi talk about the 3 things that motivate every person and how you can identify yours to boost your productivity, become a easier person to work with and destroy procrastination.
#4 Zero to Hero: Step-by-Step Learn Web Dev // Ben & Abhi's Personal Dev History // Why Unpaid Internships are Bogus
21/10/2015 Duration: 34minHowdy #BenAndAbhi nation! We missed a week - boo! - but we found the time to make this special extended edition to make up for it! This week we share our step-by-step self-learning plan for anyone to become educated in Web Development. Also Ben & Abhi share their inspiring personal life stories on how they got started in the software/tech industry. We also slip in our opinions on unpaid internships (spoiler... we love them... NOT). Cool stuff we mention in the show: MeteorJS Hackathon Ben's winning hackathon submission Our Step-by-step Learn Web Dev List (Free) ($15/m) or ($29/m) ($20/m) Advance books: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Introduction to Algorithms Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy The Pragmatic Programmer Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
#3 County fair comparison // Git is the sh*t // Prep for a technical interview // Prototyping tools
07/10/2015 Duration: 20minYo what up #BenAndAbhi nation, show num-beer 3 is here! Remember to ask your questions on Twitter with #BenAndAbhi @geardaddie asks about Git & Git-Flow: What is Git (Version Control) Git-Flow methodology @colbycheeze asks our preferences on front-end prototyping tools: FramerJS Origami inVision Bootstrap Foundation Semantic UI Skeleton Abhi drops some solid wisdom on prepping for your first technical interview. Book: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Book: Algorithms
#2 FIGHT! -- Native Apps vs. Cordova // Work Estimates vs. #NoEstimates // Are Dev Bootcamps Worth It? // p.s. Cali Weather Sucks!
30/09/2015 Duration: 17min##Show #2 Thanks for listening to the show! Ask your questions on Twitter #BenAndAbhi and make sure to follow Ben Strahan @_benstr & Abhi Aiyer @AbhiAiyer ###This Week's Questions Eric Crobak asks Are Dev Bootcamps Worth It? Ashtyn Bell asks As a startup when does it make sense to switch from a Cordova (PhoneGap) mobile app to Native apps? Dean Radcliffe asks What are our thoughts on providing work estimates vs. providing no estimates #NoEstimates ?
#1 Chuck Norris' guide to open source contributing, stepping up to land a senior position & more
21/09/2015 Duration: 18minThis week we answer.... Devan Beitel asked: I am having a hard time trying to get into open-source contributions. I work as a developer for a healthcare insurance company and I can’t show any of my day-to-day work. I’m hacking away on side projects at night when I can, but it seems like it isn’t enough to build my reputation. Ben Costanza asked: I chose to go the self-taught route. I didn’t like the idea of a bootcamp that seemed like a potential ‘ready made HR scheme’. but once things started to click I still struggled a lot with reaching out re: employment and reading job ads can be very demoralizing when they want “rock star” 5-10+ years in this long laundry list and far fewer advertised opportunities for jr people, which you seem to have to know someone to ‘get in’, could you shedding light on this? Ryan Swapp asked: I seem to be able to figure out most things with a few google searches… most of my questions right now revolve around dev ops stuff and the best way to deploy/scale apps? cbranch asked: I’ve