Media, movies, music, video games, television, popular culture.A voice actor and stand up comic and an odd duck, oh and also maybe a Southern journalist.
In The Red:The Cute Count
27/02/2009 Duration: 01h30minIn the world of single-ness, who has it better, men or women? Which of the two have more options? We answer this question tonight. At least for Rhode Island. On a Saturday afternoon. At the mall. It's scientific. Also tonight, the return of Cousin Dan! And... the normal ration of other random crap.
In The Red:Crazy Chimps, Octomom and Randy
19/02/2009 Duration: 01h29minSadly, we did not have Cousin Dan with us this evening. We soldiered on without him. We try to understand why there are death threats against Octomom and who should REALLY be threatened. We talk a little about the face-ripping-off chimp and what the 911 operator might have been thinking. Then, I bitch about some other stuff and the chat room turns on me after we introduce the new segment The Randy Minute. Who is Randy> Tune in to find out.
In The Red
13/02/2009 Duration: 24minOur mission is to make you laugh. Laugh and think. Think and then maybe laugh later. Or just think.
In The Red:Polishing the Brass and Chronicling the Minutia
05/02/2009 Duration: 01h30minWe are polishing the brass and chronicling the minutia. We present the blog aspect of BlogTalkRadio and let other people worry about the talk radio bit. Tonight we talk living with others, the impending zombie apocalypse, Dan's interesting speech impediment and repetitive speech, the worst foods in America and why there aren't that many hot chicks working at Hooters in Rhode Island. All this and more! More!? Are you kidding? No. I am not!
In The Red:Smitten-Blobe
29/01/2009 Duration: 01h30minWe talked about Facebook and what is wrong with it. What's good, what's annoying and why Danny has a personal reason to not like it.We decide the theme of the show is to constantly polish the brass on the Titanic.We talk about the Smitten! Ooh. The Smitten. How does it line up with the Snuggie?Be on the look out, because soon, we will be selling our new invention, the BLOBE!
In The Red: Bullies, Brains and Burger King
15/01/2009 Duration: 01h29minWe talk about poor ol' Andy Rooney a little bit. Some brain experimentations. Burger King ads. Bullies (apparently Urban Dan once assaulted a mentally challenged person). For some reason I keep singing When You're a Jet from West Side Story.Good show! Woot!
In The Red: Worst Movie of 2008
08/01/2009 Duration: 01h30minSteve and I are in a quandry. Which was worse, the emotional spanking Indiana Jones and the Blagh Bleahg gave us, or the intellect punching Day the Earth Sucked a Suck? We can't decide so we leave it to Dan to decide which we think is worse. Also, there is some weather talk and some talk about a bed.
In The Red
29/12/2008 Duration: 01h32minWe slapped this show in the middle of the two holiday weeks as our scheduled Wednesday night shows were not going to work! We give the award to C of the YEAR! We talk about being sick and dying and bullies. Cheerful! Enjoy.
In The Red: It's Amost Christmas
18/12/2008 Duration: 01h29minTonight we will talk about lying and the show/board game The Moment of Truth. Wait. The board game? We will also talk about the excellent Day The Earth Stood Still. There will be spoilers a-plenty. We'll talk a little about the gym and my hat and a mean lady and some other crap. Tune in for more crap!1
In The Red
12/12/2008 Duration: 01h29minTonight we talk about SNUGGIE!! Prepare for the new world order in which you will be given your SNUGGIE to wear.Roy Orbison makes an appearance in an unexpected way. And we talk about the people who were famous when the made Feed The World, but now no one knows.