Rudolph Maybell Ministries Podcast



Agape Love Word Prayer and Faith Family Ministry podcast for all who can't meet with us.


  • What To Tell Someone That Doesn’t Believe the Truth

    23/06/2024 Duration: 32min

    In this episode, Pastor Rudy provides guidance on engaging with those who struggle to accept the truth of the Gospel. Using the example of Thomas, Pastor Rudy teaches practical and compassionate ways to address doubts and disbelief.

  • The Sabbath Is Everyday

    16/06/2024 Duration: 38min

    In this episode, Pastor Rudy explains why believers are no longer bound to keep the traditional Sabbath established by the law. In this sermon, Pastor Rudy teaches that through Christ, we have ceased from our works and entered into God’s eternal rest. He explores the profound spiritual significance of living in a continual state of […]

  • Love Is Greater Than Faith

    09/06/2024 Duration: 26min

    In the thought-provoking episode titled “Love is Greater than Faith,” our Christian podcast features Pastor Rudy as he delves into the profound teaching that love surpasses even faith. In this sermon, Pastor Rudy explores the biblical truth that while faith is essential, it is love that ultimately holds the greatest power and significance in a […]

  • Faith Without Works Is Dead

    02/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    In this episode, Pastor Rudy emphasizes that genuine faith is demonstrated through our actions, illustrating this powerful truth with the story of the woman with the issue of blood who was healed by her faith. Listeners will be encouraged to reflect on their own faith journeys and consider how their actions align with their beliefs. […]

  • The Armor of God Revisited

    26/05/2024 Duration: 36min

    In the episode we continue on the topic of spiritual armor with Pastor Rudy, building upon last week’s sermon by guest speaker Minister Helena. Pastor Rudy takes listeners on an exploration of each aspect of the armor of God as described in Ephesians 6. This sermon aims to deepen your understanding and strengthen your resolve […]

  • The Armor of God ft. Minister Helena

    19/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    In the inspiring episode titled “The Armor of God,” our guest speaker Minister Helena, provides a powerful sermon on the importance of equipping ourselves with the full armor of God. Minister Helena delves into each piece of the spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6, explaining how they protect and empower believers to stand firm against […]

  • The Battle Is In The Mind

    05/05/2024 Duration: 44min

    In this sermon, Pastor Rudy highlights the significance of directing our thoughts toward what is holy, good, and pleasing to the Lord. Drawing from Scripture, he illustrates how our thoughts can either lead us closer to God or away from Him, emphasizing that victory in our lives begins with winning the battle over our thoughts. […]

  • You Will Reap What You Sow

    28/04/2024 Duration: 42min

    In this podcast episode, Pastor Rudy sheds light on the powerful biblical principle of sowing and reaping. Throughout this sermon, Pastor Rudy navigates the complexities of this universal law, illustrating how our actions, whether good or evil, have a direct impact on what we receive in return, often multiplied. He emphasizes that this principle applies […]

  • Is Your Worship For Real

    21/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    In this episode titled “Is Your Worship For Real,” Pastor Rudy, takes us on a deep exploration of what it means to be a true worshiper in the eyes of the Lord. Using the biblical story of Cain and Abel as a foundation, Pastor Rudy unfolds the crucial differences between their offerings, illustrating why Abel’s […]

  • Consult The Lord Before Every Battle

    14/04/2024 Duration: 43min

    In this episode titled “Consult The Lord Before Every Battle,” Pastor Rudy shares insights on the importance of seeking God’s guidance in our struggles. Drawing from the scriptural command to put on the full armor of Christ, Pastor Rudy emphasizes that not all battles are ours to fight and highlights the significance of discerning which […]

  • The Name That’s Above Every Name

    07/04/2024 Duration: 59min

    In this profound sermon, Pastor Rudy unpacks the biblical foundations and spiritual implications of invoking the name that holds power above all others. This episode illuminates how the name of Jesus is not only central to our faith but also a source of strength, healing, and protection for believers. Join us for an enlightening exploration […]

  • Put On Christ, The Wedding Garment

    31/03/2024 Duration: 40min

    In this profound episode of our Christian podcast, titled “Put on Christ, the Wedding Garment,” Pastor Rudy delves into the rich symbolism and vital message of the parable of the wedding feast, focusing on the man found without a wedding garment. Through this parable, Pastor Rudy unveils the essential truth that approaching God requires more […]

  • Be Content Where You Are

    24/03/2024 Duration: 34min

    In this episode of our podcast, Pastor Rudy delves into the heart of what it means to live a life marked by contentment. Drawing from the profound biblical principle that “godliness with contentment is great gain,” Pastor Rudy explores the transformative power of embracing where we are and what we have through the lens of […]

  • The Importance Of Godly Fellowship ft. Elder Willie

    17/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    In this sermon, guest speaker Elder Willie enlightens us on the critical role that fellowship plays within the Christian community. He emphasizes how connecting with fellow believers not only strengthens our faith but also provides us with spiritual support, encouragement, and accountability. Through engaging stories and biblical references, Elder Willie illustrates the transformative power of […]

  • Prayer Is So Important That Your Life Depends On It

    03/03/2024 Duration: 43min

    This sermon highlights the undeniable power of prayer, as demonstrated by Daniel’s unyielding faith and trust in God, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds. Through this biblical narrative, Pastor Rudy uncovers the profound impact that prayer can have on our lives, illustrating that it is not merely a ritual, but a lifeline connecting us […]

  • King’s Quotes Based On Bible

    25/02/2024 Duration: 48min

    In this sermon, Pastor Rudy delves into some of Martin Luther King Jr.’s most impactful quotes, analyzing their biblical roots and alignment with the teachings of Christ. This exploration illuminates how King’s words were deeply entrenched in his faith and provides a fresh perspective on his profound wisdom. Tune in to this episode for a […]

  • Don’t Be A Hypocrite

    18/02/2024 Duration: 38min

    In this sermon, Pastor Rudy explores the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees as a powerful teaching tool. He warns against the dangers of duplicity in our spiritual journey, cautioning us not to fall into the same pitfalls of saying one thing and doing another. This episode serves as a stark reminder that our actions […]

  • Don’t Trade Christ For Worldly Possessions

    11/02/2024 Duration: 45min

    In this sermon, Pastor Rudy draws from the poignant story of Judas, who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. This narrative serves as a stark warning against allowing worldly desires and temporary pleasures to sway us from our devotion to Christ and the eternal blessings He offers. Pastor Rudy encourages us to keep our […]

  • Stay Ready In Christ

    04/02/2024 Duration: 46min

    In this compelling sermon, Pastor Rudy reminds us to stay for the Lord’s return. With no one aware of when Jesus will come back, it’s crucial to be prepared at all times, especially during those moments we least expect it. This message is a timely reminder to keep our lives aligned with God’s will, living […]

  • Trade Your Mindset For God’s Mindset

    28/01/2024 Duration: 24min

    In this sermon, Pastor Rudy delves into the importance of renewing our minds to align with God’s perspective. Using the poignant story of the rich young ruler from Matthew’s Gospel as a powerful metaphor, he illustrates the necessity of letting go of our old, worldly mindset in exchange for a new, spiritual one. This episode […]

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