Dr. Andi's Animal Magic With Dr. Andi

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Inspired Choices Network Empowering people to know what they know about their animals. Dr. Andi works with the energy/force/information in animals bodies to allow for magical changes that are possible for each one. Dr. Andi www.HarpersRidge.com


  • Out-Creating Your Stories ~ Guest, Autumn Shields


    Dr. Andi's World  How much of your life have you tried to create based on your stories?  How fun is that...really?  Dr. Andi welcomes Autumn Shields to this week's adventure, exploring what life could be like, if you were "out-creating" your stories. Autumn Shields felt her first big nudge in the eighth grade, to help others. It led her to a degree in Sociology/Psychology and her first career in law enforcement serving crime victims. That is when she learned that “nudge” wasn’t the only one she would experience. Over time, Autumn learned that ignoring those nudges turned her into a hot mess. Instead of surrendering to the nudges, she had a few out loud tantrums about what she wanted. She was uncomfortable and had to question everything she knew.  Autumn also learned that those nudges were guides to living her life fully alive. Once she surrendered to where the journey took her, she stepped into living an authentic life where she is fulfilled…and she gets the opportunity to serve others on the same journey. Fi

  • Fun With Frequencies – A New Path To Wellness ~ Guest, Gladys Boza


    Dr. Andi's World  Do you ever get the sense that you know something different is possible with health and wellness? What if we could have fun with frequencies as a part of our wellness practices?  Dr. Andi welcomes Gladys Boza this week, for an adventure in having fun with frequencies as a way of creating wellness with our bodies and our lives. Gladys Boza is one of those curious people whose ‘normal’ is playing in the worlds of technology and wellness. She grew up in Caracas, Venezuela, and moved to the United States in 1998.  After studying Chemical Engineering, earning her MBA and certifying in Project Management, she served in various tech roles and is currently working with a software company that creates amazing technology with satellites to enable farmers to better manage their lands and reduce water usage. While building her professional career, Gladys also chose to become a Yoga instructor, Reiki Master, Integrated Energy Therapy practitioner and Access Bars Facilitator while learning from all kinds

  • Allowing Earth To Be Our Teacher ~ Guest, Corinna Stoeffl


    Dr. Andi's World  It might seem like a strange idea, that we could allow Earth to be our teacher, and yet the earth is constantly in motion and is teaming with life and creation.  If we were willing to observe and witness from a different perspective, what new awareness and wisdom and consciousness could we receive from Earth?  Dr. Andi welcomes Corinna Stoeffl to this week’s show to explore that and more of what else is possible with Earth as our Teacher. Deeply caring about her clients, Corinna Stoeffl has no judgment or expectations of them as a person or their lives.  Her aim is to support the client in developing their personal leadership skills. That includes developing their authentic self and finding out what kind of life they would like to live, apart from everybody else's ideas of what should be. In addition, she supports clients individually in changing what does not work in their lives.  Corinna writes articles for her blog and magazines, and has a free online community called EarthConsciousness G

  • Guided Transformation ~ Special Guest, Julie Tuton


    Dr. Andi's World  Have you ever been on a guided transformation? Dr. Andi invites you to something new this week as she welcomes Julie Tuton to the podcast for an exploration in guided transformation and new choices. Julie Tuton is an author, jeweler, artist, magical creator, and single mom. A Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness for 16+ years, she facilitates sessions for individuals & couples, as well as workshops including Guided Transformation, Committing to YOUR living, intro topics on anti-aging, money, stress-relief, and energetic treatments for well being. She has always desired to inspire and empower people to be happy, and she loves to create beauty in the world. Contact Julie at julietutonenergy@gmail.com or visit her website at http://www.beautyinthebreakup.com And check out Julie's podcast, here - https://soundcloud.com/julietutonenergy/sets/coffee-talk-with-nate-julie ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share your question with Dr. Andi and she will answer it on a future episode – http://bit.ly/AskDrAndi

  • Get Happy, Stay Happy During The Holidaze ~ Guest, Rüdrani Devi


    Dr. Andi's World  Dr. Andi welcomes Rüdrani Devi to the show this week, to explore how the hek we get happy, and stay happy, beyond the daze of the holiday season.  You might be wondering if that is even possible - well - the good news is Yes, it is!  And how much more could you be in the joy of the season, if you let yourself have your happy?  Rüdrani Devi is an authentic Shaman, descending from generations of gifted women within her family lineage. Considered a medical intuitive in the healing community, she studied and became a certified vibrational healer in Life Alignment Technique® through the National Institute of Health in Boulder Colorado in 2004. In 2012, Rü added Access Bars® and Access Body Processes as additional modalities to her offerings, and also began facilitating classes for both. In 2018, she became an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, and recently, a Right Voice for You Facilitator as well.  Rüdrani is ReverbNations' #1 Funk artist in Nashville, TN. She is a singer/song-writer,

  • Gratitude And Being You ~ Guest, Venus Castleberg


    Dr. Andi's World  Dr. Andi welcomes Venus Castleberg to this week's show, starting off Thanksgiving month with a conversation to explore having gratitude and being true to what is true for us. Venus Castleberg is a business and life coach, holistic healthcare practitioner, self-proclaimed ‘nature fairy’, and life-long devotee of joyful possibility. She is a seasoned entrepreneur, and a highly experienced transformational healer and coach. For more than 20 years, she has been studying and practicing a range of modalities including massage, homeopathy, hypnotherapy, Reiki, Shamanism, tarot, nutrition, yoga, and intuitive body work.  After discovering the Joy of Business® entrepreneurial program and experiencing profound changes in her business and life, Venus began to ground her healing and coaching work in the tools and techniques of Access Consciousness®. She is currently an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, Joy of Business® Certified Facilitator, Being You Changing The World Certified Facilitator,

  • Animals & Entities – What Do Your Animals Know? ~ Guest, Dr. Adriana Popescu


    Dr. Andi's World  Has your dog ever barked at something that seemingly ‘wasn’t there’? Or has your cat all of the sudden hissed or jumped up and gone to another room, seemingly ‘for no reason’? Is there something more than meets the eye going on?  Could it actually be the presence of entities that your animals are responding to?  Dr. Andi welcomes Adriana Popescu to the show this week to explore more with animals and entities.  Dr. Adriana Popescu is a licensed clinical psychologist, addiction and trauma specialist, and empowerment coach with over 25 years of experience in the mental health field. She is also a certified hypnotherapist, Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, Brainspotting Practitioner, and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) Practitioner, having discovered that Energy Psychology provides incredibly powerful tools to identify and eliminate the deep-rooted causes of suffering and distress. Adriana loves to empower people to overcome their perceived limitations, release their self-judgments, a

  • In The Pumpkin Patch ~ Guest, Dr. Judy Jasek


    Dr. Andi's World  This week we are in the pumpkin patch with Dr. Andi and Dr. Judy, returning to Dr. Andi's World to talk about carbs and starches in our dogs' diet.  Pumpkin in a popular item - and - we have some questions to explore with Dr. Judy, to have some more information and clarity on this topic. Dr. Judy Jasek, DVM is a Cancer Therapy Vet, specializing in allergies, gut issues and cancer prevention.  She has a special passion for educating pet guardians about alternatives to conventional cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation. Using the knowledge gained in her 30+ years of practicing, Dr Judy has developed a unique whole-body approach to both treating and preventing cancer.  She looks at the whole animal, and supports the natural healing ability of the body with proper nutrition, detoxification, and eliminating the underlying causes of disease. Dr. Judy is committed to helping all pets live long, healthy lives. In her personal time, she has found that spending time in nature is both ins

  • The Joy Of The Dead ~ Dr. Andi’s World


    Dr. Andi's World  Have you ever observed the sheer joy your animals have, rolling in dead things?  The joy of the dead is simply not an issue for animals, they will roll in practically anything - dead things, dead food, dead stuffy toys, encompassing a whole range of smelliness as well.  So, what makes that so fun for them?  Join Dr. Andi for this week's adventure into what is so fun about finding ripe things to roll in. ** Join Dr. Andi on October 27th, for When the Fairy Tale Becomes Your Nightmare - a FREE CALL exploring the joys of relationship! Reserve your spot, here - https://www.drandisworld.com/magic ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share your question with Dr. Andi and she will answer it on a future episode – http://bit.ly/AskDrAndi-YourQuestion ~ More Dr. Andi's World ~ A CHANGE-agent of magnitude for the animals of the world. Dr. Andi Harper is an internationally acclaimed animal communicator, certified animal chiropractor and Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator. She is the owner and operator of a thrivin

  • Zombies & Witches & Vampires – Oh My! ~ Guest, Amy Shine


    Dr. Andi's World  What did you learn about spooky things like zombies and witches and vampires?  Did you learn everything you know about them from the movies? Did you learn they were “bad”?  Did you learn to be afraid of them?  Have you ever considered there was a different possibility than fear?  Dr. Andi welcomes Amy Shine to the show this week, to explore what else is possible with zombies and witches and vampires - oh my! Amy Shine is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator®, Talk to the Entities® & Movement Facilitator. She has committed to facilitating herself & others with tools to create more consciousness, ease, joy and glory on this planet. Amy grew up in Ireland and was aware of the spirit world from a young age but had no tools to deal with them, until she found the tools of Access Consciousness & Talk to the Entities. When she stopped cutting off her awareness of entities and started to include the spirit world, her life become even more magical. Find more with Amy and receive her Free Gift

  • The Belle Of The Halloween Ball ~ Dr. Andi’s World


    Dr. Andi's World  It’s that time of year when many pet parents dress their furbabies with an array of accoutrements, otherwise known as Halloween costumes.  Ahhh yes, a practice that strikes terror in the hearts of some and absolute joy in others!  So just what is up with that?  Which camp are you in?  To costume or not to costume - that will be our adventure this week.  So come and visit Dr. Andi’s World this week.  Costumes optional ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share your question with Dr. Andi and she will answer it on a future episode – http://bit.ly/AskDrAndi-YourQuestion ~ More Dr. Andi's World ~ A CHANGE-agent of magnitude for the animals of the world. Dr. Andi Harper is an internationally acclaimed animal communicator, certified animal chiropractor and Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator. She is the owner and operator of a thriving practice, Animal Magic Care, based in Golden, CO. With a global animal communication/facilitation  business, Dr. Andi inspires her clients to create magic in their life and wit

  • All About Animal Massage ~ Guest, Dana Chick


    Dr. Andi's World  Have you ever booked a massage session for your animal? Is that something you would choose for your animal(s)?  Massage Therapy is one of the oldest healing modalities, with countless health and wellness benefits - and that applies for our animals, too.  This week, Dr. Andi welcomes Dana Chick to the show, to share more information about massage for animals, and some of her animal massage adventures, too! Dana Chick is an experienced veterinary technician whose passion lies with our furry friends. During the recovery of her Chihuahua's bilateral luxating patella surgery in 2013, Dana found her calling. She worked closely with the Orthopedic Surgeon in Oscars' healing process and post surgical care.  He introduced Dana to devices that naturally promote the body to heal itself and support the overall comfort of our four legged family embers. The results were astounding, and Dana was driven to share them. She has since earned her certification in Therapeutic Canine Massage and built a business

  • Do Dogs Think About Pain? ~ Guest, Amber O’Hara


    Dr. Andi's World  Do you wonder if dogs think?  Do you wonder if dogs think about pain, or worry about pain?  Dr. Andi welcomes Amber O'Hara to this week's conversation for more exploration of if and what dogs think about pain and other things we humans have lots of interesting thoughts about. Amber O'Hara is newly retired from a 30 year career and is starting a new chapter in her life, of more travel that includes pet sitting around the world.  She has just finished her first children’s book and has her photography and paintings in a Colorado mountain gallery.  Amber loves being creative and being outdoors.  She has met great people and fabulous animals and she looks forward to enjoying more of that in her new adventures. Find Amber on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/amber.m.ohara ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share your question with Dr. Andi and she will answer it on a future episode – http://bit.ly/AskDrAndi-YourQuestion ~ More Dr. Andi's World ~ A CHANGE-agent of magnitude for the animals of the world. Dr. Andi

  • All About Animal Chiropractic ~ Guest, Dr. Desiree Draws


    Dr. Andi's World  Does the idea of animal chiropractic make you go "huh?"  Or are you already totally on board with animal chiropractic being a key part of your animals' wellness program?  Dr. Andi welcomes Dr. Desiree Draws this week for a conversation all about animal chiropractic.  Dr. Desiree Draws is a chiropractor with a license in human and animal chiropractic. Her love of animals began when as a child growing up in a small rural town in Wisconsin. That love of animals took her to UW–River Falls to become a veterinarian specializing in emergency surgeries for large animals. Suffering from migraines in undergrad and unable to find relief with medication, a friend lead her to chiropractic care and it changed her life. Once she learned the power of the body’s natural healing ability and how important preventative care is for quality of life and longevity, she knew she wanted to help animals on that side of the health spectrum to try to prevent those emergency surgeries she thought she wanted to do! ​ Now

  • Welcome Forward To Dr. Andi’s World!


    Dr. Andi's World  WELCOME FORWARD to Dr. Andi's World! Join Dr. Andi for this opening episode of a New Season of Dr. Andi's World and find out all the latest and greatest - and what else Dr. Andi has in store for you, this season - to empower You to KNOW what you know with your animals! And you can join Dr. Andi on September 10th, for Mastering Your Superpowers a Free Masterclass Event ~ Sign Up Here - https://www.drandisworld.com/masterclass ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share your question with Dr. Andi and she will answer it on a future episode – http://bit.ly/AskDrAndi-YourQuestion ~ More Dr. Andi's World ~ A CHANGE-agent of magnitude for the animals of the world. Dr. Andi Harper is an internationally acclaimed animal communicator, certified animal chiropractor and Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator. She is the owner and operator of a thriving practice, Animal Magic Care, based in Golden, CO. With a global animal communication/facilitation  business, Dr. Andi inspires her clients to create magic in their life

  • Welcome to The Funny Farm! ~ Dr. Andi’s World


    Dr. Andi's World  Does it seem like the words “covid 19” and “crazy” have become synonymous?  Did you get lost on the funny farm; and it’s not funny anymore?  Does it feel like you are losing you, in the crazy? This week, Dr. Andi is sharing some steps and processes to help you (re)connect with who you are and how you can navigate the intensity of living in a time of dynamic global change. And if you are in the Denver area and would like to have a day of decompression - Check out the upcoming Access Bars Class with Dr. Andi, on July 9th - more details at https://tinyurl.com/DrAndisWorld-Classes ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share your question with Dr. Andi and she will answer it on a future episode – http://bit.ly/AskDrAndi-YourQuestion ~ More Dr. Andi's World ~ A CHANGE-agent of magnitude for the animals of the world. Dr. Andi Harper is an internationally acclaimed animal communicator, certified animal chiropractor and Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator. She is the owner and operator of a thriving practice, Ani

  • Are You an Empowered Pet Parent? ~ Special Guest, Ashley Ferraro


    Dr. Andi's World  What is it, to be an empowered pet parent?  Is it complicated? Does it take long?  Are there classes for that?  What if we told you it does not have to be complicated, and it can help you have  a very different relationship - and way more fun - with your animals; would that peak your curiosity? Join Dr. Andi and her guest Ashley Ferraro, this week, as they explore becoming an empowered pet parent -  learning to know and trust what you know with your animals. Thinking she knew everything about dogs, Ashley adopted Emma from a local animal shelter.  It didn't take long for Emma to show Ashley how very little she knew about dogs.  It has been some years since, and Ashley and Emma are still on their journey of learning together. If you would like to learn more, please contact Ashley via email at: ashley@emmaseducation.com.  ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share your question with Dr. Andi and she will answer it on a future episode – http://bit.ly/AskDrAndi-YourQuestion ~ More Dr. Andi's World ~ A CHANGE-agent

  • Distracted By the Obvious ~ Dr. Andi’s World


    Dr. Andi's World Radio Show How many things require your attention on a daily basis?  Do you tend to focus on the “big” stuff?  It can be easy to be distracted by the things that “need” our attention - ie: the problems, or the important stuff - but just how much of our attention do those things really require?  Have you ever considered you could be missing a lot of information because of where you are putting your attention?  Maybe the obvious thing isn’t really the thing...? Let us distract you for a bit with this week’s exploration of distraction - and shifting where, when and how we can use our attention to get to the information that will help everything shift and change. ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share your question with Dr. Andi and she will answer it on a future episode – http://bit.ly/AskDrAndi-YourQuestion ~ More Dr. Andi's World ~ A CHANGE-agent of magnitude for the animals of the world. Dr. Andi Harper is an internationally acclaimed animal communicator, certified animal chiropractor and Certified Access C

  • Choice Creates ~ Dr. Andi’s World


    Dr. Andi's World Choice creates.  Do you get that? I mean really get that?  I fumbled around with that for a good while before it really started to register for me.  And I still fumble at times - quite a few times, actually. But there is some serious potency that becomes available to us when we can really get - C*H*O*I*C*E  C*R*E*A*T*E*S  Every choice we make creates something - whether we like it or not.  And it doesn’t matter what is going on in the world at any moment; every choice we make is always creating.  What could we start creating on purpose, if we could really let ourselves play with this - I wonder.  And once again, if we look to the animals around the planet, starting with the ones in our house, we might just learn a thing or two about playing with choosing and creating as a way of life rather than an occasional option. ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share your question with Dr. Andi and she will answer it on a future episode – http://bit.ly/AskDrAndi-YourQuestion ~ More Dr. Andi's World ~ A CHANGE-agent of

  • Conscious Carnivores: Moving the Energy ~ Dr. Andi’s World


    Dr. Andi's World Radio Show If you have ever attempted to "hold energy" you likely figured out pretty quickly that it's basically impossible.  Energy is never not in motion!  So what effects is it having on us and our bodies, and our animals (even our human kiddos) when we are trying to hold on to all kinds of energy rather than moving the energy?  That is what we are exploring on this installment of Conscious Carnivores. In case you had not noticed - animals move energy.  They don't bottle it up or save it for later, or take their issue to their therapist - they move the energy, right then and there, in the moment.  It might look like playing or fighting, or something in between.  They are quick and they are clear, and then they are on to the next energy.  Perhaps we could take a page from their playbook...they might just be onto something.  Wolves and Lions and Bears in the wild don't have high blood pressure or diabetes...there could be something to this moving the energy thing. ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share you

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