Practical advice and inspirational talks on how to live Islam by Shaykh Walead Mosaad. (leave blank to use blog description)
Human Beings Before Buildings – The Prophetic Legacy – Shaykh Walead Mosaad
08/11/2018 Duration: 24minIn this khutba, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains how the message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) is for all times and places. The most important thing of one’s daily life is following the sunna. One of the main points of the sunna is to build great people. The prophetic message came […]
Stations of the Wayfarers (Section 2: The Gateways) – 7: Summary + Q&A – Shaykh Walead Mosaad
08/09/2018 Duration: 34minShaykh Walead Mosaad continues to look at the fruits of faith, covering Harawi’s Manazil al-Sa’irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). In this session, he gives practical advice on how to deal with these stations and implement them in one’s life. He then gives a summary of the first few the seven gateways of spiritual wayfaring covered—grief, […]
Stations of the Wayfarers (Section 2: The Gateways) – 6: Renunciation & Scrupulousness- Shaykh Walead Mosaad
27/08/2018 Duration: 54minShaykh Walead Mosaad continues to look at the fruits of faith, covering Harawi’s Manazil al-Sa’irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). In this session, he covers the sixth and seventh gateways to wayfaring, renunciation (zuhd) and scrupulousness (waraʿ). Shaykh Walead explains on the meaning of renunciation and its three hierarchical levels listed in the text. They are: […]
Stations of the Wayfarers (Section 2: The Gateways) – 5: Submissive Humility – Shaykh Walead Mosaad
19/08/2018 Duration: 44minShaykh Walead Mosaad continues looking at the fruits of faith, covering Harawi’s Manazil al-Sa’irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). In this session, he looks at the fifth gateway to wayfaring, submissive humility (ikhbat; “the inception of security from reversal or hesitation”)—a beginning of the station of serenity, which he begins by exploring. Shaykh Walead explains the […]
Islamic Spirituality Explained – 01 – Introduction to Sufism and 1st Aphorism of Ibn At’illah
09/05/2018 Duration: 41minIn this podcast Shaykh Walead Mosaad begins by defining some of the various definitions for tasawwuf (Islamic spirituality), and how the work of Ibn At’illah, The Hikam (aphorisms) is a book of the Muslim umma. The heart of tasawwuf is actualizing tawheed, monotheism. Each aphorism builds on the previous one. Shaykh Walead explains the first […]