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The End: Week 4
03/01/2013 Duration: 37minPastor Terry Jimmerson examines what the book of Revelation says about the 3rd Temple, as well as the Two Prophets.
The End: Week 3
03/01/2013 Duration: 35minPastor Terry Jimmerson examines what the book of Revelation says about the 6th Seal and the cosmic activity that takes place when it’s opened.
The End: Week 2
13/12/2012 Duration: 46minPastor Terry Jimmerson examines what the book of Revelation says about the events surrounding the rapture.
The End: Week 1
05/12/2012 Duration: 55minPastor Terry Jimmerson lays a foundation for understanding the book of Revelation and teaches on chapters 1 through 3.