Carla Shellis' In The Know By Sparkle Living

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 3:53:41
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Proverbs 18:21 tells us about the power that is found in our words. By confessing and declaring the powerful words of this mantra daily you will begin to see in your life, "by your words you will be justified." Matt 12:37 Change how you speak and believe then see how your life is transformed!!


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  • Steps to Eliminate Anxiety and Fear

    03/12/2019 Duration: 20min

    Are you someone who Is struggling with fear In any area of your life that Is leading you to depression and anxiety? You are at the end of your rope and have no Idea how to move past this and get your life back?

  • Surely Your Goodness & Mercy Will Follow Me

    13/11/2014 Duration: 05min

    Over the course of life many of us live life in a horizontal vision; walking, thinking, acting, reacting and hoping only on what we can see. Years in our own efforts, leaning into our own understanding. Let's listen in to how we can find a life of living in the vertical finding complete rest and peace.

  • He Anoints My Head, My Cup Overflows

    12/11/2014 Duration: 05min

    We find in our world today, that everyone is working harder than ever before, spending more than they make, abandoning who and what they love and turning to devices that are destructive all running in a race in an effort to be FULL AND SATISFIED. Yet even through this enormous effort, we still find ourselves empty and wanting for more. In this devotion let's look at God's glorious promise to fill us up not only to what is necessary but what is overflowing!

  • You Prepare a Table Before Me

    11/11/2014 Duration: 05min

    There are many seasons of life when we are living in want. Other seasons it may not necessarily material items, but the a desire for revenge on your enemies. Whatever your "want" it's important to know what God has waiting for you in this season. In Psalm 23:5 we are going to look at God's glorious and wonderful promise offered for those who LOVE HIM!

  • Thy Rod And Thy Staff They Comfort Me-How Do I Find This Comfort?

    10/11/2014 Duration: 06min

    We all started out in life as an infant with something like a pacifier or blanket that comforted us. As we grew older we knew that this item of comfort had to go away, but what never left us was the NEED FOR COMFORT. In this devotion we are going to find out how to find this comfort that David was referring to.

  • Even Though I Walk Through The Dark Valley

    06/11/2014 Duration: 05min

    Isn't it amazing what satan can do in our thinking minds when uncertainty looms around us. Within seconds we can go from complete peace terror, panic and rapid heart beat. Do you ever feel all alone in uncertainty of complete darkness and full of fear of the unknown and what is just ahead of you? In this part of Psalm 23:4 we look at what is CERTAIN in the unknown.

  • He Leads Me Down The Paths of Righteousness

    05/11/2014 Duration: 05min

    Do you know or are you someone who loves to find and take the shortcut to places you are going? Often times these "shortcuts" take us longer to get where we want to go. Today we are going to see how Google Maps on our smart phones are similar to how The Lord our Shepherd can guide us down the right path, getting us where we want to go safely and more efficient.

  • He Restores My Soul-Finding Shelter In The Center of Your Storm

    04/11/2014 Duration: 05min

    Over the course of life, we face fierce storms of many kind. You know, the type of storms that are right over your head and your not sure your going to make it through. It's kind of like being outside under a clear blue sky enjoying a beautiful day. Then out of nowhere comes black skies and softball size hail and within minutes everything is broken and destroyed. In today's devotion we are going to take a look at how God our Great Shepherd will RESTORE our souls even in the middle of these fierce storms.

  • He Leads Me Besides Still Waters-What Can I Do To Finally Quench My Thirst?

    02/11/2014 Duration: 06min

    In our time of social media & smart phones that take and share videos, we are able to see more clearly how insane this world has become. If I were to sum up why I think this world is imploding I would say without a shadow of a doubt, everyone is parched, dehydrated and desperately searching for a waterhole to quench their thirst. In this part of Psalm 23 we are going to take a look at what God has to offer those of us so thirsty and looking for anything to quench our souls.

  • He Makes Me Lie Down In Green Pastures: Finding Peace In This Uncertain World

    31/10/2014 Duration: 07min

    There are many elements that keep us away from a restful peace. In this part of Psalm 23 we will take a look at how we refuse to rest when until we are FREE FROM ALL FEAR, free from friction with other people, tormented by haters, and are hungry. So how do we find this time and ability to "lie down in green pastures"? What does that mean?

  • I Shall Not Want- How Do I Finally Find Peace?

    30/10/2014 Duration: 08min

    Do you ever feel that your life is nothing but an endless race to get to that finish line that really never arrives? Working & fighting yet still no peace? Psalm 23 tells us that when The Lord is YOUR Shepherd, YOU SHALL NOT WANT. Let's take a look at how to find a place in life where you really can say, "I do not want for anything. I am at peace!"

  • The Lord Is My Shepherd

    28/10/2014 Duration: 06min

    David called The LORD his shepherd. He is your shepherd too! In Part 1 of this series Psalm 23 we are going to look at the magnitude of peace and comfort in calling the LORD your shepherd.

  • Is It OK To Question God?

    27/10/2014 Duration: 08min

    Have you ever felt guilty for feeling angry & bitter at what has been allowed in your life? Or maybe just couldn't shake off a gripping fear? Knowing we must "trust God" but can't make sense of it all. In todays devotion we are going to take a look at King David from Psalms 22 and how he dealt with his crushing sorrow.

  • October 13 Persecuted For Righteousness Sake

    13/10/2014 Duration: 06min

    "If you want an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE, you have to live your life making EXTRA-ordinary decisions." In other words, you can not make the same decisions the world makes and do what everyone else does and expect to get extraordinary results from life. That brings me to the final beatitude. Here we are going to look at how doing right can bring you persecution.

  • October 10 Blessed Are PeaceMakers Part 7 of Beatitudes

    10/10/2014 Duration: 05min

    What is the difference between Peace-MAKING and Peace KEEPING? How can trying to KEEP the peace keep you in bondage in any relationship? How can Peace-MAKING give you a freedom and peace that is beyond understanding?

  • October 9, Part 6 Beatitude: Pure At Heart

    09/10/2014 Duration: 06min

    Many times evangelizing to people who don't know God leads with the promise of being in paradise with Jesus for eternity. We hear that living here on earth is just a little bump in the line compared to where we will spend eternity. Okay that's awesome and great, but what about the here and now? What is life supposed to be like here? On Earth? This Podcast will take a look at how we can experience the fullness of God on this side of Heaven.

  • October 7 Satisfying Your Hunger- Beatitudes 4

    07/10/2014 Duration: 05min

    There's a variety of cravings that we all struggle with. Maybe it's spending money, traveling, working out, working, golf, fishing or starting new projects (& not finishing any of them). Maybe it's something more serious, pornography, pain pills, sex, the numbing euphoria of drugs or alcohol. Whatever it is, it seems most of us struggle with some kind of hunger and craving that WE WILL satisfy, even at the expense of loosing what is good in our life. Here we will look at how we can satisfy those craving by looking at part 4 of The Beatitudes.

  • October 6 2 Ways to Live With the Blessings The Bible Promises

    06/10/2014 Duration: 06min

    Often the word MEEK is thought of as WEAK when in reality it is not. The biblical meaning of MEEK is power under control. It is NOT considering oneself as less than others, or not qualified to be in any area of life. In this 3rd Beatitude we are going to look at how we can live to inherit the blessings of God on this side of Heaven.

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