Cinema Terrorisme

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 63:09:29
  • More information



Cinema Terrorisme is an audio sigil using cut up methods and collage in order to distill the horror of modern existential malaise into substantiate energy mass. There is no moral value expressed in Cinema Terrorisme. Everything you hear has been alchemically remapped into a new order of relational aesthetics. Downloads are available for your personal evolution.


  • Cinema Terrorisme 46

    10/09/2014 Duration: 58min

    Cinema Terrorisme 46: Brainscape of an Unremarkable Barbiecue There is No Difference Between the Non Living and the Dead. Samples included: brave new world, the occult-mysteries of the supernatural, olivier messiaen, syngenor, dawn portrait of a runaway, opening night, ilsa the wicked warden, the tower, the devils hand, confessions of a sex slave, girl gang, the love prophet and the children of god, frownland, luciano berry, vampire junction, code of hunt, bridging heaven and earth, teenage surfer girls, warren mints, supersonic man, black devil doll from hell, bloodsucking freaks, the late great planet earth, HAARP whistleblower, the cube, ravi shankar, crazed, streetwalking, marshall applewhite, eugenie de sade,

  • CinemaTerrorisme 45

    03/08/2014 Duration: 58min

    cinema terrorisme 45: Cherry Blossom Doomsmoke Dissipating Magnetized Effluviam Death Hangs Over All. samples included: mahagita thachinkan, deranged, basket case, stalin 3, somei sator, don nicoloff, our lady of lust, tomorrowland, weirdos and oddballs, mauricio kagel, the incredible hulk, donald trump, the way to become a sensuous woman, the meat rack, resurrection, session 9, craig venter, the occult experience, petey wheatstraw, the devils rain, house of whipcord, invasion of the body snatchers, sleepaway camp, casual relations,demon soul paul dolden, humanzee, amazing transparent man, the mafu cage, a & e biography: david berkowitz, the molesters, the swimmer, nessus, fear and desire, pier piccioni, brion gysin, barry truax, derrick jensen

  • Cinema Terrorisme 44

    05/07/2014 Duration: 58min

    What Color is Godskin Wait Until the Sun Dissolves the Brainscape of All Eternity . samples included: man and computer, they live, bride of dracula, etienne cap, shocking asia, aftermath world without oil, v the hot one, lt caramel, justine, sic, doctor druid's haunted seance, long island cannibal massacre, venus in furs, ron paul, creating rem lazar, the night gallery, suspiria, the ecstasy girls, let the cosmos ring, patterns of time, kill baby kill, satan's black wedding, the velvet vampire, the abductors, big city orchestra, through the looking glass, mary k baxter, bizarre, the brood, bad dreams, amazing transparent man, john ankerberg, the embalmer, the shout, so young so bad, aileen wuornos, koji marutani

  • Cinema Terrorisme 43

    04/06/2014 Duration: 58min

    Samples included: the worm eaters, giancarlo toniutti, the venus project , blue collar, stepsisters, niscience, where the green ants dream, phase 4, terence mckenna, revenge in the house of usher, laure, the devils sword, secret life of jefferey dahmer, trauma, ken wilber, mercenary, two tons of turquoise to taos tonight, john wayne gacey, jeremy scahill, force of darkness, krylon hertz, ss experiment love camp, shocking dark, night walker, rupert sheldrake, the gruesome twosome, porns most outrageous outtakes, babyface, count dracula's great love, bacchanal 70, enter the void, there's no tomorrow, the defiance of good, the naked face, house of whipcord, taste of the savage, ennio morricone, mutant hunt, the chosen, hide and seek

  • Cinema Terrorisme 42

    05/05/2014 Duration: 58min

    Cinema Terrorisme 42: Heartthrobs Over Genetic Maladies Cause the Moon to Swoon Over What Once to Pray For. Samples included: the curse of the alpha stone, gerhard ruhm, winter kills, janko nilovic, eyes behind the stars, cannibal holocaust, the digital messiah, zpg, the ruling class, the people, quick draw mcgraw, dynamite, 2 orphan vampires, end of the road, the anatomy of a pinup, coast to coast am, man and computer, between time and timbuktu, lilith, david borden, trilogy of terror, stepsisters, rise of the drones, the pit, the gladiators, odyssey, egisto macchi, the devils hand, pieces, the glorshon wars, the monster, resurrection, intimate lessons, dionysus, the fountainhead, the mafu cage, kaiser nietzsche, l ron hubbard, terror out of the sky, village of the damned, tortured females, night walker, star trek, smoker, bullwinkle, a touch of genie, loops inc, madame 0, obsession,

  • Cinema Terrorisme no. 41

    06/04/2014 Duration: 58min

    Cinema Terrorisme 41: Makeshift Dude Ranch in Opposite Differentials Exclaiming A Positronic Death Wish For All Mutantkind. Samples included: amjad ali khan, appropriate adult, ursula, seven deaths for scotland yard, fright, the comedy, winter kills, harun yahya, taste of the savage, the twilight zone, plus minus, the lucifer complex, goblin, jane roberts, in search of ufo coverups, streetwalkin, waltz of the bat, sapphire and steel, ted turner and carl sagan, captain harlock, mike reining, roger roger, sleepaway camp, ivanka trump on conn obrien, jean jacques perry, mandingo, avoiding armageddon, our lady of lust, christine o donnell, they came from beyond space, windows, deathmaster, female chauvinists, lethal panther, the persuaders, eyes behind the stars

  • Cinema Terrorisme 40

    28/02/2014 Duration: 57min

    Cinema Terrorisme 40: Exponential Brainrot Breeds Contempt Amongst the Class of Wishniks Moments Before the Orgy of the Crepes the curse of the living corpse, dr bizarro, claudio tallino, brides of dracula, phantom lady, out of the blue, in satan, the trial, the devil's rain, who's afraid of virginia woolf, mans search for happiness, reflections of fear, resolution, the hu song, daniela casa, titicut follies, bad timing, the tell tale heart, return of the living dead 3, sleepwalker, jefferey dahmer trial, the banshee chapter, the embalmer, nightline, night of the demon, the colonels mandolin band, the atomic brain, skidoo, tom deweese, richard alpert, the spook who sat by the door, lily greenham, up, dream no evil, confessions of sex slaves, conspiracy, laboratory of the devil, godzilla raids again, colossus

  • Cinema Terrorisme 39

    31/01/2014 Duration: 58min

    Cinema Terrorisme 39: FakrBot Litmus Test for the Rivals of Triumphant Failure or a Plebien's Guide to Omnieroticism. samples included: rise of the drones, la rose de fer, erotic adventures of lolita, groovy ghoulies, daniela casa, don rickles on johnny carson 1992, hotter than hell, the strange love of the vampires, mail music, a woman's face, soft places, what, neon nights, fukushima documentary, the story of linda, jennifer perez, killer nun, opening night, smoker, carlo savana, existenz, the sins of government, breaking point, a night to dismember, evilution, scavengers, sumeria, the late great planet earth, mercenary, worldwide church of god, angels are so few, piranha, david shurter, neuronium, curse of the mummy's tomb, escape from tomorrow, bonnie's kids, slaughter hotel, the devil inside her, vengeance of the mummy, jermaine jackson

  • Cinema Terrorisme 39

    04/01/2014 Duration: 58min

    Dietary Restrictions for the Homeostatic Intolerant Bolus Not to be Sold to Institutionally Marginalized Untermensch. samples included: claus van bebber, the power of thought and laws of the universe, the magic star traveler, dynamite, deafula, mercenary, werner herzog, the business of strangers, water power, ilsa the wicked warden, david wilcock, jean louis bucchi, revenge of the living dead girls, the forest, the war game, david rosenboom, blinded by the light, lady stay dead, frederick lenz, the necro files 2, werewolves on wheels, invasion of the body snatchers, the atomic brain, possession, nico fidenco, tarantula, satan's children, la chic de las bragas transparentes, hard sensations, clone master

  • Cinema Terrorisme 37

    06/12/2013 Duration: 57min

    Depolarized Effluvium Parsed in Composite Teleology Yet Underscoring Biocosmic Humus Netting. samples included: greetings , piper's pit, foxfur, career bed, supersonic man, the devil inside her, dust devil, arthur c clarke, bob harrington, the meat rack, the secret law of love, thoughts feelings and attraction, zoo, phase 4, lethal panther, bill mckibben, streetwalkin', deadbeat at dawn, rainier lericolais, screw on the screen, steve moore, the spook who sat by the door, the devil's hand, andre ceccerelli, street trash, platoon leader, alfred schnittke, rock a bye bye baby, terrornauts, demon soul, megan is missing, exorcism, chiller, the ruling class, don't be afraid of the dark, bloodsucking freaks, a cold night's death

  • Cinema Terrorisme 36

    29/10/2013 Duration: 57min

    If the Shoe Fits Mutilate Wishful Thinking for a Regurgitatve Paradigm. Samples included: kk null, michael ruppert, the bunny game, vixen, franco bonfanti, thor vs hercules, windows, the cat girl, female chauvinists, pound, pandrogeny manifesto, l ron hubbard, unspeakable, secret life of jeffery dammer, plant bach ofnus, on the doll, gaston borreani, history of man, shriek of the mutilated, oldboy, sexual adventures of every kind, videodrome, apocalypse, end of the road, lsd the beyond within, the day the earth froze, mutant hunt, simon, fear and desire, bird with the crystal plumage, smoke and flesh, them, em, baron blood, magdalena, fred bongusto, out of the blue, stalin 3, delinquent school girls

  • Cinema Terrorisme 35

    04/10/2013 Duration: 58min

    Cinema Terrorisme 35: The Gaping Maw of a Nightmare Reality without Restraint: I do Not Like it Samiam samples included: thundercrack, david rosenboom, alejandro jodorowsky and daniel pinchbeck, crawlspace, blue gold world water wars, for richer for poorer,fantacide, the naked kiss, unwilling lovers, welcome to blood city, journey to the earth's core, urotsukidoji, taste of the savage, exorcism, asmus tietchens, windows, horror hospital, w. cleon skousen, le orme, fallen angel, lieutenant caramel, a & e biography aileen wuornos, the shout, colin potter, the comedy, barbed wire dolls, psych out, frankensteins bloody nightmare, pleasure zone, david icke, rodi, colossus, gianni ferrio, eckenkar spiritual seminal experience, i never promised you a rose garden, ampnoise, soft places, lily greenham, a & e biography andrei chikatilo, image of the beast, jean jacques robert & jean michel guise, darkroom, j.b. banffi, cindy and donna, erotic adventures of lolita, in search of the man who wouldn't die, ni

  • Cinema Terrorisme 34

    08/09/2013 Duration: 57min

    Cinema Terrorisme 34: Baby Freakmeats meets the Genetically Modified Televangelist in the Macroversal Halls of Androgyny Samples included: the diabolical dr. z, nightcrawlers, the hellstrom chronicle, windows, forgive me for raping you, cannibal man, assassin, rodney alcala: the killing game, klaus kinski, angel dusted, zen master pohwa, cannibal ferox, taboo, orm, opera, frankenhooker, pete peterson, goblin, vito acconci, snake pit, ennui morricone, troy mclachlan, the beast, split image, reflection of fear, jean pierre bouquet, night of the bloody apes, teenage twins, gianfranco reverseri, lizard in a womans skin, cafe flesh 2, inland empire, willard cantelon, astral decay, behind convent walls, horror hospital, meat rack, satan's children, janie, the conformist, beyond the black rainbow, le orme, chameleon

  • Cinema Terrorisme 33

    02/08/2013 Duration: 57min

    Cinema Terrorisme 33: Do What Thou Wilted Cabbage Patch Humphrey Spoiled Rotten by the Comedy of All Dead Things samples included: abduction, colin potter, crawlspace, vapors, session 9, blinded by the light, jimmy nelson, breaking point, death weekend, HNAS, flavia the heretic, david jeremiah, love camp 7, frownland, untamed, dahmer, this is america 3, bruce ditmas, death and the maiden, the manson snyder interview, kangaroo kourt, shivers, il maschio ruspante, transhumanism - hidden history and agenda, camile sauvage, wheel of fortune, the devils rain, night of the zombies, richard kuklinski, madame O, skin flicks, night child, count dracula's great love, holocaust 2000, jerry springer, etat brut, seven deaths in a cats eye, exorcist 3, poke runyon, they live, rocky and bullwinkle,

  • Cinema Terrorisme 32

    07/07/2013 Duration: 58min

    Pieface Delivery System for a Bleak and Enchanted Biota Nimblelike and Burden of False Paternity samples included: olivier messiaen, water power, night stalker, jim roche, mary k. baxter, the gorgon, i never promised you a rose garden, the venus project, dream no evil, mark meckler, jean-pierre bouquet, whirlpool, black emmanuel 2, return of count yorga, dangerous seductress, judgement, the mafu cage, paul la violette, mercenary, ilsa she wolf of the ss, the secret, space disco one, lesbo, conet project, blood castle, the balcony, hydration, initiation, star wars weapons, a & e biography john wayne gacy, cindy and donna, between time and timbuktu, phil schneider, long island cannibal massacre, the naked face, screaming mimi, table manners for entitled and privileged children, osho ashram in poona, house of the dead, return of the living dead 3, sleepaway camp, the undertaker, let the cosmos ring, perfume of the lady in black, sweet house of horrors, roger davy

  • Cinema Terrorisme 31

    02/06/2013 Duration: 58min

    Cinema Terrorisme 31: The Blingularity is Fear Chewy Dark Center of the Catastrophe du Jour and the Silent Party of the Tribe of Bald Apes eus, the masque of red death, a thief in the night, silent night bloody night, jesus camp, beneath the valley of the ultra vixens, rumpelstiltskin, rape, legacy of satan, love camp, saaad, janie, murder in a blue world, fukushima radioactive contamination update, session 9, welcome to blood city, david jeremiah, spasm, women in cell block 9, duffer, yan tregger, day of the animals, pat robertson, conquest of the planet of the apes, ben reynolds, silva mind control vs. christianity, hide and seek, death weekend, osho meditation camp, soylent green, john hagelin, ufo hunters, the loved one, daughters of lesbos, seizure, carnival of blood, obsession, goodbye uncle tom, superman, robert rutman, chuck norris, blood vengeance, the hills have eyes, w.cleon skousen, brainiac, the big knife,

  • Cinema Terrorisme 30

    03/05/2013 Duration: 58min

    Cinema Terrorisme 30: Sleep Ye Reviled Parasites Beneath the Menstrual Moon Waxing Paraffin Fallacies Amidst Plastic Fetus Plantlife samples included: invasion of the girl snatchers, am i normal, the world to come, the devils rain, the love prophet and the children of god, tell them johnny wadd was here, double exposure of holly, titicut follies, w.cleon skousen, tionchor, blood sabbath, god told me to, aidan baker, the devils hand, ascension of the demonoids, the toy box, the worm eaters, vinyl, count dracula's great love, pamela's prayer, taboo 4, black christmas, sleepaway camp, don't be afraid of the dark, my strange addictions, reflections of evil, in search of, criminally insane, supersonic man, the day the earth froze, delirium, cannibal ferox, mcdx3, jerry springer show, naked massacre, jere hutcheson, exposing satan's underground, insight, the laughing dead

  • Cinema Terrorisme 29

    05/04/2013 Duration: 58min

    Cinema Terrorisme 29: Daddy Artfag Makes the Turnaround In a High C Median and Fakes early 90s Dance Steps on a Mammary Gland samples included: cathy's curse, sound cosmodel, cindy and donna, wrong way, h. tical, twins of evil, gianni ferrio, the ninth configuration, tomorrowland, double exposure of holly, black moon, america exposed, venus in furs, glenn back with pat robertson, camp fear, illuminati project, lobsang rampo, the morning after, hydra, the time travelers, the devils hand, zoo, bizarre, mondo bizarro, blood, satellite clouds, the party, mutant, the real life hannibal lecters, bye bye monkey, the great american snuff film, split image, jonathan bells, my bloody valentine, patchwork orchestra, malatesta's carnival of blood, deadbeat at dawn, c ptak, a reflection of fear, toolbox murders, giovanotti mondani, behind convent walls, magdalena, wham bam thank you spaceman, ilsa the wicked warden

  • Cinema Terrorisme 27: Greed Springs Eternal in the Eyes of B

    01/02/2013 Duration: 57min

    samples included: the haters, vigilante, brave new world, gianni ferrio, camp fear, intervention, serge ramses, scanners, stephen wolfram, up, edge of doom, death bed, horror at 37,000 feet, million people march, the stendahl syndrome, the pit, a & g interview: a survivalist, language, the love merchant, nightmare, robby poitevin, this is america, vista valley pta, hans otte, bill moyers interviews wendell potter, lethal panther, the most dangerous game, the human centipede first segment, lady terminator, evil sister, inland empire, schoolgirl report 13, timothy leary

  • Cinema Terrorisme 26

    04/01/2013 Duration: 57min

    Blank Desolate Stares of an Eternities of Fugly Mummenshantz Panty Mimes samples included: aidan baker, abducted, mpd did trauma based mind control, vito acconci, while the city sleeps, the hideous sun demon, hydravion, warren mintz, good against evil, the church, dr. druid's haunted seance, microscopic subway to oblivion, mel gibson, arnandoi trivaioli, phenomena, snagglepuss, richard bunger, black emmanuelle, philippe blachard, man and computer, a girls guide to 21 century sex, the power of the witch, inga, jerry goldsmith, soylent green, invasion of the girl snatchers, empty shadows, what monsanto doesn't want you to know, mitt romney, alone in the dark, malamondo, sinful dwarf, weasels ripped my flesh, confessions of sex slaves, breaking point, maraschino cherry, sleepaway camp, jean-jacques robert & jean-michel guise, zpg, the love merchant, europa, witnesses of jehovah, wheel of fortune, the last cannibal world, big city orchestra, johan rockstrom, don't be afraid of the dark, sathya sai baba, t

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