Trading Story brings NEWER traders practical & inspiring trading interviews and tips. Plus, it chronicles the host's journey to becoming a a consistently profitable trader. New episodes released 2X per week. Trading Story seeks to provide: encouraging stories of real life struggles and triumphs in the market, tips for anyone looking to make a part-time or full-time income trading, practical strategies to use in your trading today, knowledge bombs to guide you to consistent returns, simple explanations for sometimes-complex trading concepts, and takeaways, worth every minute. For FREE.
116 - A New Real Estate Investing Project
20/06/2017 Duration: 10minHope things have been going well for you guys. Hope you're progressing in your life and your side projects, especially if you're still tackling trading or real estate investing. Trading and investing is a great gig if you can make it work and I'm hoping you guys are doing well in these and every area you're working on. On my end, I just got back from a vacation to Disneyland with my family. It was the 2nd time my family has been there and a good time was had by all in Anaheim. We also visited Warner Brothers Studios and Hollywood on the Left Coast. I did like the weather in Southern California and it's always good to get out of the routine. I'm feeling refreshed, but I was a little late in getting this podcast out to everyone this week. This will be the last podcast I plan to release for awhile on the Trading Story. I don't want to say this is the final podcast, but it could be. As you may know now, my attentions have already shifted away from trading into real estate investing. I may launch another podcast i
115: Joe Fairless On Growing A Multi-Million Dollar Real Estate Portfolio
12/06/2017 Duration: 37minJoe Fairless is a real estate investor. Joe invests in multi-family real estate with his partners now but he used to work in a NYC ad agency as their youngest VP. Joe hosts the world's longest running daily real estate podcast, Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show. Joe Fairless, welcome to the Trading Story podcast. Final Thoughts on Joe Fairless Interview We did it again - one more week of expecting something related to trading and you got to hear from another real estate investor. Not saying none of you guys can't be great traders, but there are other options for you. And Joe Fairless highlighted another possible avenue for you: real estate investing in multi-family properties. But regardless of whether you want to be a trader, a real estate investor, or something else, there is something to Joe's mantra. I'll let him tell it to you again... "My personal mantra is: "the secret to living is giving". I got that from Tony Robbins when he did a TED Talk. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend
114 - Rod Khleif on Losing $50 Million & Coming Back Stronger In Real Estate Investing
05/06/2017 Duration: 44minRod Khleif is a 30+ year veteran real estate investor. He has owned over 2,000 single or multi-family units in his investing career. Rod is an an author, philanthropist and podcaster with over 1,000,000 downloads to his very popular podcast, The Lifetime Cashflow Podcast which can be found at ---- Resources Mentioned In Podcast Rod Khleif's Resources Free Book on Multi-Family Investing: Text "rod" to 41411. 29 Fatal Mistakes Many Apartment Buyers Make: Tiny Hands Foundation Brandon's Newest Real Estate Investing Project
113 – Five Lessons Learned When I Failed At Trading
29/05/2017 Duration: 21minPersonal Update Focused on trading forex for 5 months: Apiary Fund & ProAct Traders Focused on trading futures for 2 months with another mentor. Paused all trading activities in November 2016. Two years focused on trading. I’m now focused on a new project: real estate investing. Lessons Learned Trading Mindset: Mini-business, chart patterns, persistence. Cutting Losses: Cutting the losses of a passion that hadn’t panned out. Letting Winners Run: Kept working on my marketing business that is growing. I am not a consistently profitable trader. Episode 0 & Episode 113 Continuing Education: I kept learning and I was open. Shifting to Real Estate Investing (REI) It’s so similar to trading, it’s scary. Many of the lessons learned in trading translate to REI. Less competition and more obstacles may make a better market for you. Can use relationship skills. When Things Don’t Work Out Two reactions: Get depressed OR perform an After Action Review (AAR). Trading did not work out for me on my 3rd go-round as I
112 - The Finalish Trading Story Podcast
14/04/2016 Duration: 21minThanks for joining me. Big announcement: This is the Finalish episode of the Trading Story podcast. This is an ad lib episode with minimal notes. This is a looking back & looking ahead podcast.
111 - Trading Forex Poles with Scott Barkley
11/04/2016 Duration: 51minScott Barkley is president and co-founder of ProAct Traders, a professional forex trading mentorship and home of the 1-year Fast Tracker program. He's been trading full-time for 14 years. He lives in the Austin, Texas area with his wife and he sometimes babysits his daughter's golden retriever. He is also my personal trading coach.
110 - 6 Mistakes Traders Make Picking an FX Broker with Justin Hertzberg
07/04/2016 Duration: 58minJustin Hertzberg is a currency trader and also President and CEO of Forest Park FX, a CFTC-registered introducing brokerage firm. On this episode, we're going to be discussing the mistakes people make when shopping for forex brokers. He lives in sunny Boca Raton, Florida with his wife and boy-girl twins.
109 - VWAP Trading with Zach Hurwitz
05/04/2016 Duration: 49minZach Hurwitz is an independent equities trader, trading coach, consultant to emerging hedge funds & proprietary firms, VWAP specialist. Founder of
108 - Trading FX with Joel Kruger
31/03/2016 Duration: 48minJoel Kruger is an FX trader and the founder He's been trading 10+ years and has come to specialize in global macro trading. He has appeared on Bloomberg television and other financial networks. Joel's website received top honors by FXStreet for “Best Buy Side Analysis” and “Best Video” in 2014.
107 - Writing Trading Plans with Justine Pollard
28/03/2016 Duration: 47minJustine Pollard is a professional stock and CFD trader. She's been trading for over 25 years, is a trend follower, and specializes in trading plans. Her book, Smart Trading Plans, is published by Wiley. She blogs at
106 - The One Thing in Trading
24/03/2016 Duration: 11minHope things are going well and progressing with you guys on the trading side. This week, I took 3 positions: all net losers. I had a deadline on another project so I didn’t spend as much time as I would like. Such is life. But one thing I did was grab another book that I recommend. It’s not a trading book, per se. It’s more of a business success book that has plenty of application for those of us learning to trade. I’m about half-way through the book now to be up front. It’s a short read – 224 pages, but easy reading. I’ll finish the book by the time this podcast is released. But what I have picked up so far has been pretty good. The book is called The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. I heard an interview with Jay Papasan a few months back plugging the book. What piqued my interest was the simplicity behind the concept. I like simple. Jay and Gary both also live in my hometown, Austin, Texas. So being the late-adopter that I am, I finally pi
105 - Lazy Gap Trading with David Frost
21/03/2016 Duration: 46minDavid Frost is a full-time trader. He's a Wall Street veteran and has been trading for 20 years. When he's not trading, he's coaching his son's baseball team. He specializes in gap trading and publishes some of his results at
104 – Brandon’s Trading Results: Feb 2016
17/03/2016 Duration: 10minIf you listened to last week’s episode – episode 102 – I bemoaned the fact that my trading results in February were less than to be desired. At the beginning of the month, I opened up my live trading account. To be open, it’s a small account ($500). But it’s enough to give me a taste for losing and gaining real dollars. It’s something my trading coach recommends, so that’s why I did it. In addition, the point is to gain consistent pips. If I can’t make gains in a small account, then what business do I have trading mini lots or full lots? That’s the reason I’m only trading micro lots at this point.
103 - Consistent Options Income with John Richardson
14/03/2016 Duration: 47minJohn Richardson is a full-time options trader. He's been trading since late 1980s. He's traded stocks, futures, forex, and options. He's the owner of and he resides in sunny, San Diego, California.
102 - Tweaking Your Trading When Things Aren’t Working
10/03/2016 Duration: 17minWhat do you guys do when things aren’t working out for you? Whether that’s in a relationship you thought was supposed to be great, but it isn’t happening. Or maybe you tried a church or religion and it didn’t meet your expectations. Or perhaps a supposed dream job turned into a nightmare. And what about your trading? What do you do if you’re trading isn’t working as advertised. You bought into a system, but the system is generating negative returns. What do you do when that happens? Something like that happened this month in my trading. This episode of the podcast is about what I did when that happened. Take it for what it is. I’m a developing trader trying to make this trading thing work and podcasting along the way. But you may find something to help you along in your journey as well.
101 - Regulating Emotions in Trading with Houston Truong
07/03/2016 Duration: 46minHouston Truong has been trading for about 10 years. He runs a trading blog, where he focuses on trading setups and trading psychology. He hails from Montreal, Canada, where he lives with his wife and two children.
100 – Finding a Trading Coach with Brandon Clay
03/03/2016 Duration: 52minI really appreciate Marko taking the time to interview me for the podcast. He was pro and I’m glad we had the chance to connect. As Marko mentioned, he’s a ‘face in the crowd’. And Marko may represent many of you guys out there interested in hiring a trading coach. Admittedly, this is one guy’s opinion. But hopefully it gives you another perspective as you’re thinking about going with a trading service or coach. As for the takeaway of the podcast – that would sound a little strange. Me pulling a quote from me. So instead of that feature, here’s your takeaway: "Take action already. If you’re just starting out, pick up a trading book. If you’ve read a book, go read up on stocks at Investopedia, or forex on BabyPips or anything on Tradimo. And if you’re ready to go beyond that, then some definitive steps in that direction."
99 - Trading Psychology 2.0 with Brett Steenbarger
29/02/2016 Duration: 50minBrett Steenbarger has been involved in the financial markets since the 1970's. He is a futures trader and is a performance coach with various hedge funds and proprietary trading firms. He earned his PhD in Clinical Psychology and is a Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at SUNY Upstate Medical University. He is the author of Trading Psychology 2.0.
98 - The Iceberg of Trading Success
25/02/2016 Duration: 15minMetaphors are very helpful things. Metaphors can really cement ideas into our heads. The best teachers are the teachers who can take an abstract, but real concept and give it some form with an accurate metaphor which aptly describes that idea. Some of the most well-known metaphors, also called ‘word pictures’, are: ‘beating a dead horse’, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, ‘elephant in the room’, ‘kicked the bucket’, or ‘800-lb gorilla’. None of these expressions literally mean what is said. These metaphors all point to something beyond themselves. Let’s take the last one, ‘800-lb Gorilla’. Chances are you’ve never seen an actual 800-lb gorilla in the wild. But if you did, you wouldn’t want to challenge his supremacy over the lady gorillas in his clan. No, you would want to leave that alpha alone to his harem and mosey on down the mountain. 800-lb gorillas do what 800-lb gorillas want to do. In the same way, some companies are known as 800-lb gorillas. For instance, Google – now called ‘Alphabet’ is an 800-lb
97 - Top 3 Things Learned Chatting with 50+ Traders with Aaron Fifield
22/02/2016 Duration: 45minAaron Fifield is a developing algorithmic trader from Down Under. He's also the host of the popular podcast, Chat with Traders. We cover lessons he's learned chatting with over 50 traders and how his trading has shifted over the past few years.