The Jalna series is a 16-novel family saga about the Whiteoak family. First published in 1927, Jalna won the Atlantic Monthly Press’s first $10,000 Atlantic Prize Novel award. De la Roche went on to write about the Whiteoak family for the next 30 years, establishing a place for herself in popular Canadian literature. The Jalna series has been translated into many languages and was adapted for stage, radio, and television.
Includes all of the Jalna novels:
The Building of Jalna
Morning at Jalna
Mary Wakefield
Young Renny
Whiteoak Heritage
Whiteoak Brothers
Whiteoaks of Jalna
Finch’s Fortune
The Master of Jalna
Whiteoak Harvest
Wakefield’s Course
Return to Jalna
Renny’s Daughter
Variable Winds at Jalna
Centenary at Jalna