Gracelife Sarasota

Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.35- A Song of Anticipation



Why are we going through Revelation? What are we hoping to learn when we take all this time to study it closely? Should we treat it as sort of a manual for end times things to watch for to know if Jesus’ return is close? How many predictions, from well-meaning people, about the return of Jesus, based on Revelation have been right? True, Revelation reveals beautiful, inspiring truth about the return of Jesus. But it’s purpose isn’t to help us predict it. In fact, Jesus warned about the folly of trying to predict His return. He said no one except the Father knows. So, if predicting when Jesus will return shouldn’t be our motivation to study Revelation, what should be? In chapter 1, the Spirit revealed those who read it will be blessed. The word means encouraged, inspired to endure and press on. Revelation should be seen as a powerful, inspirational guide, filling in the gaps of what we are waiting & hoping for. Revelation should inspire us to endure this fallen world. Paul says creat