Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Bio-syncing, creating new habits and a resilient mindset, accountability, NLP, supplements and biohacks with Angela Foster #413



Bio syncing is syncing with your goals and ultradian rhythm, optimising the cycles throughout the day. I discuss it today. Angela Foster hosts the High Performance Podcast. We talk bio-syncing, creating new habits and the importance of a resilient mindset and accountability in creating the new habits that stick We also talk histamine intolerance and my current work exploring a supplementary route to support the reduction of stimulated energy levels and shares some great bio-hacks that can be easily implemented And... bio syncing!   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BON CHARGE  — a holistic wellness brand with a HUGE range of evidence-based products to optimize your life in every way. Founded on science and inspired by nature, all BON CHARGE products adopt ancestral ways of living in our modern-day world. Their extensive range of premium wellness products help you sleep better, perform better, have more energy, recover faster, balance hormones, reduce inflammation…the list is endless. From blue light glasses to