Better Thinking

#112 – Jolanda Jetten on The Psychology of Economic Inequality



In this episode of Better Thinking, Nesh Nikolic speaks with Jolanda Jetten about the consequences of economic inequality for the social and political vitality of society. Jolanda Jetten (PhD, University of Amsterdam, 1997) is Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Queensland. She has been employed as an ARC Future Fellowship, UQ Development Fellowship and was recently awarded the 2018 Belgian Francqui fellowship and an ARC Laureate Fellowship (2019-2013). Her research is concerned with group processes, social identity and intergroup relations, as represented by her most recent books: Together apart: The psychology of COVID-19 (with S. Reicher, S.A. Haslam, and T. Cruwys; Sage, 2020), The wealth Paradox: Economic prosperity and the hardening of attitudes towards minorities (with Frank Mols; Cambridge University Press, 2017) and The New Psychology of Health: Unlocking the Social Cure (with Catherine Haslam, Tegan Cruwys, Genevieve Dingle and Alex Haslam; Psychology Press, 2018). She has published