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The Soulful Art of Persuasion With Jason Harris



In this episode, Jason Harris, CEO of the powerhouse creative agency Mekanism, argues that genuine persuasion in the twenty-first century is about developing character rather than relying on the easy tactics of flattery, manipulation, and short-term gains. It is about engaging rather than insisting; it is about developing empathy and communicating your values. Based on his experience in and out of the boardroom, and drawing on the latest in-depth research on trust, influence, and habit formation, Harris shows that being persuasive in a culture plagued by deception means rejecting the ethos of the quick and embracing the commitment of putting your truest self forward and playing the long game. Buy the book: The Soulful Art of Persuasion by Jason Harris Request a Custom Workshop For Your Company Get Free Access to Over 15 Negotiation Guides Follow Kwame on LinkedIn Follow Jason on LinkedIn Jason Harris Mekanism If you've been a listener of the show and you've gotten a lot out of our programming, you can c