Excellent Executive Coaching: Bringing Your Coaching One Step Closer To Excelling

EEC 058- When Are You Ready to Take Your Next Step?



Mary Loverde is an author, coach, and speaker. She has written a book called, "The Invitation: When You Are Ready to Take Your Next Step." Your Dr. host Katrina Burrus, MCC asks the most charming and accomplished Mary the following questions: How did you get passionate about helping others take their next step? What is the first thing we need to do when we want to take our next step forward? Most of us think the next step is to take action. But you disagree. So what is the next step? What is the biggest mistake we can make when decide to move forward? Who is Mary Loverde International Work-Life Balance Expert: Mary LoVerde, MS, ANP Mary has traveled from Bangkok to Biloxi sharing her innovative strategies for staying connected to what matters most. She has published four books in three languages and has appeared four times on Oprah, a 20/20 special on stress, and was featured on ABC World News Tonight. Her blog is read in 35 countries. Her original work is published in the Wall Street Journal, the New Engla