Excellent Executive Coaching: Bringing Your Coaching One Step Closer To Excelling

EEC 063- CEO Publisher of Choice Magazine - Garry Schleifer



Who is Garry Schleifer? Garry is a seasoned businessman bringing over 26 years experience to his coaching. His “walk the talk” credentials draw from experience as visionary behind several multimillion-dollar corporations. Applying an approach of “Ruthless Compassion” when helping his business owner clients. 
Challenging clients with rigorous goals, an innate sensitivity, good humour and non-judgment. He earned his coach credentials at Coaches Training Institute, Certified Mentor Coach certificate from inviteCHANGE, and PCC from International Coach Federation (ICF). The owner and publisher of choice, the magazine of professional coaching, (www.choice-online.com) Past President of Toronto ICF Chapter, Vice President ICF Global Board and served on several, community-based boards. The interview is about how Garry Schleifer built his business as CEO of Choice Magazine, the reference magazine for coaching. Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC asks Garry the following questions: Garry you've been a leader before, and while, bei