Excellent Executive Coaching: Bringing Your Coaching One Step Closer To Excelling

EEC 088 Which Leaders to Develop and How?



EEC 088 Which Leaders to Develop and How? Why is leadership important now? Who is a leader?  Where do we find them? How do we develop a Leader? Is there an ideal Leadership style?  Orlando Clua is CEO of Oclua Consulting Group.  He has been working for 35 years in the field of Executive Development.  He has a degree in psychology from the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. He is an Honorary Master Coach by Interamerican Society of Coaching, an Academic Coordinator of Human Capital Development at Anahuac University and has written 12 books in the field of Leadership Management and Organizational Development Excellent Executive Coaching If you have enjoyed this episode, consider subscribing to iTunes. We would love a review on iTunes. The EEC podcasts are sponsored by MKB Conseil & Coaching that helps you get from where you are to where you want to be with customized leadership and coaching development programs. MKB Conseil & Coaching offers leadership development programs to generate action, le