Excellent Executive Coaching: Bringing Your Coaching One Step Closer To Excelling

EEC 124: What Are the Signs of Burnout?



Susi Hately is interviewed by Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC and discusses the following: Many people who are burnt out won't actually say they are burnt out. Why is this? What are signs of burnout? Why is awareness really the secret weapon of leadership and next level success? In this time of COVID, why is internal connection so important to coming out better than we came in? How to start a mediation practice? Who is Susi Hately? For over 25 years, Susi has been the bridge between the medical world and yoga – helping people out of pain, and enabling burnt out executives and entrepreneurs get back to their game, regain clarity of mind, get better rest, and to finally feel like themselves again. She is a best-selling author and has created two programs that were studied at the University of Calgary - Yoga Thrive (cancer recovery) and another for those with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. She has published or produced ten books and video series to support individuals with their healing recovery. You can count on Susi
