Excellent Executive Coaching: Bringing Your Coaching One Step Closer To Excelling

EEC 144: Why Emotional Intelligence Does Not Work When Coaching



Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC interviews Kim Ades on her coaching techniques: Kim makes an important point that, empathy, (putting yourself in another person’s shoes and feeling what they are feeling) can be paralyzing. What is more important to develop is, “emotional resilience.” Listen to the EEC podcast to learn how you can leverage emotional resilience? What coaching mistakes are you making as leaders? Find out more! Katrina teases out valuable information from Kim how she has potential clients see coaching as an essential service? Katrina asks Kim why she thinks journaling is so important. Who is Kim Ades? Kim is the President and Founder of Frame of Mind Coaching™ and JournalEngine™ Software. Author, speaker, entrepreneur, coach and mother of 5, Kim is recognized as one of North America’s leading experts on performance through thought mastery. Excellent Executive Coaching Podcast If you have enjoyed this episode, subscribe to iTunes. We would love a review on iTunes or other platform. The EEC podcasts are