Gracelife Sarasota

Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.29- Waiting In The Wilderness



Let’s set a visual scene here for you with a couple pics. This what Israeli wilderness looks like. Over 20 years ago, Laura and I were given with a trip to Israel. It was such a formative 14 days. One night, our guide arranged a wilderness camping experience in Bedouin tents, that looked just like this. Our tents were very comfortable. Our Bedouin hosts provided everything we needed, food, water, electricity. I remember our Bedouin hosts warned about 25 of us, “Don’t wander off in the wilderness alone, stay with the camp. There are dangerous animals that come out at night in the wilderness, along with deadly scorpions & snakes. At night, stay in your tents. You have everything you need until the morning when we come get you." I remember one 18-year-old kid didn’t stay in his tent, we heard a shriek right outside, our hosts sprinted to his aide. They killed this huge scorpion, apparently the deadliest species in Israel. When we heard, all 25 of us moved our cots into a 4 square foo