Gracelife Sarasota

Why Do You Take So Long Pastor Joe?- 2 Kings 22:1-11, 23:1-3



We’ve preached through Genesis (twice), Philippians, 2 Cor, Psalm 119, 1,2, & 3 John. The Life of Joseph, Mark, Jonah, 1 & 2 Peter, and now we are slowly working our way through Revelation, within half a year, w/likely 20 more sermons to go. Recently someone new to our church asked me why we do such long series at GraceLife, months to months??? 90 minutes later (JK), I defined one of our core values, Biblical, meaning we let the bible dictate what I preach not the opposite. Being Biblical has many legitimate perspectives, but for us at GraceLife, it's one of our greatest passions, if not # 1. With so many new people coming, I thought it important to take a week to explain how we teach God’s Word at GL. This sermon will either get you all fired up or bore you to tears, but it's critical to understand this GL distinctive.