Excellent Executive Coaching: Bringing Your Coaching One Step Closer To Excelling

EEC 246: Life is Managed, Not Balanced, with Otis McGregor



Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC interviews Otis McGregor who leads Tribe and Purpose as the principal leadership and success coach. With decades of experience as a leader, coach, and team member, Otis embodies the values and principles of Tribes and Purposes. How do people figure out who they are? How can life be managed and not balanced? What is your favorit leadership story? What are you passionate about? What is your purpose? Otis McGregor Otis McGregor is driven both by values and principles of Tribes and Purposes. Better leaders and tribes create better organizations, and a better world. Otis has empowered businesses and individuals to find their purpose and their tribes. Otis leverages the unique blend of heart, passion, and experience. He was one of the elite commanders of the Green Berets and was trusted with some of the highest missions of the US. He thinks from both the 10,000-foot view point to ensure he and his tribe achieve the mission in the most risk-mitigating ways possible. He is now a civilian aft