Sex, Money & Food

112: Living A Soul-Fueled Life, with Amber Lilyestrom



    Welcome to this edition of The Sex, Money and Food podcast! Today’s guest is yet another amazing woman: Amber Lilyestrom. She’s a branding and business strategist, writer, speaker, wife and mother. She also hosts The Soul Fueled CEO podcast and loves supporting visionaries, leaders and disruptivators changing their lives and the world around them.Today we talk about how becoming a mom led to becoming an entrepreneur and business owner, what her eating disorder showed her about self-love and so much more. Join us on this enlightening adventure we call episode 112 of the Sex, Money and Food podcast!   More About This Show   When Amber became pregnant with her daughter she instinctively knew she was being led to leave her corporate career. It was a hard realization, but she knew that was where she needed to go next. That instinct was only made more real when during her daughter's birth she had a near-death experience, what she calls an awakening. She knew the truth of what she was here to do, and it wasn’t t