Gracelife Sarasota

Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.16- Why God? How Long?



Have you ever been frustrated with God? Why does God allow His children suffer at the hands of evil in this world? I’m not talking about suffering because of our own choices, that’s not suffering, that’s consequences. I am talking about paying a price for identifying with Jesus, the Gospel, and the Kingdom of Heaven. Globally, there are over 90,000 people killed each year because of their faith. Mostly in Africa, Asia, & the middle east. Paul says we should be joyful when we suffer because of Jesus or the Gospel (though Americans can’t really relate). This is one of those truths in scripture we all nod w/a serious face & say “Amen”, but secretly hope we are spared. Why can’t the prosperity Gospel be a real thing? Why can’t we just expect blessings to flow when we follow Jesus? And what is a proper response to real persecution? Just smile, remain stoic, strong, brave, act unphased? Why is this kind of suffering even necessary? Why doesn’t J