Sex, Money & Food

105: Taking Responsibility For Your Life, with Kristy Arnett



Welcome to this of The Sex, Money and Food podcast! Do you see a connection between emotional IQ and playing poker professionally? There is a link and our guest has found it. Kristy Arnett is an emotional intelligence (EQ) coach and a professional poker player.   Today she joins us to talk about that link, how she utilizes her ability to read others and their ability to read her and how she coaches people on taking calculated risks in their lives to achieve the dreams they desire most. Listen in for that and more on episode 105 of Sex, Money and Food.   More About This Show Kristy Arnett got into poker back in 2003, about the same time so many others did either playing at home or playing online. She’s always been competitive so when the guys on her college soccer team started playing she joined them, which is also how she met her husband.   In her senior year of college they moved to Vegas and she began reporting on soccer and then playing professionally. Today she plays professionally while also being an EQ