Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

The Art of Adventure with explorer, scientist and podcast host Derek Loudermilk #47



When was the last time you truly got outside your comfort zone or just went on a new adventure? How did you feel during it? (Probably a bit terrified.) And afterwards? (Probably a bit awesome.) Today's blog and podcast is looks at getting outside your comfort zone. (If you'd like to see a video of me getting outside my comfort zone on a hoverboard, scroll down to the bottom of this blog.) Derek Loudermilk is a former professional cyclist and scientist turned full-time traveler and adventurer. He hosts one of the top rated self-help podcasts, The Art of Adventure and he's with me today on Zestology.  On this show. What would life be like if you upped sticks and travelled round the world recording podcasts indefinitely? (Not that I'm jel!) How might you use adventure for creativity, confidence, and storytelling? What is the science behind how to get more charisma? What is a simple tip you can use right now to become more charismatic and effective as a communicator? Derek and I recorded a double-header podcast