Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Your best night's sleep ever? And other wellness musings with Lifestylist Luke Storey #69



Coming up: Unusual solutions for getting better sleep. (Warning - one of these involves sellotaping something to your forehead) Why electric blankets are way bad for you. Supplements for more focus Why a cold bath might be the best thing you could do for yourself If you could cram as many crazy biohacking techniques for feeling optimal into one day as possible, what would you do? It's time for another fun podcast episode with my buddy, The LifeStylist Luke Storey. If you are interested in biohacking and trying out different techniques for mind and body, today's show is for you. With a special focus on sleep. This is the third time Luke has been on the show - he's very entertaining, knowledgeable and has also become a good friend.