Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

50 ways to look younger. Okay maybe not 50 but definitely one or two. With skin expert Andy Hnilo #91



“You have the worst facial injury I have ever seen” Those were the words Days of our Lives actor and Model Andy Hnilo heard when he came round after a horrific car accident in West Hollywood. His career, his health, and his dreams shattered, he spiralled into a long depression. And the thing he found that eventually lifted him out, provided his salvation. Andy now makes an incredible (I'm not using that word lightly) skincare brand with all natural ingredients. This stuff is the real deal. I'm a total convert. And yes, it's the first time ever I've been persuaded to use a clay mask.  Why you need to listen to this podcast: There are a lot of hidden nasties in your skincare products. A lot. I thought I'd sorted out mine, and then I grabbed one and read the ingredients out to Andy. I was in for a shock. Check out Andy Hnilo's awesome Alitura brand, and listen to Zestology.