

First up, I've been spending plenty of time out in nature this summer - trying to get a bit more primal. I walked up Snowdon (the highest mountain in England and Wales) a couple of weeks ago. So many of my Zestology podcast guests talk about the importance of getting back to nature, and being a bit more primal. Having climbed Snowdon I felt the same thing. Especially with emojis to help me on my way. This week's Zestology was also recorded outside, with Ayurveda expert Natalie Roper. Thousands of years before modern medicine provided scientific evidence for the mind-body connection, the sages of India developed Ayurveda. Which it turns out can massively sort you out. Listen to the podcast for more, or for a quick link, take this 'What's Your Dosha' test now. This was a lovely podcast to record - getting slightly sunburnt at Yoga Connects Festival outside, even if I'm not sure about the ghee fast Natalie was talking about.