Excellent Executive Coaching: Bringing Your Coaching One Step Closer To Excelling

EEC 207: Rethink How You Reengage with Your People with Pamela Hackett



Pamela Hackett, a management consultant is interview by Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC. What is employee engagement all about given the post-pandemic environment? How to raise your head from technology and connect with your people using simple yet innovative practices. How to systematically address the festering employee gripes that cause teams to disengage. Simple principles you can start using today to boost workplace connectedness. Pamela Hackett Pamela Hackett has advised, led, and supported people through major change within some of the world's most prominent companies and brands throughout her 35 years in management consulting. She is the Global CEO of the international consultancy Proudfoot. Hackett is on a quest to help all companies build engagement. Her new book, Manage to Engage: How Great Managers Create Remarkable Results (Wiley; April 6, 2021), is a compendium of ideas and resources. Excellent Executive Coaching Podcast If you have enjoyed this episode, subscribe to iTunes. We would love a review on