Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast

Green Justice #218: Deathstroke



If you thought Oliver had a handle on "Deathstroke", then you don't know Slade very well. Thea is being held by Slade and Brother Blood. And he's going to let the whole world know. Now Oliver is using all his time and resources to get her back. That means he can't be spending time running a business. So why not trust Isabell Rochev with that task? Even when Oliver has Quentin Lance arrest Slade, the treachery won't stop. Now secrets are out, Isabell reveals she's working with Slade, Roy leaves Starling City, and Lance is arrested. How's Oliver going to get out of this mess? Maybe Jay and Josh can figure something out on this week's Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!